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29 Cards in this Set

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What classes of drugs are used for hypertension?

Diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE-I's, Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs).

Description of the Renin-Angiotensin System

BP drop to renal arteries stimulates renin. Renin activates renin-angiotensin system by cleaving angiotensinogen produced in liver to yield angiotensin I. ACE converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II, constricting blood cells, increasing secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone, and causes reabsorption of sodium in the kidneys, leading to water retnetion, increased blood volume, and increased BP.

Definition of metabolic syndrome

Abdominal obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, and a lipid disorder; increases risk of CVD.

Diagnostic criteria for HTN

Average of non-affected (absence of illness, etc) readings taken at an initial screening and two or more readings taken at each of two or more subsequent visits.

Secondary causes of hypertension, s/s: Coarctation of aorta

S/S: Delayed or absent femoral arterial pulses, decreased BP in LEs.

Dx: ECG, CXR, ECHO, doppler US

Secondary causes of hypertension, s/s: Cushing's Syndrom

S/S: Long-term steroid use; truncal obesity with purple striae, moon facies.

Dx: Morning plasma cortisol after 1 mg hour of sleep dexamethasone

Secondary causes of hypertension, s/s: Pheochromocytoma

S/S: Labilte HTN, tachycardia, HA, palpitations, pallor, sweating, tremors.

Dx: Spot urine for metanephrine

Secondary causes of hypertension, s/s: Primary aldosteronism

S/S: Muscle weakness, polydipsia, polyuria

Dx: Hypokalemia, excessive urinary potassium exretion, suppressed levels of plasma renin activity, elevated Na+ level.

Secondary causes of hypertension, s/s: Chronic Kidney DIsease

S/S: Abdominal or flank massess (polycystic kidneys)

Dx: Urinalysis, creatinine, renal ultrasound

Secondary causes of hypertension, s/s: Renovascular disease

S/S: Epigastric or renal artery bruits, atherosclerotics disease of aorta or peripheral arteries

Dx: REnal duplex US, renal ateriography

Secondary causes of hypertension, s/s: Sleep apnea

S/S: Fatigue, loud cyclic snoring

Dx: Polysomnography

Secondary causes of hypertension, s/s: Hyperthyroidism

S/S: Weight loss, fatigue, tachycardia

Dx: TSH, T4, free T4 index.

Secondary causes of hypertension, s/s: Hypothyroidism

S/S: Weight gain, fatigue

Dx: May be d/t decreased tissue metabolism leading to low production of vasodilating metabolites

Secondary causes of hypertension, s/s: Hyperparathyroidism

S/S: Renal stones, polyuria, constipation

Dx: Serum and urine calcium, urine phosphate, serum parathyroid hormone

Treatment for Normal HTN

None indicated unless TOD occurring

Treatment and criteria for Prehypertension


None unless TOD occurring

Treatment and criteria for Stage 1 HTN


Thiazide-type diuretics for most.

May consider ACEI, ARB, BB, CCB, or combination.

Treatment and criteria for Stage 2 HTN


Two-drug combination for most, usually thiazide-type and ACE or ARB (or BB or CCB)

Types of Target Organ Damage


Angina, hx of MI

Prior coronary revascularization

Heart failure

Stroke or TIA




Blood pressure target goals

General population: below 140/90mmHg

Hx of CAD or high-risk for CAD: below 130/80

Lifestyle Modifications to reduce HTN

Lose weight if overweight

Limit ETOH <1oz/day for men, 0.5oz/day women)

Increase aerobic activity 30-45 min/day

Reduce Na intake to 2.4g Na or 6g NaCl

Eat more K+ (over 90mmol/day)

Maintain adequate dietary Ca+ and Mg+

Stop smoking

Reduce intake of saturated fat, cholesterol

Which HTN patients are at risk for hyperkalemia?

Renal insufficiency


Aldosterone antagonists

List of compelling indications with HTN

CKD: only use ACEI, ARBs


HF: Don't use diuretic or CCB; may use aldosterone antagonist

High risk for CAD: Only BB, ACEI, CCB


Recurrent Stroke prevention: Only diuretic, ACEI

Patient education for all anti-HTN meds:

Do not d/c w/o instruction, d/t REBOUND HTN;

Avoid taking cough/cold/allergy meds that contain sympathomimetics that can elevate BP; may cause suddent orthostatic hypoTN

Drink plenty of water

Patient education for alpha-1 blockers: doxazosin (cardura)

Potential for syncope. FIRST-DOSE SYNCOPE. Avoid driving and other hazardous tasks. May produce priaprism. May worsen angina. Most common rxn is ortho hypoTN.

Patient education for alpha-2 antiadrenergics: clonidine (catapres), methyldopa (pregnant chicks)

Drowsiness common, take at bedtime.

Use caution w/ machinery/driving.

No ETOH or other CNS depressants.

Use hard candy or frequent mouth care to reduce dry mouth.


TCAs decrease effect.

Caution w/ BB as it can cause bradycardia.

Methyldopa: POSITIVE COOMBS TEST (hemolytic anemia). Don't use w/ lithium/MAOIs.

Patient education for direct vasodilators: hydralazine (apresoline)

Urine exposed to air may darken.

Take hydralazine with meals.

Notify provider if unexplained prolonged fatigue/fever, muscle or joint aches, or chest pain.

Hydralazine: lupis-like syndrome. Use w/ caution in pt's w/ CAD.

Patient education for renin inhibitors: aliskiren (tekturna) 150-300mg

Do not use w/ ACEI, ARBs.

Not as effective in blacks, like ACEIs and ARBs.

Diarrhea may occur .


Don't use w/ furosemide, (decreases f. effect).