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23 Cards in this Set

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What is the range for Ventricular Pressure
0 to 120
When pressure continues to rise while ALL valves are Shut is known as.
What is name for tension developed here?
Isovolemic Contraction when NO volume changes in ventricular chambers.
--Tension in walls is the Preload
Describe Preload
How is Preload Measured?
Tension that built up at moment before IsoVolumic Contraction Phase--when Pressue is rising).
Tension is NOT measured, so either Pressure or Volume values used just before Ventricular contraction begins
--AV valves should still be open, and IsoVol Contraction closes them.
Describe Diastolic Pressure
Lowest Pressure that occurs in Aorta. Ventricular P Exceeding it causes SemiLunar Valves Open--
--in Aorta as its P decreases to point where it dips below the inc. IsoVol P allowing semilunar valves to open.
Describe Systolic Pressure
The maximum arterial pressure achieved during systole
When does afterload occur
No one value describes it as in Preload. In terms of pressure, it is maintained throughout Ejection Phase--concurrent with ventricular volume dec.
What event marks end of Systolic Phase and beginning of diastole?
Following T-Wave, Closure of the SemiLunar Valves & End of IsoVolemic Relaxation
--all valves now closed at begin of diastole
At end of Systole/Begin Diastole and during the IsoVolumic Relaxation, describe ventricular Pressure
It is dropping in pressure, though there is a constant volume
What is difference between the Afterload and Systolic Pressure
The afterload is P reqd to Eject blood/exceed Aortic P. Systolic is just the max P o afterload as it continues to rise during contraction
Describe Ventricular Pressure during the Rapid Filling Stage--this is After it has dropped below Aortic P, semilunars are shut--AV valves open
It is, initially, still falling as ventricle continues to relax
What is range for Ventricular Volume?
40 to 130 mL
What is and when does the Ventricular Volume Peak?
< or =130mL
occurs at begin of both Isovolumic Volume (goes down after this) and the point where Preload is measured
What is the 'a' wave
Contraction of R-Atrium where (due to lack of valve) atria pushes blood BACK into Jugular in addition to R. ventricle
What is the 'c' wave
Ventricular Contraction causes BP in Atria to go UP as it pushes on chamber. Causes 2nd engorgement of Jugular Vein
What is the 'v' wave
"Ventricular Filling," THOUGH it occurs during Isovolumic relaxation of Ventricle--AV valve closed--as the Fully relaxed Atria continues to fill w/o expanding, causes inc. in P..
This P peaks (surpasses vent. Pr.) & AV valve opens. Causes last engorgement of Jugular.
Therefore, the Peak/2nd half represents ventricular filling
---Note: Lower peak than either A or C waves.
Tension in Ventricular wall at begin of Ejection Phase (also at end of Ejection phase)
-measured in Pressure. The max of which is the clinical systolic pressure.
Ventricular wall tension decreases/ventricular P dips below aortic both mark the end of what 2 things and begin of what 2 things
1. Ejection Phase
2. Systole

1. IsoVolumic Relaxation
2. Diastole (diasthesis while all valves closed)
2 Names for when blood bounds back against now closed aortic valve causing an arterial presurre surge?
(the 'Dub') Dicrotic notch
or Incisura
Name events that occur when incisura is heard
-T-wave has ended
-Isovolumic Relaxation (concurrent with..)
-Ventricular Pressure plumit
-Aortic arterial pressure surge
Describe Rapid Filling Stage
Blood that, during systole, was filling atria causes Atrial P to exceed Ventricular P (which has plumited) forcing AV valves open and rushes in.
When isovolumic relaxation ends, what event relating to atria occurs?
What is volume effect (in mL) for ventricle
rapid filling stage. tapers quickly though.
Ventricular Volume change for 40ml to near 130mL
Where does 'X' descent occur?
What does it represent?
Starts after peak of "c" wave (as ventricles have contracted) where
"Atrial Relaxation", or atrial volume expansion occurs faster than they are being filled. This cause big dip in atrial Pressure.
What does Y descent Represent?
When does it occur and describe
Represents "Ventricular Relaxation." Although..
Starts after peak of 'v' wave (as ventricles fill) represents the marked decrease in atrial P that occurs during Rapid Refill stage where blood quickly leaves atria for the
now relaxed Ventricule