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70 Cards in this Set

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supporting cells of the NS
-Chemically and physically protect the neuron.
-surround neuron and hold in place, insulate the neuron, act as housekeepers (clean up dead neurons)
Two types of supporting cells of the NS
Glia (or neuro glia) and Schwann Cells
Glia Cells
-most important cells of the NS
-Most important supporting cells of the CNS
-Surround neurons and hold them in place
- Insulate neurons
-“housekeepers” – destroy and remove dead neurons
- Control nutrient supply
cleaning up the debrea
types of glia cells
Radial Glia Cell
Glia Cell- most common
provides support for neurons in CNS; provides nutrients and other substances; regulates chemical composition of extracellular fluid. Their primary job is to clean the debris.
Radial Glia Cell
Present in neural development
transport neurons to their final destination in neural development
forms myelin sheaths around many axons. Their arms are the myelin. Form the myelin sheath around the central nervous system neurons . Insulate the neuron through myelin. 80% lipid and 20% protein
-Only lives in the central nervous system
-In MS these degenerate
act as phagocytes; protect brain from invading microorganisms aide in the immune system
-Inflammatory reaction of the brain
Schwann Cells
Located in the PNS and wrapped around a myelinated axon, providing one segment of its myelin sheath
Schwann Cells vs. Oligodendrocytes
o Schwann = PNS; Oligo = CNS
o Schwann = myelinates one axon; Oligo = myelinates many axons
o Schwann = aide in nerve regeneration; Oligo = no role in nerve regeneration
Blood-Brain Barrier
-A semi-permeable barrier between the blood and the brain produced by the cells in the walls of the brain’s capillaries
-Selectively permeable – only certain substances can cross
-FUNCTION: regulates balance and composition of fluids
-Transmission of messages from place to place in the brain depends on a delicate balance between substances with neurons and in the extracellular fluid that surrounds them
-Receive incoming messages from other neurons
-The part of the neuron that is altered during learning (which is growth of new dendrites and branching existing dendrites into more efficient means of communication)
Soma (Cell body)
the metabolic center of the neuron
the long, narrow, process that projects from the cell body
-starts at axon hillock and goes out to the terminal button
-covered by myelin sheath
-Information travels down the axon and goes out the terminal buttons and to other dendrites
Nodes of Ranvier
-the unmyelinated gaps between sections of myelin
Myelin sheath
a fatty insulin that coats the axon. Facilitates the nerve impulse, conduction of the nerve impulse. Helps the nerve impulse (action potential) to conduct more quickly and efficiently.
substances with opposing electrical charges
the movement of the ion across the membrane is key to the action potential
-Negative: anion
-Positive: cation
membrane potential
balance between (1) diffusion and (2) electrostatic pressure
process whereby molecules distribute themselves evenly throughout the medium in which they are dissolved (wherever they are)
-seeks to equally distribute the molecules high concen--> low concentration
-contribute to keeping the ion at -70
Electrostatic Pressure
the force exerted by attraction or repulsion of ions (moves ions)
-rule that says opposites will attract (anions and cations)
have to do with ion movement in and out of the cell
Axon Hillock
the cone-shaped region at the junction between the axon and the cell body
- where the action potential starts
Terminal Button
-: has synaptic vesicles which contain neuro chemicals called neurotransmitters.
-Secret neuro transmitters into the synapse (the space between neurons) and the next neibor neuron’s dendrite receives the message
gap between terminal button and dendrite
-chemical signals are transmitted
Synaptic Vesicles
-tiny packets of neurotransmitter molecules they tend cluster in button next to the presynaptic membrane
four IONS
Sodium: NA+, mostly lives outside cell
Potassium: K+, naturally lives inside the cell
Chloride: CL-, primarily outside cell
Anion: A-, only found inside the cell, can not move, organic ion
Axondendrite synapses
synapses on dendrites
-receives information on the dendrite and takes the action potential down the axon
Axosomatic synapses
synapses onto cell bodies
-the soma receives the message,
Axoaxonal synapses
synapses onto axons
-information is received by the axon on the node of ranvier
Cell membrane
the semipermeable membrane that encloses the neuron
-Composed of a double layer of lipid layer
the clear liquid of the neurons interior
-Gives the cell it’s bulk
Contents of the cytoplasm
o Mytochondria: little oval beads: provide energy for the cell
--Provides Adenosine triphospate (ATP)-which converts food into energy
o Microtubules: transport substances within the cell
--Axoplasmic transport
o Endoplasmic Reticulum: serves as a storage reservoir in the neuron. Involved in the production of protein.
- The Golgi apparatus
serves as the wrap and package of the neuron
Sodium potassium pump
live inside cells, roam around and escort out sodium
-force that continuously pumps Na+ out of axon
Sodium-potassium transporters
protein found in the membrane of all cells that exchange Na+ for K+
-Exchange = 3 Na+ OUT and 2 K+ IN
presynaptic membrane
The membrane of the transmitting neuron =
postsynaptic membrane
Message is received by the
synaptic cleft
These 2 membranes are separated by a small ga
3 Ways Synaptic Vesicles Release NT
1) kiss and stay- the vesicle fuses with the postsynaptic membrane and releases some NT, and then the fusion pore closes, sealing the vesicular membrane again. The vesicle remains in place.
2) Kiss and Leave: The vesicle releases NT and reseals but it leaves the docking site and mixes with other vesicles in the terminal button.
3) Merge and Recycle: The vesicle completely fuses with the postsynaptic membrane, losing its identity. Extra membrane from fused vesicles pinches off into the cytoplasm and forms endosomes, from which new vesicles are produced.
NT open ion channels by 2 methods
1) direct (ionotropic)
2) Indirect (metabotropic)
Decremental conduction
when a subthreshold depolarization is applied to the axon, the disturbance in the membrane potential is largest near the stimulating electrode and gets progressively smaller as it moves down the axon
Saltatory Conduction
conduction of AP in a myelinated axon
-dances all the way down the axon
-Axon passively conducts electrical disturbance from node à node
2 Advantages of Saltatory Conduction
1) ECONOMIC – because Na+ can enter axon ONLY at nodes of Ranvier, less gets in and less needs to be pumped out – expends less E to maintain Na+ balance- protects against static
2) SPEED – transmission between nodes is fast
Synaptic transmission
primary means of communication b/w neurons – transmission of messages from one neuron to another via a synapse
Postsynaptic potentials
brief depolarizations or hyperpolarizations that increase or decrease the rate of firing of the postsynaptic axons
--Produced by NT released at the synapse
Binding site
– location on a receptor protein to which a ligand binds
location on a receptor protein to which a ligand binds
--Shape of NT and shape of binding site are complementary!!
Structures Found in the Terminal Button
1) Microtubule – transports material between the soma and terminal button
2) Mitochondria – suggests that the terminal button needs E to perform its functions
3) Synaptic vesicle – small, rounded objects in shape of spheres or ovoids – found in terminal button
Postsynaptic density
postsynaptic membrane under the terminal button – caused by the presence of receptors and protein filaments that hold the receptors in place
Small synaptic vesicles
-contain NT molecules
-Produced in the Golgi apparatus – located in soma
-Carried by fast axoplasmic transport – to terminal button
Large synaptic vesicles
--large-dense core vesicles – contain one of the peptides
--Produced in the soma
--Transported via axoplasm to terminal button
--Transport proteins – fill vesicles with NT
--Trafficking proteins – involved in the release of NT and recycling of vesicles
Release of Neurotransmitter
When AP arrives at the terminal button – several synaptic vesicles (inside presynaptic membrane) fuse with membrane and break open, spilling their contents into the synaptic cleft
Activation of Receptors
1)Once NT reaches other end of synaptic cleft, they attach to binding sites of postsynaptic receptors
2) When binding occurs, postsynaptic receptors open NT-dependent ion channels and permit the passage of specific ions into or out of the cell
----Presence of NT in synaptic cleft allows particular ions to pass through the membrane, changing local membrane potential
Ionotropic Receptors
Direct opening
NT binds--> ion channel opens--> ions enter
Metabotropic Receptors
Most Common mode
Chain of chemical events that open the door
1. NT binds to receptor
2. activates G potein (live in Postsynaptic membrane)
3. activates enzyme which activates second messenger
4. Second messenger is activated then it opens ION channel
5. Once ION channel is open then ION can enter cell
Postsynaptic potential is determined by?
Excitatory Postsynaptic potential
NT-dependent Na+ channel – MOST IMPORTANT SOURCE OF EPSPs!!
NT dependent Na+ channel
collection of NT just liberated by terminal button back into its membrane and is repack/wrapped into a vesicle
Enzyme deactivation
Enzyme destroys deactivation
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE)
Enzyme that destroys Ach (acetylcholine)
enters ION channel
leaves ION channel
enters ION channel
Calicium (Ca2+)
Activates enzyme which acts as secondary messenger
Two other molecules that chemical communication
1. Neuromodulators
2. Hormones
A naturally secreted substance that acts like a NT except that it is not restricted to the synaptic cleft but diffuses through the extracellular fluid
– chemical substances released by endocrine glands that have effects on target cells and other organs