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18 Cards in this Set

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What is Dilated Cardiomyopathy?
ventricular enlargement (dilation) with systolic dysfunction
PP of DCM -
myocyte degeneration gives fibrosis, huge heart with normal wall thickness
Etiology of DCM -
idiopathic (majority),
infection (Coxsackievirus) peripartum,
connective tissue disorders, cocaine,
nutrition deficiency (wet beriberi)
Presentation of DCM -
o CHF findings: displaced PMI, S3, SOB, orthopnea, JVD, edema
• S3: rapid ventricular filling in setting of volume overload
o New onset arrhythmia: palpatations, dizziness
o Embolic phenomenon: stroke, ischemic bowel, peripheral clots
Dx of DCM -
o CXR: enlarged cardiac shadow, pulmonary congestion
o Echo: enlarged 4 chambers
o ECG/Holter if arrhythmias suspected
Prognosis of DCM -
worsens as Sx worsen. Complete recovery rare. 5 year mortality 40-80%
What is hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)?
hypertrophied and non-dilated left ventricle
PP of HCM -
results in a small LV, assymetrical septal hypertrophy and systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve
o During systole: anterior leaflet of mitral valve obstructs the outflow tract
o During diastole: small ventricle is non compliant, resulting in impaired filling
Etiology of HCM -
classic HOCM (Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy) is autosomal dominant, due to mutations in actin, myosin and other muscle components
Presentation of HCM -
o History: Syncope, angina, palpatations, fatigue
o Classic picture: athlete presenting with sudden death during activity
o S4: stiff, noncompliant ventricle with increased atrial kick
o Systolic crescendo-decrecendo murmur can be differentiated from aortic stenosis
• Obstruction increases with decreased preload → ↑murmur with valsalva
• Obstruction decreases with increased afterload → ↓murmur with hand grip
Dx of HCM -
o Strongly suspect with history and family history of early death
o Echo: asymmetrically thickened left ventricular wall
Tx of HCM -
o Avoid strenuous activity
o Beta-blockers, Calcium channel blockers to decrease heart rate and promote filling of ventricle
o Antiarrythmics as needed
o Surgery to trim down septum, mitral leaflet.
What is restrictive cardiomyopathy? (RCM)
impaired ventricular filling, normal systolic function early in disease; systolic dysfunction may be seen in the infiltrative types
PP of RCM?
infiltration of the myocardium or fibrosis of the endocardium, gives reduced ventricular size, significant loss of compliance and congestion
Etiology of RCM?
Infiltrative (amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, metabolic diseases, hemochromatosis), Endomyocardial (malignancy, radiation)
Presentation of RCM -
o Heart failure symptoms, R > L
o Must differentiate this from constrictive pericarditis, which is operable
• Constrictive pericarditis may give pericardial knock & friction rub
Dx of RCM -
o ECHO or cardiac catheterization
o Lab tests, possible biopsy looking for etiology
Tx of RCM -
o Treat the underlying cause
o Drug therapy is not too effective, but may use diuretics as needed for symptoms of CHF, antiarrythmics as needed