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99 Cards in this Set

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What triggers breathing when the fetus is expelled from the birth canal?
In response to the temperature and environment the CNS triggers breathing
At birth the lungs are filled with fluid and are not inflated. How do the lungs become functional after birth?
-fetal catecholamines reduce fluid secretion
-thorax compression expels lung fluid
Why do we have to remove fluid from the fetus' lungs and mouth during a C-section but not natural birth?
because with a C section the thorax of the fetus isn't compressed like with natural birth
What 3 things must happen in the lungs for the fetus to be able to take its first breath?
1) Reduced pulmonary vascular resistance
-as lungs expand capillary beds expand= reduced resistance
2) Increased alveolar surface area
3) More surfactant is expressed into alveoli to prevent atelectasis
What are 4 adaptations the fetus must make to survive extrauterine life?
1) Breathing
2) Blood flow
3) Nutrition
4) Temperature homeostasis
What makes placental blood flow reduce after parturition?
As blood flows the through the lungs it becomes oxygenated, returns to the left heart, exits aorta and enters umbilical arteries and they constrict reducing placental blood flow
What causes closure of the foramen ovale after birth?
Pulmonary blood flow increases and so does the left atrial pressure which closes the foramen ovale
What causes constriction of the dustus arteriosus?
Blood flow through the ductus arteriosus reduces and oxygenated blood in the aorta causes it to constric
What severs the umbilical cord during natural birth?
Either by mom or fetus standing up or chewing through it
When adapting to extrauterine life a baby transitions from a continuous energy source to _______.
intermittent feeding
Why is it important for neonates to nurse frequently?
Have minimal fat stores so become quickly hypoglycemic ---> hypothermia--> lose ability to nurse---> a terrible circle until they die
What are 4 reasons you have to make sure to keep a neonate warm?
1) Born wet with a large surface are
2) very little insulation
3) inability to shiver
4) High water content
What are 3 mechanisms that neonates used to preserve core body temperatures?
1) Non-muscular thermogenesis (brown fat)
2) Curl up
3) Vasoconstriction of skin circulation
-why they're cold to touch
How is brown fat used for energy?
Loaded with mitochondria = metabolically hyperactive
-beta oxidation of lipids --> thermal energy + glucose
What 6 things do all newborns need?
1) Warm microenvironment
2) Dry off
3) Nourishment
4) Clear airway
5) Freedom from overwhelming infectious organisms
-oral, umbilical stump
6) Protection from trauma
-mommas can crush baby
What should a dam (dog)/ queen usually do to resuscitate their newborn? (3)
1) Licks off fetal membranes
2) bites off umbilical cord
3) Lick newborn to stimulate it and move it close to stay warm
How long should you wait to intervene when a dam/ queen is showing no interest in her babies?
30-60 secs
What are the 4 things you do when a dam or queen has a baby and doesn't show interest after 30-60 seconds?
1) Wipe neonate with a warm towel and clear nose and mouth
2) Use DeLee's mucus trap on nostrils and mouth
4) clamp cord 1/4" from body wall then tie off
What should you do if the dam is savaging the pups? (4)
1) Tranquilize the dam
2) Use placental fluid and rub on puppy
3) oxytocin
4) dog appeasing pheromone
Where should you put pups after stimulating them?
Small vented box w/ a Snuggle Safe
-mother should be able to see and hear her pups
If a puppy/ kitten isn't responding to rubbing, suctioning or stimulation in 30-60 sec what should you do?
-suction airway again
-provide oxygen via tight face mask at high flow (intubate if not effective in 3-5 min (2 mm tube or iv cath in trachea))
What can be done that's referred to extensive resuscitation of puppies/kittens?
1) -Jen chung GV26 stimulation w/ 25 g needle clockwise (stimulates respiration)
2) chest compressions
3) epinephrine (interosseous or IV)
What temperature do you want to keep pups/kittens when they're new borns?
86-90 F and 55-60% humidity
In puppies and kittens suckling stimulates discharge of ________.
Why is colostrum so important in puppies and kittens?
Only a very small amount of IgG is transferred across the placenta
Puppies must receive adequate colostrum so what are 2 things that you can do if a puppy can't/won't nurse?
-Give maternal serum orally within 12 hour
-Can give fresh frozen plasma SQ later (HemoPet)
What are 3 things you can do in a dam (dog) to that has inadequate milk production?
1) Microdoses of oxytocin
-can drip on mother’s nose or give SQ, sitmulates myoepithelial cells in mammary gland to contract and inhibits prolactin inhibiting factory-->increased prolactin--> lactogenesis
2) Metaclopramide or domperidone orally
-dopamine inhibitors which increaes prolactin
3) Acupuncture L14 and SI1
How often should you weigh a newborn small animal? How much should they gain?
At birth then twice a day
-may lose some wt first 24 h (not >10%)
-should gain 5-10% daily after that
In a neonate its weight should double by day _____.
What can you do if a puppy/kitten needs supplemental feeding?
-esbilac, Kitten milk replacement
-bottle or tube feed
-stimulate to defecate/urinate (take a cotton ball and rub under tail)
When observing newborn kids and lambs from a distance on the day of birth, what are six things you should look for?
1) Has the placenta been removed from the face?
2) Is the kid/ lamb moving?
3) Is the kid/ lamb breathing?
4) Is the kid/ lamb trying to stand?
5) Is the kid/ lamb nursing/ trying to nurse?
6) Is there meconium staining?
What is the significance of meconium staining on a new born lamb/ kid?
Meconium is a dark green fecal material that accumulates in the fetal intestine
-sphincters release meconium during the birthing process if neonate becomes hypoxic, so when see this staining the fetus was hypoxic- sets up for issues like dumby foals that can't nurse etc
Lamb survival rate is correlated with _________.
What happens to the fetus when there's poor nutrition in lambs during early pregnancy?
Small lamb is born
About how much should a newborn single lamb weight? Twins? Triplets? Which has the lowest survival rate?
Single: 12-15 lbs
Twin: 11-13 lbs
Triplets < 9 lbs
-*triplets lowest survival rate bc are lowest body weight
What are the first three things you should check on a newborn lamb or kid?
Clear airway
Check breathing
Inspect navel
Why do we strip the teats of of ewes and does after parturition? How do we strip the teats?
Because when the dams aren't lactating they can get a keratin plug in the streak canal- so sometimes the lambs can't suck hard enough to remove the plug so we have to squirt and remove it
Why is colostrum intake so important in new born lambs and kids?
Provides antibodies and energy
When should newborn lambs and kids start nursing?
within 30-60 minutes
How much weight should newborn small animals gain in the first two hours? first 24 hours?
first 2 hrs: 5% BW
First 24 hours: 20% BW
Why do you always heat colostrum (say using cow or goat colostrum) before giving it to newborn lambs and kids?
To prevent CAE/ OPP transmission
Why do we put the dam and the newborn lambs/ kids in a claiming pen?
forces the mother to stay with the babies and make sure babies and momma bonds
What injection do most people give to newborn lambs and kids?
Selenium (BoSe)
When should a newborn kid breathe?
Within 30-60 seconds
-rub head and chest with a dry towel
What are 3 things you can do if a newborn kid isn't breathing within 30-60 seconds?
1) Provide oxygen
2) Jen Chung GV26- 20 g needle
3) Apply chest compressions
Explain the 4 steps to performing artificial respiration for a newborn kid?
-pass a stomach tube to mid-neck region
-Pinch off esophagus just below where you feel the end of the tube
-close kid's mouth and nose
-Blow into tube to inflate lungs (air flows up esophagus and down windpipes)
What should you do in valuable kids at 18-24 hours after birth?
Have serum IgG measured to see if passive transfer was adequate
Why do you have to make sure not to overdose newborn kids with selenium?
Worry about them convulsing
-give small kids 1/4 cc BoSe
-large kids 1/2 cc BoSe
How long is frozen colustrum good for?
up to a year
- put in 25-500 mL aloquots
-can use ice cube trays or zip lock bags
What can you do if a newborn dam can't nurse from the dam and there's no goat colostrum around?
Can use sheep or cow colostrum in a pinch
**colostrum substitutes do not work for goats
How do you feed a kid colostrum? How much do you feed?
Pass stomach tube
-feed 50 mL/kg within two hours or just give 2 oz every 2 hours until nursing
How should you thaw frozen colostrum and why?
Thaw at just above room temperature
- if microwave colostrum then it denatures the proteins
What are 4 causes of starvation in new borns?
1) No milk
2) Mastitis
3) too many babies
4) Poor mothering
When will you start to notice signs that a newborn baby is starving? What are the signs?
Over 5 hours old
-head down
-can't hold head up
-arched back
-temp below 98 F
What is the treatment for a starving newborn?
Careful observation
How much milk do lambs need per day?
10 lb lamb needs a quart of milk per day
What is the downhill spiral of starving newborns?
Malnutrition--> hypoglycemia & lack of energy---> cold, weak, can't nurse--> malnutrition
What can you give to a cold, weak kid to provide some energy?
-Administer glucose intraperitoneal (2 parts 50% glucose and 3 parts sterile water, mix and warm)
-tube w/ colostrum
-retreat in 4 h if not nursing
How often should you check the temp of a cold, weak kid?
Every 5-10 min
-can use heat lamp, hair dryer
-place in heat box til 102 degrees
-if temp is below 98 immerse in 102 degree water
What can you do if the umbilicus doesn't spontaneously break at ~5 cm from the body wall when the foal or mare attempts to rise?
Break (NOT cut) manually- wear gloves
-dip cord in chlorhexidine
When should a newborn foal nurse? What should you do if they don't?
Within 2-3 hours
-if not give colostrum via bottle or tube
What should you do if a newborn foal has not defecated within 4 hours? Why?
Enema to reduce discomfort of meconium passage
When do you perform the initial exam of a newborn foal? What all should you look at?
Usually within first few hours
-evaluate general condition, strength, mental status, ability to nurse
-observe for normal urination, defecation
-walk foal walk and obeserve confirmation
-auscultate heart and lungs - check for functional ribs
-palpate umbilicus
What should you look for if a foal is not urinating or defecating?
Ruptured bladder
Dried meconium
what should you do in a new born foal if its been more than 8 hours since it sucked?
Check IgG
Why do you examine the eyes in a newborn foal?
Check for cataracts
What is the normal temp of a newborn foal? HR? RR?
Temp: 99-102 F
HR: 80-130 b/ min
RR: 60-80 b/ min -usually slows down by second day
CRT < 1 sec
What do you need to examine the mare's udder for after foaling?
waxing: colostrum that conjeals as it begins to drip
Should you steer a newborn foal to the dam's udder? Why or why not?
No, avoid this- give it time to explore for ~2 hours
-seems to upset mare and foal
What can you do if it's been over 2 hours and a foal still hasn't nursed?
-May need to help foal find nipple or tranquilize mare
-milk some colostrum on to your fingers and put into foal's mouth to encourage nursing behavior then move fingers to teat
________should be given to newborn foals if the dam is unvaccinated?
Tetanus Anti-Toxin
What are the 3 steps to resuscitating a compromised foal?
1) Clear the airway
-remove membranes & debris from nostrils
2) Ventilate
3) Circulation
-chest compressions
-after 2 min no breath= epi
What are 2 ways to provide ventilation for newborn foals?
Mouth to nose
Mask to nose
what are the 4 steps in taking care of newborn calves?
1) Dry calf off w/ towels or straw
2) Leave calf near rear-parts of mother
3) Check cow's udder for milk flow- don't get kicked!
4) Turn mother loose
-if mother has a heifer keep her confined until she has bonded w/ her calf
How long should you wait before tubing or bottling feed colostrum to a calf that won't nurse?
1 hour
What should you do if a calf is not breathing within 30 seconds of birth?
-clear mucus from nose and mouth
- pour cold water on head
-tickle inside of nostrils
What should you do if a cow does not lick its calf?
Rub it with a dry towel
What is "weak calf syndrome"
Weak, slow, unable to rise or nurse
-dummy calves
What are 8 causes of "dummy" calves?
1) Bad weather (cold and/or wet) resulting in hypothermia
2) Poor nutrition for cows in late gestation (thin cows)
3) BVD infection
4) Calf involved in a dystocia (difficult calving)
5) White muscle disease
-selenium deficiency
6) Leptospirosis
7) Trauma to the calf
-being stepped or laid upon
8) Age of the cow
-higher incidence in calves born to heifers and very old cows
What are 2 ways to identify weak calves?
1) all calves should get up and nurse within one hour of birth
2) A calf born with brown to yellow staining of the haircoat (meconium) indicates calf was likely stressed during birth
-dry off w/ towels and warming in a hotbox or w/ calf blanket
What do you dip newborn calf navels into?
7% tincture of iodine
-tincture= alcohol= dries off good
How much colostrum should a newborn calf get within the 2 hours of birth?
1 gall of colostrum
-warm colostrum is best
-colostrum supplement helpful
What are the 8 things that should be done to a newborn calf (day 1)?
1) Identify calf & record
2) Dip navel
-7% iodine
3) Check temperature
-warm calf if less than 100F
4) Look over calf
5) Check for meconium staining
6) Oral vaccines BEFORE colostrum
7) BoSe injection
8) Determine if calf has sucked
What are the 3 basic requirements of a new born pig?
1) Good environment
2) Adequate and regular nutrition
3) Safety from disease and crushing
What are the 4 things to evaluate on a newborn baby pig?
1) Was gestation full term?
2) Is amniotic fluid or meconium stained?
3) Pig trying to breathe
4) Pig moving w/ good strength
-*if yes to all 4 leave the piglet alone!
What should you do if a piglet is gasping or not breathing? (4)
-Supplement oxygen if gums are purple but piglet is breathing
-give mouth to snout if not breathing
-administer dopram (under tongue or inject into base of tongue)
-stimulate breathing by placing 20 g needle into base of snout
After resuscitating a baby pig it should be reavluated every 30 seconds. What are 4 ways to evaluate the pig?
1) Respiration
2) Heart rate and strength
3) Mucous membrane color
4) Temperature
How should you warm a chilled piglet?
-dry pig thoroughly
-heat lamp
-heat pad
-wrap in towels
-hold close to your body
-wrap in saran wrap and place under heat lamp
What should you do if a baby pig has a low heart rate but is breathing?
-Apply chest compressions (90/ min) to chest behind elbows
-mouth to snout every 2-3 seconds
65% of all post-farrowing deaths occur in the first ____ days of life.
-42% are from crushing
Why is it important to disinfect the farrowing area for pigs?
Baby pigs are born immunologically 'naked'
-make sure they get colostrum
Why is it really important to provide heat and eliminate drafts for piglets?
Baby pigs have very little body fat
What can you do with a weak pig to make sure it doesn't get crushed by the sow?
Move them away until stronger
-creep areas on both sides of the sow keeps pig out of the danger zone
What temperature should newborn piglets be kept at?
90 degrees F
-lighter, small pigs need extra attention: heated creep boxes, carpet, deep shavings
What should be used to disinfect piglet navels?
Tincture of iodine
What can you do to equalize the litter size of sows?
If several sows are farrowing within a 24 hour period, pigs can be transferred successfully from one sow to another
-transfer bigger pigs not runts
-best results if transferred first 3 days of life and received colostrum before transfer
What are 6 procedures that should be performed on piglets the day after birth?
1) Clip needle teeth
-so pigs don't fight or traumatize udder
2) Dock tails
3) Iron shots
-if raised on concrete
4) Ear notch
5) Castrate
6) Light weight pigs- give additional 15 cc replacer every 12 h for 7 days
How can you tell if a piglet is getting enough food?
How to determine exactly how much they're getting
-piglets that are hungry are not as content, will act hungry, or may be lethargic if they have been hungry for too long
What are te 3 pieces of equipment needed to tube feed a pig?
1) Colostrum
-any specie but pig is best
2) Rubber tube
3) Syringe (20 mL)
-Easy to do!