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23 Cards in this Set

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Cardiac Output
@ rest ~5L/min
rest of body depends on it
CO = HR x SV
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Factors Affecting HR
Negative chronotropic & dromotropic effects
-SA node, atria, & AV node have parasymp vagal innervation
-ventricle has limited innerv.
-NT = Ach
-acts on muscarinic receptors
-Neg Chronotropic effect: decreases HR by decreasing rate of phase 4 depolarization
-less Na channels, less steep longer time to reach threshold
-fewer AP occur in time bc threshold is reached slower & less frequently
-Neg dromotropic effect: decrease CV thru AV node
-ECG: PQ segment will be longer, longer periods of time bw QRS segments
Sympathetic Nervous System
Factors Affecting HR
-SA node, atria, AV node, & ventricles have symp innerv (T1-4)
-NT = NE acts on B1 receptors
-Pos. Chronotropic: increases HR by rate of phase 4 depolarization
-more AP occur per unit time bc the threshold pot is reached more quickly & therefore more freq
-more Na channels opened fires @ faster rate
-Pos. Dromotropic: increase CV thru AV node
-problem when ventricles don't fill properly (lower SV) which decreases CO, less blood to systemic in each pump
Hormone Factors Affecting HR
-Epi/NE: adrenal medulla, exert similar as SNS,
-imp during stress, exercise, & excitement
+ chrono & drono

-Thyroid (T3&4): elevate HR @ rest
-feels like racing heart (pounding chest)
-upregulate B1 receptors (increase # of receptors on tissue) thus more receptors to bind to = more physiological response
Ion Factors Affecting HR
-hyperkalemia & hypokalemia can decrease HR (K)
-age: younger = faster HR metabolic demand higher bc growth, older = HR age slower
-Male/Female: males tend to have slower HR
-Fitness: marathon runners, resting HR ~40 (very low) bc CO is so high, can pump out a lot of blood in 1 stroke
-Body Temp: high = high HR, low = low HR
Factors Affecting Stroke Volume
-Preload (Frank-Starling Mxn)
-Inotropism (cardiac contractility)
-heart very elastic, load/stretch on ventricular cardiac muscle before it contracts
-F-S law: w/in physiological limits (intrinsic influence); more ventricles are filled the more force of contraction = heterometric regulation
Length-Tension Relationship in the Ventricle
-F-S law works in physiol. limits
-increase in EDV cause increase in ventricular fiber length which produces an increase in tension
-heart has a range of length that it can form the most cross-bridges
-stretched too far: myosin & actin too far from one another can't make x-bridges
-not stretched/compacted: overlap of actin/myosin blocks ability of x-bridges to interact
Stretch-Calcium Relationship
-stretch of myocardium by ventricular filling enhance affinity of troponin C for Ca & increase Ca uptake & release from SR
-more Ca = greater force of contraction
Cardiac Contractility
-independent of F-S law, extrinsic influence
-SNS has + inotropic effect on heart: cause increase in SV at a constant preload
-enhance contractility = more complete ejection (lower ESV & greater SV)
-homometric regulation
Factors Affecting Stroke Volume
-Preload (Frank-Starling Mxn)
-Inotropism (cardiac contractility)
-heart very elastic, load/stretch on ventricular cardiac muscle before it contracts
-F-S law: w/in physiological limits (intrinsic influence); more ventricles are filled the more force of contraction = heterometric regulation
Length-Tension Relationship in the Ventricle
-F-S law works in physiol. limits
-increase in EDV cause increase in ventricular fiber length which produces an increase in tension
-heart has a range of length that it can form the most cross-bridges
-stretched too far: myosin & actin too far from one another can't make x-bridges
-not stretched/compacted: overlap of actin/myosin blocks ability of x-bridges to interact
Stretch-Calcium Relationship
-stretch of myocardium by ventricular filling enhance affinity of troponin C for Ca & increase Ca uptake & release from SR
-more Ca = greater force of contraction
Cardiac Contractility
-independent of F-S law, extrinsic influence
-SNS has + inotropic effect on heart: cause increase in SV at a constant preload
-enhance contractility = more complete ejection (lower ESV & greater SV)
-homometric regulation
Heart A:
EDV = 130ml

Heart B:
-EDV = 160ml
~7 L/min

Heart C:
-EDV = 130 ml

How C more than A?
Heart C under SNS control: NE on B1 receptors
-ventricle contracts more forcefully no matter how much blood is filling
-Heart C will have a lower ESV than Heart A bc contracting out more blood
Mechanism of Cardiac Contractility

Affects of B-Blockers
1. increase in inward Ca current during plateau of each cardiac AP

2. increase the activity of the SERCA pumps
-more Ca accum by SER & thus more Ca is avail for release in subsequent beats

-decrease symp effect
-decrease HR & SV therefore inhibit these 2 mxns
-load of the heart must overcome after & while it contracts
-back pressure exerted on the aortic & pulmonary semilunar valves by arterial blood in the aorta & pulmonary trunk
-increase afterload: ventricle must pump blood against a higher pressure; result in lower SV
-decrease afterload: the ventricle pumps blood against a lower pressure; result in an increase in SV
Examples of increased afterload:
-vasoconstriction: (increased systemic vascular resistance)
-increased BV or viscosity

-vasodilators often used to decrease afterload, thus decrease myocardial O2 demand, decrease pressure
ex: nitroglycerine, liver rids of it quickly (high 1st pass effect) pt puts under tongue absorbs sublingually
CO/Performance enhanced by:
increase preload
increase inotropy
increase HR
decrease afterload
CO/Performance depressed by:
decrease preload
decrease inotropy
decrease HR
increase afterload
What's happening:
4 --> 1
1 --> 2
2 --> 3
3 --> 4
4-1: L ventricular filling (pressure slightly increasing)
1: mitral valve closes, EDV (S1)
-right after QRS complex
1-2: isovolumetric ventricular contraction (no change in V)
-pressure rising significantly
2: open aortic valve (decrease ventricular volume)
2-3: Rapid Ventricular Ejection
3: closer of aortic semilunar valve
3-4: isovolumentric ventricular relaxation
4: mitral valve opens
A: Increased preload
-more filling of L ventricle during diastole
-bc filled w/ more blood will have more contraction to move extra blood

B: Increased Afterload
-filling w/ same amt blood, L ventricle has to develop more pressure during contraction
-if afterload high - SV decreases

C: Increased contractility (inotropy)
-heart ejects a lot more blood