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11 Cards in this Set

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solubilize insoluble lipid components, allow transport in the plasma
servea as binding ligands; allows lipids to be internalized to the cell from circulation
activate or inhibit enzymes

facilitate utilization of TG and Cholestero and FA to supply energy
largest lipoproteins;
converted to smaller remnants in the body
dietary particles
primarily TG; hydrolyzed by Lpl
Normal metab of chylo: source of HDL
Made by the liver
source of energy and FA
its a particle synthesized for energy that becomes atherogenic when metabolized
lipoportein that accepts free cholesterol
looks like hockey puck with central cleft---> becomes spherical
mature HDL is taken out of circulation by liver: revers cholesterol transport
primodial prevention of CHD
prevention of the development of risk factor: prevent obesity HTN smoking
primary prevention
prevention of disease in people w/o manifestations of diseas, but w/risk factores
Secondary prevention
prevention of recurrent event in people that have already had atherosclerotic event
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
inhibit rate limiting step of choleserol sythesis
increase expresssion of LDL receptors that internalize LDL and cholesterol
increased removal from circulation
ASE: muscle aches and pains

if receptor is abnormal, wont really help
bile acid binding resins
taken orally never absorbed
bind bile acids in hepatocyte; turns on bile acid synthesis from cholesterol (lowers intracellular cholesterol and up regs receptor)
cholesterol absorption inhibitor
risk factor for the development of pancreatitis