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12 Cards in this Set

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Medical device used to restore a normal heart rhythm by delivering an electrical shock; also called a Cardioverter


Relaxation phase of the heart cycle during which the heart muscle relaxers & the heart chambers fill with blood.


Abnormally of the rhythm or rate of the heartbeat. It is caused by a disturbance of the normal electrical activity within the heart and can be divided into two main groups: tachycardios and bradycardios. Dysrhythmia is also referred to as an arrhythmia.

Dys - difficult, abnormal

rhythm - rhythm

-is - condition

Echocardiography (ECHO)

Noninvasive ultrasound used to evaluate the heart for valvular or structural defects and coronary artery disease.

Ech/o - reflected sound

cardi/o - heart

-graphy - recording

Electrocardiograph (ECG,EKG)

Medical diagnostic device used for recording the electrical impulse of the heart muscle.

Electr/o - electricity

cardi/o - heart

-graph - instrument for recording.


Pathological condition caused by obstruction of a blood vessel by foreign substances or a blood clot.

Embol - a throwing in

-ism - condition


Surgical excision of the inner portion of an artery.

End- within

arter - artery

-ectomy - surgical excision


Inflammation of the inner living of the heart (endocardium). It typically occurs when bacteria from other parts of the body travel through the bloodstream, and affects heart valves & other important cardio structures.

Endo - within

card - heart

-itis - inflammation


Inner living of the heart

Endo - within

cardi - heart

-um - tissue

Extracorporeal Circulation (ECC)

Pertaining to the circulation of the blood outside body via a heart - lung machine or in hemodialysis.

Extra - outside

corpor - body

-cal - pertaining to

circulat - circular

-ion - process


Spontaneous twitching of muscle fibers that occur in neuropathies & myopathies; disorganized pathological rhythm that can lead to death if not immediately corrected.

Fibrillat - fibrils (small fibers)

-ion - process


Rapid heart rate may cause cardiac output (CO) to be decreased. With atrial flutter, the heart rate is 200-400 bpm. With atrial flutter, the heartbeat is 250 bpm or more. On an EKG recording a flutter will demonstrate a slow tooth appearance.