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65 Cards in this Set

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Pulmonary Circulation
Right heart pumps deoxygenated blood through the lungs where it becomes oxygenated.
Systemic Circulation
Left heart pumps oxygenated blood through the body
Follow a drop of deoxygenated blood from the capillaries to the lungs
venules of organs, veins of organs, vena cava, right atrium, right av valve, right ventricle, pulmonary semilunar valve, pulmonary arteries, lungs
Follow a drop of oxygenated blood from the lungs to the capillaries
pulmonary vein, left atrium, left av valve, left ventricle, aortic semilunar valve, aorta, arteries of each organ, arterioles of each organ
Sac that surrounds and protects the heart
contains all of the thoracic viscera except the lungs
cardiac muscle cells
Innermost layer of tissue that lines the chambers of the heart
Name the two atrioventricular valves
Tricuspid Valve
Mitral/Bicuspid Valve
Name the two semilunar valves
Pulmonic Valve
Aortic Valve
Papillary muscles
prevent the valve leaflets from bending backwards into the atria during ventricular contractions
What is the period of ventricular contractions called?
What is the period of ventricular relaxation called?
S1 is caused by
Closure of the AV valves
S2 is caused by
Closure of the semilunar valves
Isolvolumic Contraction
volume remains constant during this phase
ventricular ejection
contraction results in a rapid rise in ventricular pressure forces the aortic valve to open with a rapid ejection of blood.
stroke volume (SV)
the amount of blood ejected with contraction of the ventricle
end diastolic volume (EDV)
the volume of blood in the ventricle prior to ejection
end systolic volume (ESV)
the amount of blood that remains in the ventricles after ejection
ejection fraction=?
isovolumic relaxation
begins with SL valve closure in response to falling ventricular pressure and ends when AV valves opens to allow to ventricular filling, ventricular blood volume remains constant during this phase
left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery
supplies septum, anterior of the heart and apex
left circumflex coronary artery
supplies left atria and the lateral and posterior left ventricle. in 45% it supplies SA node
right posterior descending coronary artery
supplies the left inferior surface of the right and left ventricles
marginal right coronary arteries
supplies the right atrium and right ventricles. in 55% of people it supplies the SA node
Ohm's law
An increase in driving pressure increases flow, while an increase in resistance reduces flow

Coronary driving pressure
equals aortic blood pressure minus right atrial pressure
working cardiac myocytes
mechanical pumping function
electric cardiac myocytes
transmit electrical impulses
__________ activity always precedes the __________event
electrical, mechanical
SA node
the primary pace maker
AV node
delays impulse and conducts to bundle of His
Bundle of His
the brief delay at the AV node allows for the atrial kick
purkinje fibers
electrical fibers
What are the 5 electrophysiologic properties of all myocardial cells?
1. automaticity
2. excitability
3. conductivity
4. contractility
5. refractoriness
propagation of cardiac action potentials
membrane potential, depolarization, repolarization, refractory period
Phase 0
rapid depolarization
Na+ rapidly in
K+ out
Ca++ slowly in
Phase 1
early rapid depolarization
Na+ channels partially close
Cl- in
K+ out
Phase 2
Ca++ slowly in
K+ slowly out
Phase 3
final rapid repolarization
K+ quickly out
Na+ and Ca++ channels close
Phase 4
resting membrane potential
Na+/K+ pump= Na+ out, K+ in
Ca+ out
1- pericardium
2- myocardium
3- endocardium
1: Diastole
2: Systole
1: AV
2: SL
1: SA Node
2: AV Node
3: Bundle of His
4: purkinje fibers
P= atrial depolarization
PR interval= time for impulse to spread through the atria
QRS complex= ventricle (R&L) depolarization
T wave= ventricular repolarization
ST segment= early part of repolarization of the right ventricles
1. intercalated disk
2. sarcomere
3. sarcolemma
4. myofibril
5. mitochondria
0. rapid depolarization
1. early rapid repolarization
2. plateau
3. final rapid repolarization
4. resting membrane potential
cardiac intervention
sympathetic nerves
parasympathetic nerves
adrenergic receptor function
beta-adrenergic repectors
norepinephrine or epinephrine
contractile apparatuses are formed from________&___________ and collectively make up___________
actin and myosin, sarcomeres
sliding filament/cross-bridge theory of muscle contraction
contraction of cardiac muscle by shortening or individual sarcomeres due to increased overlap of actin and myosin filaments
role of calcium in muscle contraction?
-contraction is dependent on adequate calcium ions in the cytoplasm
-muscle relaxation is due to removal of calcium from the cytoplasm
SR calcium pumps (SERCAs) require
left ventricular end-diastolic volume
load muscle must move after it starts to contract
cardiac output
volume of blood ejected by each ventricle per minute (Average= 5L/min)
cardiac index
cardiac output divided by BSA (Average= 2.5-4.0L/min/m2 BSA)
stroke volume
volume ejected by each ventricle per beat.

dependent on: contractility, preload, afterload)
ejection fraction
portion of blood ejected during systole (about 2/3 of the volume in the ventricle at the end of diastole)
what three factors is contractility dependent on?
1. amount of contractile proteins in the muscle cell
2. availability of ATP
3. availability free calcium ions in cytoplasm.
Cardiovascular changes in the elderly
valves- become stiff
conduction- decreased
LV- increased in size, noncompliant
aorta- thick, stiff, less distensible
what three factors is contractility dependent on?
1. amount of contractile proteins in the muscle cell
2. availability of ATP
3. availability free calcium ions in cytoplasm.
Cardiovascular changes in the elderly
valves- become stiff
conduction- decreased
LV- increased in size, noncompliant
aorta- thick, stiff, less distensible