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136 Cards in this Set

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what % of pts undergoing surgery have CAD (diagnosed or undiagnosed)

30 - 40%
first indicators of CAD
angina, MI, cardiac arrest
primary cause of cardiac arrest
what surgical and anesthetic agents cause arrythmias
epinephrine, cocaine, histamine releasing agents, volatile anesthetics, hypoxia
volatile anesthetic agents are
negative inotropes
risk factors associated with CAD
male, age, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, family history, cigarette smoking, hypertension, obesity, sedentary life style
2 most important risk factors for CAD are
Male gender and age
relation between cholesterol and risk of CAD
linear correlation - a cholesterol value >240 doubles the risk for CAD compared to a value of 180
the effect of smoking on CAD is the same as
raising your cholesterol level by 50-100mg/dl
effects of smoking can be reversed if
quit smoking early enough - if plaque already laid down, some irreversible damage
decreased cardiac output leads to ??? SVO2
decreased SVO2 - because increased time for perfusion due to slow heart rate
increased CO leads to ??? SVO2
increased SVO2 because faster heart rate decreases time for perfusion in tissues
Cardiac Output =
HR x stroke volume
SVO2 is an indicator of
cardiac output
a septic pt has increased SVO2 because
toxins prevent cells from uptaking needed oxygen or getting rid of CO2
SVO2 represents
returning venous oxygen
Coronary perfusion pressure is
coronary arteries perfuse
during diastole
opposing force to the perfusion of the coronary arteries is the
left ventriclular end diastolic pressure
angina is a symptom of a
supply vs demand problem
driving force for coronary perfusion is
diastolic blood pressure in the aortic arch
4 factors that determine myocardial oxygen demand
heart rate, afterload (systolic wall tension), preload (diastolic wall tension), contractility
what affect oxygen demand of the heart muscle the most
heart rate (secondly SVR)

why is the heart rate the most important factor in considering myocardial oxygenation

increases work of the heart, decreases time for coronary artery perfusion, also preload reduced because less time for filling and therefore decreased stroke volume
5 fators that determine myocardial oxygen supply
heart rate, LVEDP, aortic diastolic pressure, oxygen content of the blood, oxygen extraction
blood oxygen capacity predominantly determined by
hemoglobin level

oxygen extraction affected by

sepsis, cyanide
the oxyhemoglobin curve shifted left means
holds onto O2 more tightly
beta blockers work by
reducing oxygen demand by decreasing heart rate more than they reduce supply
improve coronary perfusion by
increasing aortic diastolic blood pressure or decreasing LVEDP
what % of the CO goes to perfuse the heart
if heart rate is too fast then
pt may become acidotic since there is not enough time for proper perfusion in the capillaries leading to some accumulation of CO2
if heart rate is too slow then
supply doesn't meet demand oxygen supply is not enough because all oxygen will be emptied off the hemoglobin before it even gets to all the cells
preop cardiac evaluation
evaluate cardiac reserve, identify angina, previous MI, medical interventions (cath, stent, drugs) - also check chest exray, EKG, echos, stress tests, cath lab reports, etc

goal of taking a pt history with possible cardiac issues is to determine

the severity, progression, and functional limitations introduced by hypertension or CAD.
stable factor
EF40>%, LVEDP < 12mmHG, CI 2.5, no dyskinesia, no CHF, previous MI >6months ago or a CABG to fix, Non Q-wave MI
unstable cardiac factors
EF < 40%, LVEDP > 18mmHh, CI < 2, Dyskinesia, episodes of CHF, previous MI < 6 months, Q wave MI
is a Q wave MI stable or unstable
arguments can be made both ways
a Q wave MI is
complete - the entire thickness of the myocardial wall is damaged
a Q wave mi is associated with
areas of dyskinesia
a non Q-wave MI is
incomplete - there are some areas of ischemia and infarct but is in danger of reinfarction because vessel may close off again
what do you ask your patient to assess cardiac function if you can't run all the tests you want
what kind of work do they do, can they climb 2-3 flights of stairs without pain or severe shortness of breath, do they sleep sitting up or with lots of pillows, have they noticed any changes in activity recently, ever been admitted for CHF?
what is the most striking evidence of decreased cardiac reserve
exercise intolerance in the absence of significant pulmonary disease

if a patient answers questions in such a way as to indicate they may have impaired cardiac function - consider

do they need a cardiac workup, is this an elective surgery? baseline ekg? chest xray? would volatiles be the best? do we need positive inotropes in the room? who will I run my fluids? how will I treat hypotension, hypertension? do I need to pretreat with a beta blocker or something else to make induction smoother?
is angina stable or unstable
angina is considered stable if there has been no change in precipitating factors, duration, or frequency in the last 60 days.
70% of ischemic episodes are not
associated with angina
silent MI's account for

candidates for silent MI's are

women and diabetics
what is the most ominous sign of CAD
angina at rest
coexisting diseases that should raise your suspicions of CAD are
diabetes, untreated hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, COPD, renal dysfunction, and long term smokers
risk of reinfarcting on the table at 0-3 months after an MI is
risk of reinfarcting on the table at 3-6 months after an MI is
risk of reinfarcting on the table at more than 6 months after an MI is

if a patient has a heart attack, delay the surgery if possible until

more than 6 months after the MI
labetalol is contraindicated in
labetalol ratio of nonspecific blockers is
7:1 nonspecific beta: alpha
B1 block causes
decreased heart rate
B2 block causes
alpha block causes
vasodilation and decreased SVR
esmolol is ??? specific
B1 specific in smaller doses but will eventually carry over to B2 receptors - so use cautiously in asthmatics
factors that increase the risk of a perioperative MI
site and extent of previous MI, hx of CABG, plasty, or stenting, intrathoracic or intraabdominal surgeries lasting more than 3 hours, multiple surgery procedures in same operative setting, and anesthetic technique
perioperative beta blocker protocol
a beta blocker started 7 - 30 days prior to surgery and continued 30 days after surgery reduces risk of cardiac morbidities by 90%
a betablocker started day of surgery
and continued for 7 days after surgery, reduces risk of perioperative mortality by 50%
anesthetic goals are
increase O2 delivery, reduce demand for O2, keep HR WNL, block sympathetic effects (intubation, pain), and avoid anesthetics that suupresses myocardial contractility
how do anesthetists improve oxygen delivery
providing oxygen, maintain bp in WNL, obtaining or maintaining a normal preload, maintian normal contractility, maintaining a normal hemoglobin
how do anesthetists reduce demand for oxygen
address tachycardia, address high SVR, address excessive HTN, address stress, pain, anxiety, address hemodynamic changes or avoid hemodynamic changes during stimulating times in the surgery
what can produce tachycardia and hypertension in surgery
pain, intubation, incision, surgical tugging, light anesthetic,
when can intubating cause bradycardia
in small children
negative inotropy of volatile anesthetics is
dose dependent - so can be run at a lower MAC with adjunct medication if need to limit negative inotropy effect
causes of hypertension, tachycardia, and arrythmias in surgery caused by surgeon
local anesthetics such as epi and cocaine can be absorbed into the systemic circulation
anesthetic implications to consider when trying to regulate cardiac effect in surgery
intubation, incision time, surgical tugging, light anesthetic use, post-op pain, volatile anesthetics, epinephrine and cocain local anesthetics, histamine releasing agents, and hypotensive effects of many drugs
the most common circulatory problem is
hypertension affects #
60 million americans - 2/3rds of the people over 60
essential hypertension
accounts for 95% of cases and has no identifiable cause
secondary hypertension
has an identifiable etiology and is usually renal related
possible causes of secondary hypertension
cushings disease, conn's disease, pyelonephritis, pheochromocytoma, coarctation of the aorta, renal disease, renal artery stenosis
pheochromocytoma is a disorder that causes
epi secretion
old definition of hypertension
two consecutive BPs taken 5 minutes apart in the sitting position with a systolic > 160 mmHg and a diastolic > 90 mmHg
new definition of hypertension
the risk for cardiovascular disease
doubles with each increase of the BP by 20/10 mmHg above 115/75 mmHg
hypertension in older people occurs because
of loss of elastin in vascular system
contributing factors to essential hypertension
sympathetic nervous system, increased renin release by the kideys, too much vasoconstriction, or not enough vasodilation - basically salt and water retention
significant risk factors for essential hypertension
ischemic heart disease, angina, LVH, CHF, CVA/TIA, renal insufficiency - all will lead to end organ disease due to poorly controlled essential hypertension
essential hypertension is a big problem in
the african american community
blood pressure =
PIH theorized to be caused by
imbalance between thromboxane and prostacyclin
ace inhibitors side effect is
cardiac output (as a cause of hypertension) is increased by
increased extracellular fluid volume, decreased glom filtration rate, impaired sodium excretion, increased renal nerve activity, ineffective natriuresis, increased contraction, increased adrenergic activation
systemic vascular resistance (as a cause of hypertension) is increased by
increased vasoconstriction, increased adrenergic stimuli, inappropriate renin endothelin release, increased thromboxane, decreased vasodilation, decreased prostacyclin, decreased nitric oxide
increased pressure in the renal artery causes (step 1 of the loop)
pressure diuresis leading to decreased volume which causes the sympathetic system to vasoconstrict leading the kidneys to release renin which causes the formation of angiotensin I which promotes the release of aldosterone
aldosterone causes
increased reabsorption of sodium
increased pressure in the renal artery causes (step 2 of the loop)
angiotensin I goes to the lungs to be converted to angiotensin II by the angiotensin converting enzyme. angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor which then increases the SVR and BP and causes the whole cycle to begin again
what does the increasing hypertensive loop mean in a preop context
a patient may be hypertensive and hypovolemic
vicious hypertensive cycle
hypertension causes increased ventricular wall pressure and increased work to unload and increasing oxygen demand. as lvedp and lvedv increase coronary perfusion decreases leading to ischemia, infarction, arrythmias, and heart failure
coronary insufficiency is created in 2 ways
shear stress of the coronary arteries lead to CAD and increased LVEDV and LVEDP reduce perfusion during diastole
infarction and dysrythmias leads to
heart failure which leads to hypertrophy to compensate which then causes increased myocardial O2 demand and increased myocardial wall tension
can you have angina without CAD
yes - a person with sever hypertension can develop angina even if they do not have CAD because the perfusion during diastole is decreased and the oxygen demand is increased
anesthetic goals in managing pt with hypertension
fluid management, check electrolytes, keep bp within 20% of normal
why is fluid management not necessarily obvious in a pt with hypertension
may be volume depleted even if hypertensive - pt may be on diuretic to keep volume down due to hypertension and may be clamped down too
why check electrolytes on hypertensive pt
especially if on diuretic - may have elevated or low K+ level based on whether or not K+ sparing diuretic
autoregulation curves shift in a hypertensive pt
to the right - therefore need to keep bp within 20% of normal which for a chronic htn patient will be higher than a healthy normal - in order to keep organs perfusing
what bp meds do you take and what bp meds don't you take before surgery?
do take beta blockers and Ca++ channel blockers. Don't take diuretics. ACE inhibitors? If take, watch for low BP
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is aka
obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and
idiopathic hypertrophic cubaortic stenosis
cardiomyopathy is
a compensatory enlargement of the heart
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is caused by
a genetically transmitted disease
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can cause
CAD, valve dysfunction, arrhythmias, hypertension, and myocardial hypertrophy because the myocardial cells become hypertrophic and disorganized.
anesthetic goals for patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are
increase preload, decrease heart rate, decrease contractility, maintain or increase SVR
physical differences in heart with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
thickened septum wall, narrowed outflow tract, and leaky mitral valve
what is critical to patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
RSR - because they rely on the atrial kick for as much as 75% of the LV preload
describe the problem with functioning of the hypertrophic cardiomyopathic heart
the thickened septum bulges into the ventricle, narrowing the outflow so when blood ejects through the narrowed outflow it causes a venturi effect that sucks the mitral valve leaflet into the outflow tract making it even more difficult to get the blood out.
additional problems with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are
a stiffened ventricle produces abnormally high LVEDP but still has a low LVEDV, and passive filling is difficult.
in a pt with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy you want to avoid
increasing contractility, increasing heart rate, and decreasing preload
example of the venturi effect
the winter wind sucking the air out of you
describe the pressure volume loop of IHSS (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)
the loop is tall and narrow and shifted way left - long isovolumetric phases, short ejection phase and small stroke volume (like this on boards)
stiffer chamber in IHSS causes
decreased volume
types of pericardial disease
inflammatory acute pericarditis, pericardial effusions, chronic pericarditis, constrictive pericarditis
possible causes of pericardial inflammation are
viral infections (often), an acute MI, post cardiotomy, metastatic disease, irradiation, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis
Dressler's syndrome is
a delayed form of pericardial inflammation that may follow an acute MI
the inflammation of the pericardium can cause
fusion of the two pericardial layers leading to pericardial effusions.
the normal pericardial space holds
20 - 25 ml
with constrictive pericarditis the CVP and PAOP will
even out (some books say at 20 mmHg)
historically the most common cause of restrictive pericarditis was
tuberculosis - now is idiopathic
treatment for chronic pericarditis with hemodynamic compromise is
pericardiectomy (remove the pericardial sac)
pericardiectomies are
associated with high level of intraoperative mortality, arrhythmias, and massive bleeding
chronic pericarditis is associated with
constrictive pericarditis an dcardiac tamponade with impaired filling and decreased cardiac output
causes of cardiac tamponade are
penetrating trauma, blunt trauma, dissecting aortic aneurysm, cardiac surgery, pericardial effusion and pericarditis
a reduction in preload and subsequent CO in a patient with cardiac tamponade leads to
SNS vasoconstriction and tachycardia
pulsus paradoxus is a sign of
cardiac tamponade
pulsus paradoxus is
this is a reduction in blood pressure with inspiration
a 12 lead will show on a patient with cardiac tamponade that
the axis or vector has changed because the heart is torqued
why do you get hypotension with cardiac tamponade
because of increased pressure on the heart makes it difficult to fill the heart so you will have decreased cardiac output
why do you have distended neck veins with cardiac tamponade
because the increased pressure on the heart will make it more difficult for the blood to return to the heart
why do you get distant heart sounds with cardiac tamponade
because the heart is torqued and you have to listen to it through a bunch of fluid (like listening to something under water)
if patient with cardiac tamponade is viewed as too risky to fully sedate, second option is
to have local sedation and do a pericardial window under local or a fluoro guided pericardiocentesis
why not pavulon in a cardiac tamponade case
good for increased heart rate but lasts way too long for the short pericardial window procedure

cor pulmonale is

pulmonary hypertension caused by a lung problem (cover in pulmonary lecture)