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29 Cards in this Set

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How many chambers does the fish heart have?
Name the chambers of a fish heart
Sinus venosus
Bulbus arteriosus or conus arteriosus (contains valves)
What is the conus/bulbus arteriosus an extension of?
Conus - ventricle
Bulbus - aorta
Why is the dorsal aorta in fish stiff and not elastic?
If it were elastic blood would flow rapidly through the gills during each heartbeat
How many chambers do amphibians have in their hearts?
What are the chambers of the amphibian heart?
right and left atrium
What is the spiral valve?
Found in conus arteriosus, blocks and unblocks entrances to pulmonary artery to lungs and pulmonary artery to skin
Where does blood coming from the lungs and skin go to?
Lungs - oxygenated - left atrium
Skin - partially oxygenated - right atrium
Describe the amphibian lymphatic system
Lymph hearts
Beat independently of heart
Brings lymph back to heart
How many chambers does a reptilian heart have?
What is the ventricle in reptiles divided into?
Cavum venosum - right atrium
Cavum arteriosum - left atrium
Cavum pulmonale - opens into pulmonary artery
How do reptiles cope with oxygen starvation?
Muscular ridge and AV valve cause blood not to go to lungs but to aortic arches and systemic circulation
e.g. turtle diving, snake eating prey
How do reptiles blood shunt?
Controlled by differences in pressure between pulmonary and systemic circulation
Vasoconstriction in pulmonary circulation means that blood is shunted away from lungs to systemic circulation
What are the advantages of shunting?
Breath-holding while diving
Stabilise oxygen levels during intermittent breathing
How can shunting be a problem during anaesthesia?
Chronic pneumonia/lung damage may increase lung resistance - shunting of blood away from lungs
What is the reptilian renal portal system?
Ensures that when there is reduced blood flow to glomerulus, there is still adequate perfusion to renal tubules
Which reptile has a 4 chambered heart?
What connects the base of the right and left systemic trunks in the crocodile?
Foramen of Panizza
What are dog teeth?
Found in Foramen of Panizza, controlled by adrenaline.
Absence of adrenaline, cog teeth shut, blood diverted away from lungs to systemic circulation
Do reptiles have lymph hearts?
How many chambers do birds have in their hearts?
What are 3 differences between the avian and mammalian heart?
Ascending aorta curves to right
Right AV valve has no chorda tendinae, thick muscular flap of myocardium
Left AV valve is tricuspid
How do the sizes of bird hearts differ from mammalian hearts?
Usually bigger with larger cardiac output
high blood pressure
How do active birds increase cardiac output?
Increase heart rate
How do diving birds adapt?
Vasoconstriction, bradycardia, drop cardiac output
Blood diverted to brain to prevent hypoxia
What do birds and reptiles excrete instead or urea?
Urates - uric acid
Where in birds does blood from the pelvic limbs go?
Rest - through kidneys into caudal vena cava
Stress - adrenaline closes portal valves, blood bypasses kidneys
Why are birds quite tolerant to blood loss?
Vasoconstriction in skeletal muscle - causes