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55 Cards in this Set

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Precordial leads define:
the path of the LAD

- check them first, since LAD is most commonly affected

-then move on to I, II, III, etc

- aVR is least important

- it's subendocardial, always
Plavix =
Ca2+ blockers are contraindicated in:
suspected LHF
ST elevation = ___________ infarction
S4 ~~
ventricular stiffness
ACS **implies:**
two medications to always give post-MI:
aspirin and heparin
inverted T-waves in v1
2 features of pathologic Q-waves:
>1/3 the entire height of the wave

>1 mm across
S3 ~~
compromised systolic function
never give:
multiple statins
PCSK9 inhibitors block:
the compensatory mech of the body to increase chol in the blood

- Given with statins
TIMI risk score factors:

1. >= 65

2. 2 episodes of angina in last 24 hours

3. known CAD (>50% stenosis)

4. aspirin use within past 7 days

5. >= 3 CAD risk factors

6. **ST change >=3 mm

7. **elevated biomarkers
modest weight loss can:

reduce LDL-c,

increase HDL-c
cholesterol is only found in foods of:
ANIMAL origin
cholesterol intake should be less than:
150 OR 300 mg per day
Saturated fat:

1. raises LDL

2. should be <7% of total energy intake
MUFA oils =

palm, oleic

- do not raise LDL
3 overall effects of PUFA's:

(linoleic oil)
1. dec. LDL

2. dec. TC

3. dec. TG's
w3's PUFA's:

(2 actions:
1. dec. TG's

2. inc. HDL
w3's do NOT:
reduce CVD events,

but good for other things
what do plant sterols do?
reduce chol absorption from bile, food

(e.g. sitostanol)
2 benefits of alcohol:
1. inc. flavinoids

2. inc. HDL
2 benefits of fiber:
1. dec. LDL

2. dec. CVD events
Vit's C and E do NOT:
dec. CVD events
there is no documented benefit of:

soy protein > isoflavones
B vitamins, despite reducing homocysteine, do NOT:
lower risk of CVD events
fiber: aim for:
21-38 g per day
HTN numbers =
140 / 90
CVD risk doubles for every ________ increase in BP
20 / 10
connection between diabetes and CVD: diabetes ~~
dyslipidemia, HTN

~~ CVD
3 dietary goals of DASH:
1. reduce sodium

2. inc Ca2++, P, Mg, and fiber

3. inc fruits/veggies, dairy and whole grains
4 aspects of Motivational Interviewing:
1. Listening

2. Rolling with R

3. Setting an Agenda/Asking Permission

4. Eliciting Change Talk/Paying attention to it
Erb's point:

1. 3rd IC space

2. where S2 is heard best
S1 is best heard at:

(Tricuspid, 5th space)
expected change in LDL and CHD following diet and exercise:

change in LDl when on statins:
3 features of administration of Vit K antagonists like warfarin:
1. given for 3-6 months to prevent or treat VTE

2. prevent stroke during atrial fib

3. mostly oral
histology of Cardiac Myxoma:
lots of ECm with few tumor cells

(open space)
antiplatelet classes 4-6:
4. Phospho-diester inhibitors

e.g. Cilostazol

5. adenosine receptor inhibitors (e.g. Dypiridamole)

6. TX inhibitors

T-wave inversion


ST *depression*
T-wave inversions and ST depression specifically in v4-v6 ~~
T-wave inversions and ST elevations are consistent with:
to find RAE on ECG:
initial rise of the diphasic P wave in **v1** is larger than fall
to find LAE on ECG:
vice versa of RAE
to find RVH on ECG:
**LARGE R in v1**

(rather than large S deflection)

*R gets progressively smaller from v1-v6*
to find LVH on ECG:

1. **huge deflections in the precordial leads**

2. large S in v1 + large R in v5 >=35 mm

3. inverted T wave
arrhythmias ~~ _____ days;

most other bad stuff, including wall rupture, occur between:
within first 2 days;

5 - 10 days
statins do in fact decrease:

TC and TG's,

on top of LDL
contraction band necrosis is seen:
WITHIN 24 hours

- PMN's follow after
pathological S2 splitting ~~
a posterior MI will show up in leads:
v1 and v2
yellow-brown with hyperemic border ~~ MI ____________ ago
3-7 days
what does streptokinase do?
degrades blood clots