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81 Cards in this Set

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mean arterial pressure (MAP) def
pressure of moving blood through tissues
mean arterial pressure formula
= diastolic + (1/3) pulse pressure
mean arterial pressure depends on
metabolic (oxygen, nutrients) factors

myogenic factors (smooth muscle control)
pulse pressure def
pressure systolic- pressure diastolic
systolic pressure
peak arterial pressure in ventricular systole
systolic pressure range and unit
100-120 mmHg
diastolic pressure range and unit
60-80 mmHg
diastolic pressure def
minimum arterial pressure during ventricular diastole

aorta valve close
venous pressure def
amount of blood arriving at right atrium each minute
Because venous BP is too low for venous return, how is it helped?
the respiratory pump
the muscular grp
layers of smooth muscle
Averaged over a few heartbeats venous return is
equal to cardiac output
when you inhale venous pressure (increased/decreased)
osmotic pressure def
pressure that must be applied to prevent osmotic movement acossa membrane
osmotic pressure increases when
solute concentration
blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP)
is the osmotic created pressure when suspended proteins are unable to capillary walls.
BCOP average value
25 mmHg
BCOP increases
increases when lg plasma proteins are outside capillary walls are increased
intersitial colloid osmotic pressure value
net colloid osmotic pressure def
diff btwn:
blood colloid osmotic pressure
intersitial colloid osmotic pressure
net colloid pressure formula

(25 -0)
net osmotic pressures causes fluid to move in or out capillary
Fluid in capillary
net colloid pressure causes fluid to move in or out of capillary
fluid in capillary
hydrostatic pressure def
pressure created when something is moving through fluid.
hydrostatic pressure causes fluid to move in or out capillary
fluid out of capillary
capillary hydrostatic pressure (CHP) def
pressure within capillary beds
interstitial hydrostatic pressure
(IHP) has a value of
net filtration pressure (NFP)
net hydrostatic pressure
net osmotic pressure
NFP formula

If the NFP is increased
blood hydrostatic pressure increased

decreased plasma albumin
net CHP results in fluid loss/gain
loss of fluid out of capillary
the venous system serves as a
blood resevoir
large venous networks include
bone marrow
circulatory pressure def
change of pressure across systemic unit
btwn the base of the ascending aorta and the entrance to the right atrium
circulatory pressure average value
100 mmHg
ciruclatory pressure must overcome
total peripheral resistance
total peripheral resistance
resistance of entire of cardiovascular system
total peripheral resistance depends on
vascular resistance
blood viscosity
turbulent blood flow is caused by
blood flowing from large to small vessel

atherosclerosis and arterosclerosis affect what % of US
resistance increases
as vessel diameter decreases
a shorter blood vessel has
increased blood flow
what is an aneruysm
buldge in arterial wall
what causes an aneurysm
weak spot in elastic fibers
an aneursym can eventually lead to
if flow is doubled then blood pressure
if flow is increased, resistance
if flow is increased then what is increased, decreased
pressure, resistance
if resistance is increased then then ---- is decreased
vessel radius to the 4th power
high pulse pressure def
pressure consistently over 100 mmHg
causes of high pulse pressure
atherosclerosis, excerise
which lead to heart disease
low pulse pressure def
pressure less than 25% of systolic
causes of low pulse pressure
drop in ventricular stroke volume
blood loss
congestive heart failure
arterial BP is an indicator of
how much the elastic arteries close to the heart can be stretched and the volume of blood mving through them.
pulastile pressure is created when
BP rises and falls
histamine,kinins & prostaglandins are examples of __ which cause____
inflammatory chemicals; vasodilation
if intravascular pressure is increased then smooth muscle __ which cause vessels to ___
if intravascular pressure is decreased then smooth muscle__ which cause vessels to__
stretch less; vasodilate
togther myogenic and metabolic effects fcn
maintain blood flow even if MAP changes
list where pressure is highest to lowest
orthostatic hypotension def and caused by
temp low BP due to overexcertion/inactivity
materials move across capillary walls by
diffusion def
materials move from high to low concentration along a conc. gradient
filtration def
hydrostatic pressure to move water and small solutes through a capillary wall
reabsorption def
result of osmotic pressure
(fluid moves into capillary from intersitial fluid)
water, ions,sm molecule such as glucise diffuse through
endothelial cells
or fenestrated capillaries
some ions na,k+,ca2+, diffuse through?
ion channels in plasma membrane
which capillaries allow free exchange?
large, water soluable compounds can diffuse through?
fenestrated capillaries
lipids, lipid soluable materials such as O2 and CO2 diffuse through
endothelial plasma membranes
plasma proteins diffue through
endothethial lining in sinusoids
the continial movement of fluid through interstial spaces produced by capillary fcn serves to
. plasma + intersitial fluid are in communication & mutual exchange

. distrubution of nutrients,hormones, gases

. transport tissue protiens and insoluable lipids that cannot enter bloodstream by capillary walls

.carries bacs& toxins to lymphatic system
fluid moves out of capillary & into interstital fluid at
arterial end of capillary
fluid moves in capillary & out of interstial fluid at
venous end of capillary
the venous end of a capillary is also the
transition pt btwn filtration & absorption
do capillaries filter or absorb more
excess fluid which was filtered by capillaries go to
lymphatic vessels
edema def
swelling of tissues with interstial fluid;
fluid out of blood to tissues
causes for edema are
increased BCOP
increased capillary permabilty
high blood pressure
shock def
any condition where blood vessels are not foilled and/or blood cannot circulate normally
blood flow through tissues is called
tissue perfusion
tissue perfusion is affected by
cardiac output
peripheral resistance (dilation/constriction)
blood pressure