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110 Cards in this Set

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Time relationship between muscle twitch and action potential
- rapid depolarization precedes force development
- repolarization coincides with maximum force
- duration of contraction parallels duration of action potential
- as the frequency of cardiac contractions increase, the duration of action potentials and mechanical contractions decrease
Fast response action potentials
- occur in normal atrial and ventricular myocytes and in Purkinje fibers
- resting membrane potential much more negative than in slow response
- slope of upstroke, amplitude of action potential, extent of overshoot, greater than in slow response
Slow response action potentials
- occur in SA node and AV node (conducts cardiac impulse from atria to ventricles)
- resting membrane potential less negative than in fast response
- slope of upstroke, extent of overshoot, amplitude of action potential, less than fast response
- amplitude of action potential and steepness of upstroke determine propogation velocity --> slow response = slower, more easily blocked
Pathalogic conversion of fast response to slow response
coronary artery disease: region of cardiac muscle deprived of blood supply --> K+ concentration in interstitial fluid rises bc K+ is lost from inadequately perfused (ischemic) cells --> action potentials in some of these cells may change from fast response to slow response
Intracellular and Extracellular ion concentrations and equilibrium potentials in cardiac muscle cells
Ion EC IC Eq Pot
(mM) (mM) (mV)
Na+ 145 10 70
K+ 4 135 -94
Ca++ 2 10^-4 132
Resting cell membrane ion permeabilty
much more permeable to K+ than Ca++ or Na+, K+ tends to diffuse out of the cell down its concentration gradient
inwardly rectifying K+ current
many of the anions cannot freely diffuse out of the cell, during the repolarization phase, K+ diffuses out of the cell, leaving behind the anions, and returning the cell to its negative resting potential
opposing forces involved in K+ movement
more K+ inside the cell --> concentration gradient --> wants to diffuse out (chemical)
anions inside the cell --> attract K+ --> doesn't want to leave cell (electrostatic)
- electrostatic force is lightly weaker than the chemical force, K+ tends to leave the cell
inhibits Na+/K+ pump --> resting membrane potential becomes less negative
block fast Na+ channels --> inhibit action potential
effect of extracellular sodium concentration
- has little effect on resting membrane potential (because of low conductance)
- determines amplitude of action potential
fast sodium channel gates
m gate (activation gate): opens the channel as Vm gets less negative, opening of m gates responsible for large and abrupt increase in Na+ conductance in action potential, m gates open very rapidly
h gate (inactivation gate): closes channel as Vm gets less negative, close slowly, closure of h gate inactivates channel, stay closed until the cell has partially repolarized
- when the cell is at rest (-90mV) m gates are closed and h gates are open
what changes during an action potential, the chemical force or electrostatic force of Na+?
- electrostatic, amount of Na+ that enters the cell during an action potential is too small to change the intracellular sodium concentration , chemical force is constant
Na+ neutralizes negative charges as it rushes into cell --> Vm becomes less negative
Phase 1 notch
- in cells with prominent plateau, brief repolarization in phase 1 caused by transient outward current by K+
- size of notch varies: big in myocytes in epicardial and midmyocardial regions of the left ventricular wall and in ventricular purkinje fibers
- notch is negligible in myocytes from the endocardial region of the left ventricle because the density of the transient outward current channels is less
- notch is less prominent in presence f 4-aminopyridine, blocks K+ channels that carry transient outward current
L type Ca++ channels
- "long lasting", close slowly, predominant Ca++ channel in heart
- activated in during action potential upstroke when Vm = -20mV
- blocked by Ca++ channel antagonists such as: verapamil, amlodipine, dilitiazem
- opening of channels --> increase Ca++ conductance and current (after the upstroke) --> influx of Ca++ down concentration gradient
T type Ca++ channels
- less abundant than L type
- "transient", inactivate quickly
- activated at more negative potentials (-70mV)
inward rectification K+ channels
- during plateau, Vm is positive and the concentration gradient for K+ is the same --> K+ wants to leave the cell
- if gK were the same in the plateau as phase 4, K+ efflux would exceed Ca++ influx and you couldn't get a plateau --> inwardly rectifying K+ channels have high conductance at negative Vm but at 0 or positive Vm (action potential) they have little conductance --> diminished conductance of K+ during plateau
delayed rectifier K+ channels (ik)
- closed during phase 4, activated very slowly by potentials at end of phase 0
- increases gk gradually in phase 2
- contribute to final repolarization
- two types: iks = slow activating; ikr = fast activating --> distribution of of iks and ikr helps determine duration of action potential (action potential persists as long as K+ efflux is balanced by Ca++ influx)
effect of diltiazem
- Ca++ channel agonist
- more diltiazem --> less positive plateau voltage, shorter plateau
What does addition of K+ channel agonists do to the plateau?
- prolongs it
Genesis of final repolarization
- K+ exodus (ito, ik, ik1) begins to exceed Ca++ influx
- ito and ikr/iks help initiate repolarization -- determine plateau length
magnitude of ik and duration of action potential and different kinds of myocytes
endocardial: smallest duration of action potentials, greatest ik
midmyocardial: longest duration of action potential, smallest ik
epicardial: in the middle
Does the inwardly rectifiying K+ channel (ik1) help initate repolarization?
no --> conductance is small over Vm values present in plateau
- substantially contribute to rate of repolarization once phase 3 is initiated --> Vm becomes more negative --> ik1 conductance increases --> accelerated repolarization
Restoration of ionic concentrations (phase 4)
- steady inward Na+ leak --> Na+/K+ ATPase
- excess Ca++ from phase 2 --> 3Na+/1Ca++ antiporter, or ATP driven Ca++ pump
What is one way to get a slow response in a fast acting fiber?
- blocking fast Na+ channels with tetrodotoxin
slow response action potentials
- cells in SA and AV nodes
- depolarization is achieved by influx of Ca++ through L-type Ca++ channels instead of Na+ through fast Na+ channels
- repolarization by inactivations of Ca++ channels and increase K+ conductance through ik1 and ik channels
conduction of current in cardiac fibers
- gap junctions
- impulses along length of cell -- isotropic -- pass more easily than impulses laterally from cell to cell -- anisotropic, because gap junctions at ends of cells
- channels are non-selective, low electrical resistance
conduction velocity of fast response
greater action potential amplitude (potential difference between polarized and depolarized regions) --> faster conduction
faster rate of change of potential in phase 0 --> faster conductance
depolarization of resting membrane potential --> inactivation fast Na+ channels --> decreased amplitude of action potential and slope of upstroke --> slower conductance
How does the Na+/Ca++ exchanger work?
• Uses the energy that is stored in the electrochemical gradient of sodium (Na+) by allowing Na+ to flow down its gradient across the plasma membrane in exchange for the countertransport of calcium ions (Ca2+)
• A single calcium ion goes out for every 3 sodium ions that go in
correlation between action potential duration and cycle length
direct: decrease in cycle length --> decrease in action potential
ik (important in repolarization) activated at Vm near zero, activates and inactivates slowly --> as cycle length decreases action potentials occur earlier in the ik inactivation period (from previous action potential) --> greater outward K+ current during stage 2 --> shorter action potential duration
How does the ito current effect the relationship between action potential duration and cycle length?
- activated at near zero Vm
- magnitude varies inversely with cardiac cycle length
i.e shorter cycle length --> bigger ito K+ current --> shorter plateau
Excitation of the heart
SA node initiates action potentials --> spreads through atria --> AV node - conduction is slowed so atria can contract and ventricles can be filled --> excitation spreads through ventricles via purkinjie fibers
SA node anatomy
- main cardiac pacemaker
- 2-3 sites of automaticity, 1-2 cm from SA node with SA node = atrial pacemaker complex, sometimes all sites initiate impulses simultaneously, site of earliest excitation shifts from locus to locus
- posteriorly in groove at junction between superior vena cava and right atrium, runs lengthwise through center of node
two types of cells in SA node
1) small round cells, few organelles and myofibrils, pacemaker cells
2) slender, elongated cells, intermediate in appearance between round and ordinary atrial myocardial cells, conduct impulses with node and nodal margins
SA node action potential
when compared to a ventricular myocardial cell:
- resting potential is less negative
- upstroke of action potential (phase 0) is less steep
- plateau is not sustained
- repolarization is more gradual
--> characteristic of slow response
- tetrodotoxin (inhibits fast Na+ current) has no effect
- transmembrane potential during phase 4 is much less negative because lack ik1 (responsible for K+ efflux during phase 4) --> ratio of gK/gNa+ much less than in myocytes --> in phase 4 Vm deviates much more from K+ potential than in myocytes
- in nonautomatic cells potential in phase 4 stays the same, in pacemaker cells gets steadily depolarized until threshold
What changes pacemaker cell frequency?
1) rate of depolarization in phase 4; if rate of depolarization is increased --> threshold attained earlier --> faster heart rate
2) maximal negativity in phase 4; if it becomes more negative --> takes longer to reach threshold --> slower heart rate
3) threshold potential; rise in threshold potential --> delays phase 0 --> slower heart rate
effect of autonomic nervous system on frequency of firing of pacemaker cells
increases sympathetic activity (i.e release of noroepinephrine) --> increases slope of depolarization --> rise in heart rate -- occurs during physical exertion, anxiety, certain infectious diseases
increased vagal activity (parasympathetic) via release acetylcholine --> hyperpolarizes cell membrane --> decreased slope depolarization --> slower heart rate
currents that mediate diastolic depolarization in SA node -- automaticity
- slow depolarization occurs in phase 4, mediated by 3 currents
1) inward current, if, induced by hyperpolarization, carried by Na+ (different from fast Na+ channels), activated during repolarization phase at -50mV, more negative --> greater activation --> greater influx of Na+
2) calcium current iCa: activated at end of phase 4, at -55mV --> increase in Ca+ influx --> upstroke of action potential
3) outward K+ current, ik: counteracts 2 inward currents, K+ efflux repolarizes cell after depolarization, continues well beyond time of maximal repolarization but decrease in phase 4
- slow diastolic depolarization principally mediated by imbalance between if and ik (basis of automaticity = the same in SA, AV and purkinje but purkinje do not involve Ca+ current)
how do autonomic neurotransmitters effect automaticity?
- alter ionic currents
adrenergenic transmitter: increase all 3 currents in SA (if, iCa, iK), however they cause an increase in the slope of depolarization --> enhancement of inward currents exceeds enhancement of iK
acetylcholine release from vagus (in heart): increase in gK, depression of if and iCa --> hyperpolarization (harder to get an action potential)
overdrive suppression
- automaticity of pacemaker cells gets depressed after period of excitation at high frequency
- SA node tends to suppress automaticity in other locations
more frequent depolarization --> more Na+ enters cell --> Na+/K+ pump becomes more active in extruding Na+ --> net loss of cations --> hyperpolarization of cell --> takes more time to reach threshold
- when overdrive ceases Na+ pump may not slow down immediately -- opposes depolarization, suppresses automaticity temporarily
atrial action potential
in comparison to ventricular action potential:
1) plateau phase (phase 2) is not as well developed
2) repolarization (phase 3) occurs more slowly
3) duration of the action potential is shorter
AV node - anatomy
- posteriorly on right side of interatrial septum near ostium of coronary sinus
- same 2 cell types as SA node but long cells predominate over round cells
3 functional regions:
1) AN region: transitional zone between atrium and remainder of node
2) N region: midportion
3) NH region: nodal fibers merge with bundle of His -- upper portion of conducting system for ventricles
(AV node and bundle of His = only pathway for atrial --> ventricular conduction)
features of AV node
- main delay in conduction from atria to ventricals occurs in AN and N regions
- conduction velocity greater in AN than N
- path length greater in AN than N
characteristics of action potentials in different regions of the AV node
N region:
- slow response action potentials prevail
- resting potential = -60 mV
- low upstroke velocity
- tetrodotoxin (blocks fast Na+ channels) has no effect,
- Ca+ antagonists decrease amplitude and duration of action potential, depress conduction
- relative refractory period extends well past repolarization -- post-repolarization refractoriness
AN: shapes of action potentials intermediate between those in the N region and atria
NH: action potentials transitional between N region and bundle of His
first degree AV block
- abnormal prolongation of AV conduction time
- relative refractory period extends well past repolarization -- post-repolarization refractoriness --> as repitition rate of depolarizations increases conduction through AV node slows
second degree AV block
- only a fraction of atrial impulses are conducted to the ventricles
- impulses tend to be blocked in AV node at repetition rates that are easily conducted in other regions
- may protect against excessive contraction frequencies --> allows enough time for ventricles to contract
third degree (complete) AV block
- none of the atrial impulses reach the ventricles for a substantial amount of time
- acetylcholine released from vagal nerve (autonomic)--> hyperpolarizes N region --> the more hyperpolarized at time atrial impulse arrives more impaired conduction
- weak vagal activity just prolongs AV conduction time
what is the effect of cardiac sympathetic nerves on the AV node?
- facilitate conduction -- decrease conduction time
- neuroepinephrine --> increases amplitude and slope of upstroke, principally in AN and N regions
ventricular conduction -- anatomy
- bundle of His passes subendocardially down right side of intraventricular septum --> divides into right and left
right branch: direct continuation of bundle of His, goes down right side of intraventricular septum
left bundle: much thicker than right, arises perpendicular to His, perforates interventricular septum, subendocardial surface of left side of interventricular septum -- splits into thin anterior division and thick posterior division
- both branches and divisions then subdivide into purkinje fibers
Purkinje fibers
- broadest cells in heart, large diameter --> greater conduction velocity
- abundant sarcomeres
- no T-tubule system
- fastest conduction of action potential --> rapid activation of entire endocardial surface of ventricles
- action potentials similar to other ventricular cells but phase 1 more prominent and plateau longer
what protects the ventricles from premature contraction? at low heart rates? at high heart rates?
purkinje fibers have relatively long refractive periods --> many premature activations of atria conducted by AV node blocked by purkinje, premature contraction of ventricles doesn't happen
- especially pronounced at slow heart rates bc, slow heart rate = longer effective refractory period (fast heart rate, shorter refractory period)
In contrast: in AV node, effective refractory period does not change significantly with change in heart rate, but gets longer with increase in heart rate --> in AV node, at high heart rates AV node protects ventricles from impulses arriving at excessive rates
1. oxygenated blood fills left ventricle (from lungs --> pulmonary vein --> left atrium --> left ventricle)
2. blood ejected from left ventricle into aorta --> aortic valve (semilunar)
3. cardiac output distributed among different organs: parallel arrangement, total systemic blood flow = cardiac output
4. blood flow from organs collected in veins
5. vena cava (higher) --> right atrium (lower)
6. mixed venous blood fills right ventricle via AV valve (tricuspid)
7. blood ejected from right ventricle into pulmonary artery (via pulmonic/semilunar valve) --> lungs
8. blood from lungs returned via pulmonary vein
- 2 sides of heart operate in series: cardiac output from left ventricle equals cardiac output of right ventricle, return to left heart equals return to right heart ...
How can the distribution of cardiac output among organs be changed during strenuous exersize?
1. cardiac output = constant, blood flow redistributed via arteriole resistance change
2. cardiac output increases or decreases but percent distribution among organs stays the same
3. both cardiac output and percent distribution are changes
- thick walled
- lots of elastic tissue
- also smooth muscle, connective tissue
- "stressed volume" , high pressure
- lots of smooth muscle: tonically active = always contracted
- highest resistance to blood flow
- sympathetic innervation:
i. alpha adrenergic --> constriction --> decrease in diameter --> increase in resistance
ii. beta 2 adrenergic (skeletal muscle) --> relaxation etc...
- lining = single layer endothelial cells surrounded by basal lamina (thin walled)
- lipid soluble solutes (O2, CO2) --> dissolve and diffuse
- water soluble solutes (ions) --> enter via water filled clefts or large pores (fenestrated capillaries)
- selective perfusion dependent on metabolic needs: sympathetic signals --> dilation/perfusion arterioles/precapillary sphincters --> degree of capillary perfusion
venules and veins
- thin walled (endothelial cell layer, elastic tissue, connective tissue, smooth muscle) --> largest volume of blood in body = unstressed volume (low pressure)
- sympathetic innervation: increase in sympathetic activity --> contraction --> decrease capacitance --> decrease in unstressed volume
P wave
- depolarization of the atria
- duration = conduction time through atria
- atrial repolarization not seen on an ECG because "buried" in QRS complex
PR Interval
- time from initial depolarization of atria to initial depolarization of ventricles, usually 160ms
- includes P wave and PR segment
PR segment: isoelectric (flat), corresponds to AV node conduction,
QRS complex
- waves Q,R,S -- represent depolarization of ventricles
- ventricles depolarize just as quickly as atria, even though much bigger, because His-Perkinje fibers much faster conducters
T wave
repolarization of ventricles
QT interval
- includes QRS complex, ST segment and T wave
- first ventricular depolarization --> last ventricular repolarization
ST segment: isoelectric, correlates with plateau of ventricular action potential
Heart rate
- number of QRS complexes per minute
- cycle length = R-R interval
heart rate = 1/cycle length
myocardial cell structure
- sarcomeres run from z line to z line
- thick filaments: composed of myosin, globular heads have actin binding sites and ATPase
- thin filaments: actin, tropomyosin, troponin
Ca++ --> troponin C --> removal of tropomyosin inhibition of actin-myosin interaction
- transverse T tubules invaginate at Z lines, continuous with cell membrane, carry action potentials to cell interior, form dyads with SR (site of storage and release of Ca++)
effect of sympathetic nervous system on contractility
- positive ionotropic effect on myocardium, i.e increased contractility
1. increased peak tension
2. increased rate of tension development
3. faster rate of relaxation -- faster relaxation means shorter contraction and more time to refill
- mediated by beta 1 receptors coupled via Gs protein to adenylyl cyclase --> cAMP production --> protein kinase activation --> phosphorylation of proteins that enhance contractility
a. phosphorylation of sarcolemma Ca++ channels --> increased inward Ca++ current --> triggers more Ca++ release
b. phosphorylation of phospholamban --> when phosphorylated stimulates Ca++ ATPase --> greater uptake and storage of Ca++ by SR --> faster relaxation and increases amount of stored Ca++ for subsequent release
effect of parasympathetic nervous system on contractility
- negative inotropic effect on atria via muscarinic receptors coupled via Gi protein (Gk) to adenylyl cyclase
- inhibitory g protein --> decreased contractility
a. ACh decreases inward Ca++ current during plateau of action potential
b. ACh increases Ik-ach (outward K+ current) --> shortening duration of action potential , indirectly decreasing inward Ca++ current (by shortening plateau)
- decreased amount of Ca++ entering atrial cells in action potential --> decreased amount of Ca++ triggered --> decreased Ca++ released from SR
positive staircase effect
(bowditch staircase)
- when heart rate increases, tension increases in a stepwise fashion until it reaches a maximum
- more action potentials per unit time, more total trigger Ca++ entering cell during plateau phase, more Ca++ accumulating in SR
- very first beat after increased HR shows no increase in contractility because Ca++ has not accumulated yet
postextrasystolic potentiation
- extrasystole (extra beat by latent pacemaker), tension on following beat is greater than normal
- tension on extrasystole beat itself if less than normal
- extra Ca++ entered cell on extrasystole, accumulated by SR
effect of cardiac glycosides on contractility
- positive inotropic agents
- derived from foxglove, digitalis, ex. digoxin, digitoxin, ouabain
- inhibition of Na+/K+ ATPase
1. cardiac glycosides inhibit Na+/K+ ATPase in myocardial membrane at EC K+ binding site
2. less Na+ pumped out --> increase IC Na+
3. altered Na+ gradient --> Ca++/Na+ exchanger activity decreased (usually uses downhill Na+ gradient to pump Ca++ out)
4. less Ca++ pumped out --> increase IC Ca++
5. tension = directly proportional to IC Ca++ --> increase in tension = positive inotropic effect
therapeutic use of cardiac glycosides
- congestive heart failure characterized by decreased contractility of ventricular muscle
- ventricle can't develop enough tension --> can't eject normal stroke volume (to aorta (L) or pulmonary artery (R))
- increased IC Ca++ in ventricular cells --> positive inotropic action
length tension relationship in cardiac muscle cells
- max tension depends on resting length
- physiologic basis for length-tension relationship: degree of overlap of thick and thin filaments and number of possible sites for crossbridging (Ca++ concentration determines what fraction cross bridges cycle)
- max tension (Lmax) = 2.2 micoM --> max overlap thick and thin filaments (shorter/longer <max)
- increasing muscle length --> increases Ca++ sensitivity of troponin C and Ca++ release from SR
length tension relationship for ventricles during systole
ventricular pressure during systole is a function of end-diastolic volume:
fiber length increases --> pressure increases (active) --> greater overlap thick and thin filaments, greater cross bridge formation and cycling, greater tension developed
- curve levels off when tension is max
- if lengthened beyond max tension would decrease, decreased overlap etc.. --> this doesn't happen because cardiac muscle = stiff -- high resting tension --> small length increase --> large increase resting tension --> difficult to lengthen beyond Lmax
length tension relationship for ventricles during diastole
- end diastolic volume increases --> ventricular pressure increases (passive) (muscles being stretched -- longer)
preload: left ventricular end diastolic volume/fiber length, i/e resting length from which muscle contracts
afterload: aortic pressure, velocity of shortening of cardiac muscle is max when afterload is zero, velocity of shortening decreases as afterload increases
stroke volume
- volume of blood ejected on one ventricular contraction
- 70mL
stroke volume = end-diastolic volume - end-systolic volume
ejection fraction
- fraction of end-diastolic volume ejected in each stroke volume --> measure of effectiveness of ventricles
- 55% = normal
- indicates contractility, increase in ejection fraction = increase in contractility
ejection fraction = stroke volume/end-diastolic volume
cardiac output
- total volume ejected by the ventricle per unit time
- depends on volume ejected by a single beat and on beats per minute
- 5000 mL/min (70kg man, HR 72)
cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate
Frank-Starling relationship
- volume of blood ejected by the ventricle depends on volume present in ventricle at end of diastole
- volume present at end of diastole depends on venous return --> makes sure volume heart ejects in systole equals volume received in venous return
- venous return increases --> end-diastole volume increases --> stroke volume increases
- at very high end-diastolic volume, ventricle can't keep up, curve flattens out, stroke volume stops increasing
effects of positive and negative inotropic agents on frank-starling relationship
positive inotropic agents: (ex. digoxin), increase in stroke volume and cardiac output for given end-diastole volume (cause increase in IC Ca++ --> increase in tension) --> increase in ejection fraction
negative inotropic agent: decrease contractility, decrease stroke volume and cardiac output for given end-diastolic volume --> decrease in ejection fraction
ventricular pressure volume loop
(in left ventricle)
- describes complete ventricular cycle (systole plus diastole)
isovolumetric contraction:
1. end of diastole, high volume, low pressure (ventricle relaxed)
2. ventricle activated --> contracts --> high pressure, aortic valve not open yet so volume is constant
ventricular ejection:
3. ventricular pressure reaches aortic pressure --> aortic valve opens --> ejection --> volume decreases dramatically as blood is ejected
isovolumetric relaxation:
4. ventricular pressure decreases below aorta --> aortic valve closes (volume is constant)
ventricular filling:
5. pressure is less than atrial pressure --> mitral valve opens --> L ventricle fills with blood --> volume increases (pressure = constant)
changes in ventricular pressure volume loops
increased preload: (i.e end diastolic volume), stroke volume increases (width of pressure volume loop increases), greater end diastolic volume --> greater stroke volume
increased afterload: increased aortic pressure --> ventricular pressure rises above normal during isovolumetric contraction and ventricular ejection --> decreased stroke volume --> increases end systolic volume
increased contractility: greater tension and pressure during systole --> stroke volume and ejection fraction increase --> end systolic volume decreases
cardiac work
work = force x distance
L ventricle: work = aortic pressure x stroke volume
power = work/unit time
cardiac minute work = cardiac output (volume work) x aortic pressure (pressure work)
--> increase in cardiac output (due to increase in stroke volume or increase in HR) or increase in aortic pressure
myocardial O2 consumption
- pressure work (aortic pressure) uses much more oxygen than volume work (cardiac output)
cardiac minute work = cardiac output x aortic pressure
--> left ventricle must work harder than right ventricle because mean aortic pressure higher than pressure in pulmonary artery (although cardiac output is the same on both sides) --> left ventricular wall thicker than right ventricular wall
myocardial oxygen consumption and aortic stenosis
- incomplete opening of aortic valve --> increased pressure work -- very oxygen costly (pressure work more costly than volume work)
myocardial oxygen consumption and strenuous exersize
- high cardiac output --> greater contribution of volume work --> oxygen consumption doesn't increase that much because volume work is not as costly as pressure work
systemic hypertension and myocardial oxygen consumption
left ventricle must perform more pressure work (requires a lot of oxygen) --> left ventricular wall hypertrophies
law of Laplace
- pressure correlates directly with tension and wall thickness
- pressure correlates inversely with radius
ex. left ventricular wall is thicker, can develop more pressure
Fick Principle
rate of O2 consumption by body = amount of O2 leaving lungs via pulmonary vein - amount of O2 returning to lungs via pulmonary artery
- O2 consumption typically 250 mL/min (70kg man)
- measures cardiac output:
cardiac output = O2 consumption/ [O2] pulmonary vein - [O2] pulmonary artery
(same formula can be used for organs as well as whole body O2 consumption)
Atriole systole
- atrial contraction
ECG: preceded by P wave - atrial depolarization
Heart sounds: fourth heart sound, not present in normal individuals, heard in ventricular hypertrophy (decreased compliance), coincides with atrial contraction, caused by atrium contracting against/trying to fill stiffened ventricle
venous pulse: a wave, increase in left atrial pressure reflected back to veins
left ventricle: blip in left ventricle pressure as blood ejected form L atrium enters ventricle
Isovolumetric ventricular contraction
- ventricular volume constant because all valves closed
ECG: begins in QRS complex, electrical activation of ventricles
Heart sounds: first heart sound, produced by closure of AV valves (mitral valve, tricuspid) as ventricular pressure exceeds aortal pressure, may be split because mitral valve closes slightly before tricuspid
L ventricle: L ventricle contracts --> increase in L ventricle pressure, once it exceeds aortal pressure --> mitral valve closes
Rapid ventricular ejection
ECG: end of ST segment (isoelectric portion of QT interval in between depolarization and repolarization of ventricles), beginning of T wave (repolarization of ventricles)
L ventricle: when ventricular pressure highest --> aortic valve opens, most of stroke volume ejected --> aortic pressure increases because of large volume entering aorta
atrial pressure: atrial filling begins, L atrial pressure slowly increases
Reduced ventricular ejection
ECG: beginning of T wave (repolarization)
ventricular pressure: falls because no longer contracting, aortic valve still open -- blood still ejecting but at reduced rate
aortic pressure: falls, blood is still being added to aorta but is leaving aorta at faster rate
L atrial pressure: increasing as fills with blood
Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation
ECG: end of T wave (ventricles repolarized)
L ventricular pressure: decreased because ventricle is relaxed and highly compliant
Heart sound: 3rd, rapid flow of blood from atria to ventricles, normal in children, not heart in adults, in older adults S3 indicates volume overload -- congestive heart failure, advanced mitral/tricuspid regurgitation
aortic pressure: decreases as blood leaves
Reduced ventricular filling (diastasis)
- longest phase of cardiac cycle
- final portion ventricular filling at slower rate
- changes in heart rate effect time for diastasis
- if diastasis is shortened too much --> ventricular filling compromised --> reduced stroke volume
Heart sounds
S1: mitral and tricuspid valves closing (can split)
S2: aortic and pulmonic valves closing
S3: mitral valve and tricuspid open (heard in children and adults with congestive heart failure)
S4: atrium contracting against stiffened ventricle, not normally heard
baroreceptor reflex
- baroreceptors keep arterial pressure constant via changes in output of sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system
- baroreceptors (in walls of carotid sinus and aortic arch) --> relay information to cardiovascular vasomotor centers in brainstem via afferent neurons --> change in ouput autonomic nervous system via efferent neurons --> change in pressure
- located in walls of carotid sinus -- where common carotid artery bifurcates into internal and external carotid arteries, and in aortic arch
- carotid sinus receptors: respond to increases/decreases arterial pressure, carotid sinus nerve joins glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
- aortic arch receptors: primarily respond to increases in arterial pressure, vagus nerve (CN X)
- mechanoreceptors: sensitive to pressure/stretch, stretch --> change in membrane potential = receptor potential, increases/decreases likelihood action potentials will be fired in afferent nerves to brainstem (depolarization - increased frequency and v.v)
- more sensitive to change in pressure than absolute level of pressure
effect of chronic hypertension on baroreceptors
- do not see elevated BP as abnormal --> hypertension maintained
- mechanism: either decreased sensitivity of receptors to increases in arterial pressure, or reset of BP point of brainstem
colloidosmotic/oncotic pressure
- effective osmotic pressure contributed by protein in capillary blood --> only protein contributes to effective osmotic pressure because it is the only solute than cannot cross the membrane
Starling equation
- fluid movement across capillary wall driven by starling pressures (osmotic pressure and hydrostatic pressure)
- filtration: net fluid movement out of capillary into interstitial fluid
- absorption: net fluid movement into capillary out of interstitial fluid
- magnitude of fluid movement determined by hydraulic conductance, Kf (water permeability) of capillary wall
Pc, capillary hydrostatic pressure
- force favors filtration out of capillary
- Pc determined by both arterial and venous pressures -- closer to arterial pressure, but is effected more by changes in venous pressure than changes in arterial pressure
- Pc declines along length of capillary as filtration occurs, highest at arteriole end, lowest at venule end
(exception: Pc constant in glomerular capillaries)
Pi, interstitial hydrostatic pressure
- force opposes filtration
- normally near zero, may be negative
Pi c, capillary oncotic pressure
- force opposes filtration
- effective osmotic pressure of capillary due to plasma proteins (determined by protein concentration)
- increase in [protein] --> increase capillary oncotic pressure --> decrease in filtration
Pi i, interstitial osmotic pressure
- force favors filtration
- determined by interstitial protein concentration
- usually very little loss of protein from capillaries --> little protein in interstitial fluid --> low interstitial oncotic pressure
- lymphatic system returns interstitial fluid and proteins to vascular compartment
- lymphatic capillaries in interstitial fluid near vascular capillaries, --> one way flap valves: allow fluid and protein to enter but not leave --> merge into larger lymphatic vessels --> thoracic duct (largest lymphatic vessel) --> empties into large veins
- have smooth muscle, contracts helps fluid flow back to thoracic duct, also compression of surrounding skeletal muscle helps fluid flow
- increase in interstitial fluid volume --> when volume of interstitial fluid exceeds ability of lymphatics to drain it --> forms when increased filtration or lymphatic drainage impaired
things that can cause increased filtration: increased capillary hydrostatic pressure, decreased capillary oncotic pressure, increased hydraulic conductance
- lymph drainage impaired when lymph nodes surgically removed/irradiated, parasite infection (filariasis), or lack of muscle activity
Coronary circulation
- controlled by local metabolites, sympathetic innervation has minor role
- hypoxia (local metabolic factor): increase in myocardial contractility --> increased O2 demand --> increased O2 consumption --> local hypoxia --> vasodilation of arterioles --> increase in coronary blood flow --> more O2 delivered
- mechanical compression of blood vessels during systole --> brief occlusion/reduction blood flow --> when occlusion is over -- hyperemia (increase of blood flow) -- repays O2 debt from compression
Response of cardiovascular system to exercise
- CNS response and local response
- CNS response: central command from cerebral motor cortex --> changes in autonomic nervous system
- local response: metabolites increase blood flow and O2 delivery to exercising skeletal muscle
- changes in arterial PO2, PCO2 are not significant, do not change significantly during exercise
Central Command -- cardiovascular response to exercise
- responses directed by cerebral motor cortex initiated by anticipation/initiation of exercise
- triggered by mechanoreceptors, maybe chemoreceptors
- efferent limb produces increased sympathetic outflow to heart and blood vessels and decreased parasympathetic outflow to the heart
- increase in cardiac output (cardiac output = HR x stroke volume):
1. increase in sympathetic (beta 1) receptors in heart, and decrease in parasympathetic activity --> increase in HR
2. increase in sympathetic activity (beta 1) receptors --> increase contractility --> increase in stroke volume
- increase in cardiac output insures O2 delivery to exercising skeletal muscle (if it did not increase, only other way to increase blood flow would be redistribution)
- venous return must increase because cardiac output increases: contraction skeletal muscle + activation sympathetic nervous system --> venoconstriction --> decrease unstressed volume --> increase venous return
selective arteriolar vasoconstriction -- cardiovascular response to exercise
- consequence of increased sympathetic outflow in central command
- vasoconstriction in some vascular beds so blood flow is redistributed to exercising skeletal muscle and heart, blood flow maintained to essential organs like brain
Local response: cardiovascular response to exercise
- active hyperemia: metabolic rate of skeletal muscle increases --> production of vasodilator metabolites (lactate, potassium, adenosine) --> local vasodilation -->increased blood flow meets metabolic demand
- vasodilation --> overall increase in TPR (even though selective vasoconstriction caused by sympathetic response)