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30 Cards in this Set

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ECG vs. AP
ECG: electrode on surface of skin
-measure electrical events developed in heart that dissipate to surface of skin

AP: individual muscle cell, electrical measurement
Thick = Myosin
-head regions interact w/ actin
-form cross bridge
-attach & slide to shorten (contract)

Thin = Actin,
Tropomyosin & Troponin
Excitation-Contraction Coupling
Skeletal muscle
-excite & contract
-innervate by neurons from CNS
-NT = Ach
-binds to nicotinic cholinergic receptors
-Na movies in K moves out create AP
-propagates membrane to T-tubule to SR to release Ca
-Ca binds to troponin (thin filament) in intracellular matrix
-triggers mvmt of tropomyosin from actin so myosin can bind

-in cardiac once ICF Ca is raised, cross bridge cycle is the SAME in skeletal
-difference is initial point of what triggers the AP
Cardiac Muscle vs. Skeletal Muscle
-thick & thin filament
-SR = more dense
-mitochondria = many (can rest)
-cells independent of one another

Cardiac Muscle
-thick & thin filaments
-SR = less dense
-mitochondria = tremendously numerous (no resting)
-intercalated disks: inter locking jxn, fxning all cells as 1 big unit
Intercalated discs
1. Desmosomes
-prevent adj cardiac cells from separating during contraction

2. Gap jxn:
-allow ion to pass free from cell to cell
-directly transmit depolarizing current across entire heart
Functional Syncytium
myocardial wall behaves as single unit
-cardiac fibers electrically coupled by gap jxn
Cardiac Conduction System
-buried w/in myocardial walls
-microscopic, cannot be seen w/ naked eye
-2 jobs:
1. create electrical current
2. propagate (spread current)
1. SA Node: where superior vena cava dumps into R atrium
-spontaneous on/off rhythm
-can be influenced by autonomic NS
2a. Interatrial Tracts (left atrium) - stops here, dissipates at L Atrium
2b. Internodal Tracts (right atrium)
3. AV Node: bottom of R Atrium (from internodal tract)
4. AV Bundle (bundle of His)
-inside interventricular septum
-bifurcate to:
5. Bundle Branches R/L
6. Purkinje Fibers
-hairpin turns
-deliver current to ventricular muscle cells (ventricular myocytes) - travel to other cells via intercalated discs upward
-modified muscle tissue (part neuron part muscle tissue)
-highway: begins electrical current & spreads to rest of road
Membrane Potential
-cells in body that generate current (excitable cells):
>neurons & muscle cells
>electrical pot. diff across bio mem are basis of the electrical activity of excitable cells
-measure indiv. cell w/ electrode to get current
-inside cell = negative (K, Cl)
-outside cell = positive (Na)
Neuronal AP
-depolarization: Na enters (raise mem pot)
-repolarization: close Na channels & open K channels flow out
-re-est. conc. gradient
Cardiac AP
-DEPENDS on where it is measured
-cannot measure w/ ECG (just electrodes on surface of skin, not measuring single cell - need microelectrode)
2 types:
1. Non-pacemaker (fast response)
-occur in atria, ventricles & purkinje fibers
-undergo rapid depolarization
2. Pacemaker (slow response)
-occur in SA & AV node
-undergo "slow" depolarization
AP speed of:
1. neurons
2. skeletal
3. cardiac
AP duration:
-neurons = 1 msec
-skeletal = 2-5 msec
-cardiac = 200-400 msec
Non-Pacemaker Cardiac AP
-fast response
1. PHASE 0: rapid depolarization
-upstroke of AP
-fast Na channels open up
>have activation M gate & inactivation H gate
-K channels close
2. PHASE 1: Early/Initial Repolarization
-transient out current as K channels open
-fast Na channels closed (h gates close)
3. PHASE 2: Plateau Phase
-Ca channels open lead to inward Ca mvmt
-cardiac = REQUIRE Ca influx during AP
-efflux of K: same amt of Ca enter as K leaving
4. PHASE 3: Late/Final Repolarization
-Ca channels close (no more + in)
-K channels still open (+ leave cell) AP repolarizes
5. PHASE 4: resting mem pot
-K channel remain open
-Na/K pumps restore
-Ca extrusion mxn highly active
ECF Ca Influx
-amt Ca enter cardiac muscle during AP = small & does NOT promote actin-myosin interaction
-triggers to induce Ca release from SR
-promotes contraction
-Ca from 2 sources in cardiac
-HIGHLY regulated: NT (ANS)
>norepi = symp
>Ach = parasymp
>drugs: beta blockers, Ca channel blockers
Ca Extrusion Mxns
1. SR Ca pumps (SERCA)
-surface of SR have pumps
-need ATP
2. Sarcolemmal Ca pumps
3. 3Na/1Ca antiporters
*1 & 2 most important*
-if don't rid of Ca, Ca binds to troponin over & over again, muscle constantly contracting
Clinical Application of Troponin
-troponin complex consists of 3 proteins:
1. cardiac troponin C
-what Ca binds to
2. cardiac troponin I
-inhibit part that hides from myosin
3. cardiac troponin T
-binds to troponin
-skeletal & cardiac isoforms (T&I) differ in aa sequence
-ischemia: tissue receive poor amt of blood
-coronary BV deliver blood to myocardium; when BF compromised (fat, plaque)
-Angina: chest pain: referred to shoulder, arm, to jaw = no cell death
>nitroglycerine relieves chest pain
-Myocardial Infarction = cell death (lack of O2)
-cell death = troponin spills out (marker for myocardial cell injury)
-I & T: rise 2-6 hrs after injury
-both peak in 12-16 hours
-I stay elevated for 5-8 days
-T elevated for 5-14 days
Coupling of Electrical &
Mechanical Activity
-in cardiac they overlap
-in skeletal electrical is over before mxl events begin
-thus impossible to produce summation & tetanus found in skeletal during high freq stim in cardiac muscle
-tetany of heart = death
-prolonged refractory periods (in part) allow ventricles to relax & fill w/ blood before next contraction
Refractory Periods
1. effective (absolute) refractory period: 2nd AP absolutely cannot be initiated no matter how large a stim applied
2. relative refractory period
-2nd AP may be evoked only when stim is suff. strong (supra-threshold)
-long refractory prevents tetanus from occuring
Conduction Velocity
-dromotropic = conduction velocity
-influenced by ANS
-symp activation increases conduction velocity in nodal & non-nodal tissue by increase slope of phase 0 -> more rapid depolarization of adj cells (more Na channels open)
-positive dromotropic effect of symp activat result from NE bind to Beta-1 receptros
-drugs that block B1recepters decrease conduction velocity & produce AV block
-negative dromotropy: parasymp: decrease slope, less Na channels open (Ach - muscarinic)
-excess vagal activ produce AV block
-anti-arrhythmic drug: block fast Na channels & cause decrease in conduction velocity in non-nodal tissue
-help restore normal rhythm
Chronotropy vs. Dromotropy
Chronotropic: changes in heart rate
-negative = HR decreases, by decrease rate of SA node
-positive: HR increases, by increase fire rate of SA node

Dromotropic: changes in CV: in AV node
-speed of spread of current
-negative: decrease CV thru AV node, slow conduction of AP from atria to ventricles
-positive: increase CV thru AV node, speed conduct of APs from atria to ventricles
SA Node
-normally the pacemaker of the heart
-has unstable RMP (resting mem pot)
-exhibits phase 4 depolarization or automaticity (ability to initiate its own depolarization)
Pacemaker Cardiac AP
*no Phase I or II
-upstroke of AP
-caused by increase in Ca conductance

-cause by increase in K conductance; increase results in outward K current cause repolarization of the mem pot

-slow depolarization
-accounts for automaticity in SA node
-cause by increase in Na conductance inward current (If)
-turned on by repolartization of the mem pot during preceding AP
-repeated automatically
Basic Electrocardiogram
-none of the waveforms = AP
-electrical activty that dissipates to surface of skin

-P wave: depolarization of the atria (atria electrically stim)
-QRS complex: depolarization of the ventricles (vent elec. stim: spread to purkinje fibers)
**DO NOT represent contractions** only electrical activity, contract occurs after wave
-T wave: repolarization of the ventricles (cannot measure repol of atria bc ventricle repol is masking it)
flat portions of ECG
-PQ segments: (end of P wave to begin of QRS complex) time when impulse is travel thru AV node, bundle of His, & bundle branches
-ST segment: end of QRS complex to onset of T wave
include both wave form & flat line
-PR interval: include P wave to middle of QRS complex (PQ segment)
-ST interval: end of QRS complex to end of T wave (include ST segment)
-QT interval: onset of QRS complex to end of T wave
Label the ECG:
What is occuring at this part of the ECG?
1. SA node generates impulse, atrial excitation begins

2. impulse delay at AV node

3. impulse passes to heart apex; ventricular excitation begins

4. ventricular excitation complete
1st degree AV block

2nd degree AV block
1: extended PQ segment
-something is extending the conduction velocity to electrical current to ventricles
-ex: scar tissue near bundle of His, covers & impedes speed of electrical activity

2: P wave but no QRS complex or T wave
-electrical activity not reaching to ventricular area
-P wave initiated by SA node but not traveling to target
Overdrive Suppression
-SA node = king of pacemakers ~80 beats/min
-under normal conditions is pacemaker
-if SA node fails we have back up:
>AV Node (limited ANS control; 40-60 beats/min) no P wave just QRS-T
>Purkinje Fibers (no ANS control; 15-40 beats/min)