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96 Cards in this Set

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Pulmonary Circuit
-carries CO2 to the lungs
-returns O2 to the heart
Systemic Circuit
-transports O2 to body cells
-transports CO2 to the heart
Causes Death after MI
-cardiogenic shock
-pulmonary edema
-v fib
-heart rupture
-closure of AV valve
-aortic valve closure
-ventricles filling causing reverbation along ventricle walls
-herat failure
-atria contracting
Rheumatic Fever
-usually affected aortic or mitral valves
-fribrinous lesions grow along the inflamed edges of heart valves (fuse leaflets)
Aortic Stenosis
-systolic murmur
-loud harsh
Aortic Regurgitation
-diastolic murmur
-high pitched blowing murmur
Mitral Stenosis
-disatolic murmur
-low frequency
Mitral Regurgitation
-high frequency blowing over apex
Systolic Failure
-volume (EF) low, end disatolic high
-decreased contractility and ejection fraction
Diastolic Failure
-heart wall thickens to relieve stress of chronically working against elevated aortic pressure
-small amt pumped to aorta
R vent. Failure
-caused by L failure
-accumulation of blood in RA, RV, and systemic
L vent. Failure
-HTN, MI most common, valvular
-accumulation in LV, LA, and pulmonary circuit
-fluid in lungs
Dendritic Cells
-antigen presenting cells for initiation of adaptive immunity
-type of cytokine
-stimulate migration and activation of immune/inflammation cells
NK cells
-lyse and kill cancer cells and virus infected cells
Fxn of Lymphatic System
-maintain fluids
-return protein to blood
-absorption and transportation of fat
Lymph is Returned By:
-skeletal muscle
-pressure changes
-arterial pulsations
-smooth muscle
Lynmph Trunks
-Intestinal (1)
-lumbar (2)
-bronchomediastinal (2)
-subclavian (2)
-jugular (2)
R lymphatic duct drains;
-t lymphocytes mature here
-does not directly kill antigens
-consists of epithelial cells not reticular tissue
-secretes thymosin and thymopoeitin
Lymph Node
-lots of afferent, one efferent
-outer cortex= b cells
-inner cortex= t cells
-medulla= both
Tunica Externa
-outer layer
-protect and anchor
-loose CT
Tunica Media
-smooth muscle
-reguakte diameter of vessel
-sns control
Tunica Intima
-single layer of simple squamous
-the thickening of this lining is atherosclerosis
Phase 0
-rapid influx of Na
-QRS Complex
Phase 1
-inactivation of Na chnnels
-influx of Cl
Phase 2
-Ca into cell
-st segment
Phase 3
-final repoarization
-ca channels close
-increase in K permeability
-T wave
Phase 4
-maintenance of Na/K pump
-Na out, K in
Fast Response
-opening of Na channels
Slow Response
-slow leak of current until threshold is reached
Reactive Hyperemia
-ability of tissues to increase blood flow in situations of increased anxiety
Endothelial control
-vessel dilation
-nitric oxide (inhibits platelet aggregation and secretion of olatelet contents, many of which cause vasoconstriction)
Collateral Circuation
-when one artery becomes occluded, anasmotic channels increase in size, allowing blood from a patent artery to perfuse the area supplied by the occluded vessels
-excessive stress
-epi is less powerful and may actually cause dilation
Angiotensin 2
-increases sodium and water retention
-derived from mast cells in injured tissues and basophils in blood
-released from aggregating platelets during th clotting process
-thought to play key role in blood flow and capillary leakage in inflamed tissues
-some produce vasocontriction, some produce vasodilation
Continuous capillaries
-tunica intima is continuous
Fenestrated Capillaries
-have holes
-per,eable to solutes and fluids
-all endocrine organs
Sinusoidal Capillaries
-large pores
-convoluted shape
-pass through very slowly
-liver, bone marrow, lymph nodes
Capillary Filtration
-pushes H20 out of cap into interstitium
Cap Colloidal
-pull water into capillary
Interstitial hydrostatic
-opposes movement in/out of capillary
Tissue Colloidal
-pushes water out of cap into interstitium
-decrease HR
-increase everything
-respond to changes in stretch by sending impulse to CV centers in brainstem
-monitor O2, CO2, and H content of blood
-located in carotid bodies
CNS ischemic response
-raise BP to 270 for 10 minutes
-only happens when BP reaches 60
Cushing Reflex
-produces an increase in arterial pressure to levels above ICP so that blood flow to vasomotor center can be reestablished
Superficial Veins
-saphenous, tributanes
-1 degree vericose veins
-cx= standing and increased abd pressure
Deep Veins
-2 degree vericose veins
-cx= DVT
Venous Insufficiency
-valve cannot close causing blood to pool at lower levels and push blood in wrong direction
Stasis Dermatitis
-in advanced venous insufficiency due to impaired tissue nutrition
Stasis Ulcers
-injury can lead to ucers due to the difficult to heal
-smoking, DM, obesity
-dont see it until there is 50% blockage
-atheroclerosis of the extremities
Thromboangitis Obliterans
-inflammatory arterial disorder causing thrombus formation
-MC in legs and feet
-may require amputation
-no hair, cold, diminished pulses
-intemse vasospasm of arteries/arterioles in fingers
-sympathetic withdrawal
-small intestine
-transport of dietary
-triglycerides and protein
-transfer tri to adipose and skeletal muscle
-endogenous triglycerides
-reduce to IDL
-main source of LDL
-removed from liver and transported to periphery
-takes cholesterol and puts it back in the liver
-reduces oxidation
-Migration of Inflammatory cells
-Lipid Accumulation
-Plaque formation
-lower BP by icreasing Na/H2O excretion
Beta Blocker
-decrease HR and CO
-decrease renin release
ACE inhibitor
-prevent conversion of angiotensin 1 to angiotensin 2
-inhibit movement of Ca into cardiac and vascular smooth muscle
Alpha 1 antagonists
-block alpha 1 and reduced effect of sympathetic nervous system on vascular smooth muscle tone of vessels that regulate peripheral resistance
Centrally acting adrenergic agonists
-block sympathetic outflow
from CNS
-alpha 2 agonists
Direct-acting smooth muscle vasodilators
-promote decrease in peripheral vascular resistance by producing relaxation of vascular smooth muscle
Malignant HTN
-sudden elevation in BP w/ diastolic vlues above 120 mmHg w/ evidence of acute organ dysfunction
-renal damage
Left Coronary Artery
-Left circumflex
Right Coronary Artery
-Av nodal
Great Cardiac Vein
-drains area supplied by LAD
Middle Cardiac Vein
-drains area by PDA
Small Cardiac Veins
-drains blood from post. surfaces of right atrium and ventricle
Anterior Cardiac Veins
-drains into Right atrium
Coronary Sinus
-coronary veins attach here
Cardiac Reserve
-the max percentage of increase in CO that can be achieved above normal resting level
Aortic Aneurysms
-may be involved in ascending aorta, descending aorta, the aortic arch, the thoracoabdominal aorta, and abdominal aorta
Pulse Pressure
-difference between systolic and diastolic
-the force the heart generates each time it contracts
Orthostatic Hypotension Causes:
-fluid deficit
-meds (HTN and psychotropic)
-Bed rest
-left to right
-machinery pansystolic sound
-left to right
-S2 is split
-left to right
Pulmonary Stenosis
Tetralogy of Fallot
-right to left
-harsh systolic ejection
-ischemia, MI, ventricular hypertrophy, infection, increased sympathetic activity, or HR
-alectrolyte imbalance or medication