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69 Cards in this Set

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what part of the wall of the heart is made up of a low friction surface made up of mesothelium?
What part of the heart wall consists of endothelial lining and CT?
What constitutes the visceral layer of the pericardium in the heart wall?
The mesothelium of the epicardium is made up of what cell types?
simple squamous and cuboidal cells
Where in the heart wall do you see adipose tissue?
Increasing pressure across the atrial wall will cause what to happen?
ANF will be released to relax cardiac m.
Na and water are released.
this decreases blood volume
How does ANF relax the cardiac m?
by antagonizing vasopressing and angiotensin II
What stimulates diuresis and natriuresis in the right atrial wall?
What prevents hypervolemia and hypertension in the heart?
What are strong junctions between intercalated discs?
What is located on the sides of Cardiac M cells and allows the cells to communicate?
Gap Junctions
What do you see in aged cardiac muscle?
Cardiac muscles cells are arranged end to end by what?
Intercalated Discs
What two structures hold cardiac m cells together?
Desmosomes and Fascia Adherens
Which is longer, desmosomes or fasica adherens?
Fascia Adherens
What is modified cardiac muscle that stains light because of rich glycogen?
Purkinje cells
What is cholinergic in the heart? (has the ability to release acetycholine)
Purkinje Fibers
What innervates norepinephrine release?
Symphathetic innervation- Thoracic Spinal Accessory Cardiac Nerves (T1-T6)
What innervates acetycholine release?
Parasympathetic: Vagus N
What causes the Coronary A to dilate?
Sympathetic Innervation
What causes the Coronary A to constrict?
Parasympathetic Innervation
What innervation will cause Tachycardia?
What is the hormonal modulation of the heart?
Adrenal Medulla
What senses high blood pressure in the carotid sinus and aortic arch?
What senses low blood pressure in the wall of the atria and ventricles?
Volume receptors
What senses 02, CO2, and pH in the carotid and aortic bodies?
What part of the heart valve is made up of loose CT containing collagen and elastic fibers to absorb vibrations?
Spongiosa of the Aortic and Pulmonary valves are known as what?
Spongiosa of the Tricuspid and Mitral Valves are known as what?
What part of the heart valve is an extension of theskeletal rings and made up of dense irregular CT?
What are the 3 layers of the heart valves?
What part of the heart valve is dense CT with elastic fibers?
What is made up of multiple layers of elastic lamellae with a relative thick tunica intima and thin tunia adventitia?
Large Arteries
What artery has lots of smooth muscle and has less elastin?
Medium Arteries
What are 0.5 to 2.0 mm and up to 8 layers thick of smooth muscle cells?
small arteries
What is made up of 2-3 layers of smooth muscle?
What is absent in arterioles?
Internal Elastic Membrane
How do arterioles control blood flow to capillary network?
By contraction of smooth muscle cells by precapillary sphincter
With Athersclerosis and Ischemic Heart disease, lesions develop in what layer of the heart muscle?
What consists of a thick laye of fibrous CT with smooth muscle cells, macrophages, foam cells, lymphocytes, cholesterol crystals and cell debris?
Lesion in Intima
With developing athersclerosis, macrophages and smooth muscle cells accumulate what?
lipid (LDL)
With advanced lesions forming in the Intima of the heart, what type plaques form as well?
Fibrofatty Intimial plaques
With Ischemic Heart Disease, when does blood flow become critical?
reduced by 90%- this is when you'll develope anginal pain
What is a Coronary Artery Thrombosis?
Myocardial Infarct
What are Rouget cells?
What type of cell in the capillary wall has a large nucleus and it's basal lamina is continuous with that of the endothelium?
Pericytes are precursor cells for what?
Endothelial cells and Smooth M cells
What is a vasodilating agent in the capillary?
EDRF Endothelial-derived relaxation factor
aka Nitric Oxide
Vasodilating agents in the capillary cause the smooth muscles to relax and blood flow increases. If this isn't controlled what can it lead to?
Peripheral Edema
What drives Vasodilation?
Endothelial derived relaxation Factor and low O2
What are 3 regulations of blood flow?
Arteriovenous Shunts
What is located at the Metarteriole that makes it a regulator of blood flow?
Precapillary Sphincter
Contraction of arteriole smooth muscle at the AV shunt would cause what?
Blood to go to capillary bed
Relaxation of the arteriole smooth muscle at the AV shunt will cause blood to flow where?
bypass the capillary bed and go thru AV shunt
What is the size of Muscular venule diameters?
1 mm
What is the size of Postcapillary venule diameters?
0.2 mm
Which has thicker Tunica Media, medium arteries or medium veins?
medium arteries
What are a characteristic feature of medium veins?
The tunica media in medium veins contains what type of muscle cells?
circular and longitudinal smooth muscle cells
What size vein contains circumferentially arranged smooth muscle cells, collagen fibers and fibroblasts?
Large Veins
What layer of the Large Vein contains collagen, elastic fibers, fibroblasts, and longitudinally arranged smooth muscle cells?
tunica adventitia
What is the epithelium of Epicardium?
Mesothelium- Simple squamous/cuboidal epithelium
What is this an image of in the heart?
Epicardium- notice all the adipose cells, simple squamous/cuboidal epi, and loose CT
Internal elastic membrane is only located in ________.
Label each #
1. Purkinje Fibers
2. Endocardium
3. Myocardium
What is the image on the left? label the #s
Muscular Artery
#1- Internal elastic lamina
#2 elastic membrane (only present in arteries)
What is this an image of?
Large Vein- notice how big the Tunica Adventitia is
What is unique about medium arteries?
What is unique about medium veins?
medium arteries- can see prominent elastic membrane
medium veins- circular and longitudinal smooth muscle cells and valves
What blood vessels is this an image of?
small artery