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88 Cards in this Set

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Where are the EKG changes seen in an Inferior MI and what vessels are involved?
. II, III, aVF
. Right Coronary artery
What's the most significant complication of a VSD?
. Infective endocarditis
What is pulsus tardus et parvus? What conditions is it associated with?
. A carotid upstroke that is diminished and delayed, weak carotid upstroke.
. Associated with aortic stenosis.
What are some of the EKG changes seen with pericarditis?
. Difuse ST segment elevations
. Increased ESR levels
. Low grade fever
How do you make a diagnose of infective endocarditis?
. Obtain 3 different blood samples for culture over a 24 hour period.
What's the TX for cor pulmonale?
. Pulmonary vasodilators such as prostacyclins (epoprostenol)
. Antiendothelins (Bosentant)
. CCB's
. Ultimate TX is heart-lung transplant
What do you give to penicillin allergic pts for endocarditis prophylaxis?
. Clindamycin or
. Azythromycin or
. Cephalosporins
How many times do you draw Troponin I or T before an MI is ruled out?
. Every 8 hours three times before MI is ruled out
A holosystolic murmur along the sternal border that increases with inspiration should make you think of what condition?
. Tricuspid regurgitation
( Murmur is usually faint, this is called the Carvallo sign)
Which medication will decrease mortality in left ventricular systolic dysfunction and NYHA class III-IV heart failure?
. Spironolactone
What are some classic presentation of lyme disease?
. Palpitations with varying degree of AV block
What is the TX for supraventricular tachycardias?
. IV verapamil or
. IV adenosine
What increases HDL levels?
. Exercise
. Estrogen
. 1-2 alcoholic drinks /day
What medication do you prescribe on pts with pericarditis?
. NSAIDs (such as indomethacin to decrease inflammation)
What do you use to decrease LDL levels?
. Statins
What are the characteristics of an aortic stenosis murmur?
. Harsh systolic ejection murmur ( on the aortic area that radiates to the carotids)
. Slow pulse upstroke (pulsus tardus et parvus)
. audible S3/S4
. Ejection click
. Cardiomegaly
. Syncope with angina and CHF
What are the signs of constrictive pericarditis and what is the TX?
. Pericardial knock
. Pericardial calcification
. Normal ventricular biopsy
. Kussmaul sign (increased neck vein distention on inspiration)
. TX by removing the pericardium
How does the left ventricular wall appears on echocardiograms of pts with amyloidosis?
. With a "speckled pattern"
What is a significant side effect of amiodarone?
. Hypothyroidism or
. Hyperthyroidism
What are the lipid levels found on metabolic syndrome?
. TG's >150 and
. HDL < 40
What's the TX for CHF?
. Sodium restriction
. ACE inhibitors (decrease mortality)
. BBs (decrease mortality)
. Diuretics
. Digoxin (moderate to severe CHF with decreased EF)
. Vasodilators
What are the characteristics of an aortic regurgitation murmur?
. Early - Diastolic decrescendo murmur (apex)
. Widened pulse pressure
. LV dilation
. S3
. Bounding peripheral pulses
How does nitroprusside helps in acute MI?
. it decreased afterload in heart failure and therefore, increases stroke output as left ventricular end-diastolic pressure falls
. It's an arterial vasodilator
Which pts should be started on anticoagulation with IV heparin after an MI?
. pts with cardiac thrombus
. Large area of diskinetic ventricle
. Severe congestive heart failure
In which 2 cardiac conditions the murmur increases with the vasalva maneuver or when the pt moves from squatting to standing?
. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
. Mitral valve prolapse
(they decrease with squatting to lying down and with hand grip)
Which medication has shown benefit for pts only in NYHA class III or class IV heart failure?
. Spironolactone
A persistently wide split S2 is associated with which pt?
. RBBB pts or
. Pulmonic stenosis or
. PE or
. Ectopic beats in the left ventricle
What LDH levels would be used to determine an MI?
(takes 24 hours to become +)
What are some normal lipid levels?
. Total cholesterol goal is <200, >240 is high
. Normal TGs is <150, >200 is high
What are some 2nd causes of hyperlipidemia?
. Uncontrolled DM
. Hypothyroidism
. Uremia
. Nephrotic syndrome
. Obstructive liver disease
. Alcohol
. Meds ( BBs, corticosteroids, OCPs, thiazides)
An increased or audible S3 and S4 represents what?
. S3 - volume problems
. S4 - pressure problems
How long does the stable angina pain usually persists?
. < 20 minutes
Improved cardiovascular outcomes in pts with DM have been demonstrated after reduction of diastolic pressures to which levels?
. < 80 mmHg
(recommended BP is 135/80)
What are the characteristics of a mitral regurgitation murmur?
. Holosystolic murmur (radiates to the axilla)
. Soft S1
A pt with normal cardiac enzymes and ST depression should make you suspect of what condition?
. Unstable angina
What are the lipid levels (LDL) that warrant intervention?
. 0 CHD risks - Diet if >160, meds if >190
. 1-2 CHD risks - Diet if >130, meds if > 160
. >2 risks - Diet if >100, meds if >130
(CHD equivalents are DM, PAD, Abd aneurysm)
(If CAD equivalent, then meds if >100)
Patients undergoing GU (GI or genitourinary) procedures should receive which prophylaxis for endocarditis?
. Gentamycin
What decreases HDL?
. Smoking
. Androgens
. Progesterone
. Hypertriglyceridemia
What cardiac conditions are associated with hyperthyroidism?
. A Fib
. Sinus tachycardia
(check TSH)
How does a LBBB presents?
. With a "W" pattern on V1-V4
- W pattern in LBBB in V1-V4
What agent is used in an MI with EF <40%?
. ACE inhibitors
(decrease mortality, everything else give BBs)
What's the 1st line of TX for increased cholesterol?
. Niacin
How do you diagnose WPW syndrome?
. Childhood
. Dizzy or dyspneic or syncope after playing then recovering with no other symptom
. delta wave (right before QRS)
When do you use amiodarone or lidocaine with MIs?
. If V tach develops
(don't use it prophylactic)
What are the characteristics of a mitral stenosis murmur?
. Late-diastolic blowing murmur (at the apex)
. opening snap
. Loud S1
. Atrial fibrillation
. PH
How does a PDA presents?
. Constant, machine like murmur in upper left border
. Dyspnea and CHF
How do you close and open a PDA?
. close with indomethacin, open with PGE1
What is a PDA associated with?
. Congenital rubella
. High altitudes
How do you TX V tach?
. Amiodarone or
. Lidocaine
What should you see on the EKG after an MI?
. Flipped or flattened T waves
. ST segment elevation
. Q waves
Pt with normal cardiac enzymes and ST segment elevation should make you suspect of what condition and what is the TX?
. Variant (prinzmetal's ) angina
. TX acutely with nitro and long term with CCB's
Where are the changes seen in the EKG of an anterior MI? What vessels are involved?
. V2-V4
How often do you screen for hyperlipidemia?
. Every 5 years starting @ 20.
(screen for LDL, HDL, cholesterol and TGs)
What are the characteristics of a mitral prolapse murmur?
. Mid-systolic click or late-systolic murmur
(Associated with panic disorder)
What is one of the MCC of pericarditis?
. Renal failure (uremic pericarditis)
How is Mobitz type I also called and what is it?
. Wenckebach phenomenon
. Progressive lengthening of the PR interval (PR>200 msec)
. TX: reassurance
What's the most common cardiac tumor of adults and where is it located?
. Atrial myxoma
. 90% on left atrium
. TX: with resection
When do you consider prophylaxis on pts with MVP for endocarditis?
. Only if a murmur is heard on PE or
. PT has a hx of endocarditis
What are some symptoms of digitalis toxicity?
. Xanthopsia/verdopsia = yellow-green casts to the vision
. Bradycardia
. Arrhythmia
What type of heart defect is associated with FA syndrome, TORCH syndrome or Down syndrome?
. VSDs
Where are the EKG changes seen in a lateral MI and what vessels are involved?
. I, aVL, V5, V6
. LAD or circumflex
How do you treat right ventricular infarcts?
. Give fluids
What are some meds that have shown to improve survival in MI pts?
. BBs
. antiplatelet agents (aspirin)
. warfarin
. decreasing of lipid levels
How do you tell CHF from BNP levels?
. BNP <100 - CHF unlikely
. BNP 100-500 - CHF suspicious
. BNP >500 - CHF or another acute or serious cardiovascular disorder
What is an appropriate prophylaxis for a pt undergoing a dental procedure with a MVP?
. Amoxicillin, 3g PO 1 hour before a procedure, and 1.5g 6 hours later
The onset of pericarditis is an absolute indication to start what tx?
. Hemodialysis
What are some of the risk factors for CHD?
. Age (men >45, women >55)
. FHx of CHD (Mi-like in male <55, female <65)
. smoking (>10 cigs/day)
. HTN (or anti-HTN meds)
. Low HDL (<40)
How do you diagnose/detect endocarditis?
(transesophageal echocardiography)
When do you use thrombolitics for acute MI?
. Up to 6 hours if pt meets strict criteria
What's a common lung phenomena that happens with administration of nitroprusside?
. The intrinsic ability of the lungs to match ventilation with perfusion via vasoconstriction in underventilated areas is lost.
This creates large V/Q mismatch areas that lead to profound hypoxia
Sildenafil (viagra) is contraindicated with what other medication?
. Any nitrogen containing medication due to profound hypotension and possible death
What is the presentation of an ASD?
. Asymptomatic until adulthood
. Fixed , split S2
. Palpitations
(secundum type is most common - 80%)
(Primum type is most common in Down's syndrome)
How do you TX severe sinus bradycardia?
. Atropine
What is metabolic syndrome?
. Syndrome of insulin resistance or
. Pre-diabetic state
. HTN + abdominal obesity + insulin resistance + dyslipidemia
What's the MCC of constrictive pericarditis in the USA?
. Idiopathic
What do you give to standard pts for endocarditis prophylaxis?
. Amoxicillin before and after the procedure
Is HOC a systolic or diastolic dysfunction and how do you TX?
. Diastolic dysfunction
. TX with BBs
(Digoxin, diuretics and vasodilators are contraindicated)
How does a VSD presents?
. Holosystolic murmur next to sternum
. MC congenital heart defect
What are the clues for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
. Left ventricular dysfunction
. Impaired diastolic filling
. thick interventricular septum
. outflow obstruction
. Systolic murmur - increases with vasalva (because it decreases left ventricular filling)
How does a RBBB presents?
. with a "M" pattern on V1-V2.
- M pattern for RB on V1-V2
How do you TX WPW syndrome?
. Procainamide or
. Quinidine
(avoid digoxin and verapamil)
Where is the murmur of MVP best heard at?
. Over the mitral valve area
(radiates to the cardiac apex)
Which murmurs are accentuated during the vasalva maneuver?
How do you TX A. Fib?
. Stable:
- Anticoagulation
- Control rate - digoxin
- BBs
. Unstable:
- Asynchronous cardioversion
When treating an MI, O2 saturation should be kept at which level?
. >90%
EKG showing ST segment depression with pain, that then reverts to normal when pain stops should make you think of what condition?
. Stable Angina
EKG showing ST segment depression with prolonged chest pain what does not respond to nitroglycerin should make you think what?
. Unstable Angina
How do you treat superficial thrombophlebitis?
. NSAIDs or
. Aspirin