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56 Cards in this Set

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3 layers of heart
endothelium, myocardium, endocardium
Largest layer of heart that contracts
Innermost layer of heart
Pressure is greater in atria than in the ventricles, what valve opens?
AV valves
When the ventricle starts to contract, what happens to the AV valves and why?
slam shut to prevent backflow into atria
When the ventricle contracts more, what valves opens?
semilunar valves
The pressure in the aorta and pulmonary arteries is greater than the ventricle, what happens?
semilunar valves slam shut
AV valve is between what?
Atria and ventricle
The Chordae tendinae does/does not open and shut AV valve
does not, it prevents backflow
Where do you find semilunar valves
juncture where major arteries leave ventricles
When ventricular pressure is greater than arterial pressure, what happens
semilunar valves open
When do semilunar valves slam shut?
When arterial pressure is greater than ventricular pressure
Are there valves between the atria and veins?
2 types of cardiac muscle cells
autorhythmic, contractile
Do autorhythmic cells contract? What is their function?
No, Specialized for initiating and conducting action potentials responsible for contraction of working cells
What cells do the mechanical work of pumping?
Do contractile cells initiate their own action potentials?
autorhythmic action potential process
Potassium channels close, potassium leaks out, funny sodium channels (are always open) and sodium goes in, cell depolarizes and channels open,, calcium channels open, calcium in, potassium channels open, potassium out, hits "rest"
autorhythmic cells have ___ sodium channels, two types of ____ channels which are ___ and ____.
funny (stay open), calcium, T-type (transient), L-type (long-lasting)
SA node controls contractions of ___ and av node controls contractions of ____
atria, ventricle
Spread of Excitation
interarterial pathway, internodal pathway, AV node transmission, ventricular excitation
What contracts first in ventricle?
Similarities between skeletal and cardiac muscle
both are striated, sarcomeres, both use troponin and tropomyosin, both have T-tubules (spread quickly), sarcoplasmic reticulum, oxidative fibers
Differences between skeletal and cardiac muscle
intercalated disks (w/ gap junctions), desmosomes for stretching, innervated by Autonomic, influenced by hormones, calcium comes from ECF and sarcoplasmic reticulum
Does summation or tetanus occur in cardiac muscle? Why or why not?
No, because of the long refractory period and plateau phase
L-Type calcium channels cause long ____ ____ in cardiac muscle
refractory period
What 3 ways is calcium removed from the cytosol?
Ca ATPase in SR, Ca ATPase on plasma membrane, Na-Ca exchanger on plasma membrane
Which is longer, diastole or systole
Mechanical activity consisting of alternate periods of_____ which is _____ and ______ which is _______
systole, contraction, diastole, relaxing
Four phases of Cardiac Cycle
Ventricular filling, Isovolumetric ventricular contraction, Ventricular ejection, and Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation
SV = EDV -ESV. When you increase End diastole volume, you ____ stroke volume. When you increase end systole volume, you _____ stroke volume
increase, decrease
First heart sound
AV valves closing
Second heart sound
Semilunar valves closing
Which sound is louder and why?
Second heart sound because semilunar valves are under more pressure
AV closing is at the beginning of isovolumetric ____ ____ , whereas the semilunar closing is at the beginning of the ____ ____ ____
ventricular contraction, isovolumetric ventricular relaxation
Formula for Cardiac output
What is the main determinant of Cardiac output
heartrate because you can change heartrate more than stroke volume
What parts of the heart does the parasympathetic system innervate?
SA node, AV node to slow heartrate
What parts of the heart does the sympathetic system innervate?
SA node, AV node to speed heartrate, ventricular myocardium
Without parasympathetic, what would the heartrate be?
Effects of sympathetic ns on heart rate
increased sympathetic activity, Beta adrenergic receptors on SA node, increase funny Na channels and opens Ca channels, increased rate of depolarization, increased hr
Effects of sympathetic ns on heart rate
increased parasympathetic activity, muscurinic cholinergic receptors in SA node, increase open state of K channels and closed state of Ca channels, decrease in spontaneous depolarization, decreased hr
Stroke volume is influenced by 2 types of controls, ___ and ___ which are ___ and ____ respectively
intrinsic, extrinsic, changes in end diastolic volume, sympathetic ns and hormones
an increase of ___ ___ by increasing ____ ____
stroke volume, contraction strength
drop in arterial pressure will cause a/an ____ in stroke volume
___ controls heart rate and sa node whereas ____ only controls heart rate
sympathetic, parasympathetic
Which part of the heart has the greatest musculature?
The opening of the AV and semilunar valves is driven by what?
pressure differences
The rising phase of the action potential that spontaneously occurs in the autorhythmic cells is due to
Opening of L-type Ca channels
What do L-type Ca channels do in the contractile cell?
cause plateau phase
99% of myocardial cells are
What is the conduction pathway through the heart?
SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, Purkinje system
Why can't tetanus of the heart occur?
long refractory, prolonged plateau, ensure alternating contraction and relaxation
During which phase of the cardiac cycle are both AV valves and semilunar valves open
what is occuring during ventricular ejections
semilunar valves open, ventricle is contracting, blood is leaving the ventricle
What would decrease cardiac output?
CO = SV * HR