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27 Cards in this Set

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ASD Sound, Location, Maneuver?
Flixed Splitting of S2 with Systolic Ejection Murmur

Best heard in Pulmonic region
Bicuspid Aortic Valve Sound, Location, Maneuver?
Uneven Triplet (closer to S1) with systolic ejection murmur (stenosis)

Best heard in Aortic Region

DOES NOT CHANGE WITH MANEUVER (unlike mid systolic click)
MVP Sound, Location, Maneuver?
Mid systolic click = EVEN triplet; often with Late Systolic Murmur (often obscures S2)

Best heard at APEX (mitral)

Maneuver: Squatting makes it later (closer to S2); Valsalva makes it earlier (closer to S1
HOCM Sound, Location, Maneuver?
Late Peaking Systolic Ejection Murmur (similar to AS)

Location: Aortic (outflow tracts)

Maneuver: Decreased with squatting, increased with valsalva
Aortic Stenosis Sound, Location, Maneuver?
Late Peaking Systolic Ejection Murmur (may have paradoxical splitting S2).

Location: Aortic (outflow tracts)

Maneuver (opposite of HOCM): Increased with Squatting, decreased with Valsalva
Papillary Dysfunction Sound, Location, Maneuver
Late Systolic Murmur. Often obscures S2

Same murmur as: MVP, TVP, chordae rupture

Maneuver: Valsalva increases duration, decreases intensity (vice versa for squatting)
Mitral Regurgitation Sound, Location, Maneuver?
Holosystolic Murmur with constant intensity

Location: Apex with radiation to axilla

Maneuver: Decreased with Inspiration (vs TR and VSD)
Tricuspid regurgitation S,L,M
Holosystolic murmur, constant intensity from S1 to S2

Location: Tricuspid region

Maneuver: Increased with inspiration (vs MR and VSD)
Holosystolic murmur, constant intensity from S1 to S2

Location: I think Apex?

Maneuver: NO change with inspiration (vs MR and TR)
Acute Aortic insufficiency SLM
Early short lived diastolic murmur. Musical!

Location: Either Aortic region or left sternal boarder

Maneuver: Increased by isometric hand grip
Chronic Aortic Insufficiency SLM
Holodiastolic murmur

Location: Aortic region

Maneuver: Isometric hand grip increases murmur
Mitral Stenosis SLM
Opening snap +/- late diastolic murmur. "What to dooo?"... More of an upbeat snap than a thud (like S3)

Location: Apex with DIAPHRAGM (vs S3)

No Manuever
CHF with systolic dysfunction/ Volume Overload SLM
S3 (Slooooo-shes-in); More of a thud than snap (vs opening snap). May have persistent S2 splitting

Location: Apex using BELL (vs OS)

Maneuver: None, may be brought on by exercise
LVH (Atrial Kick) SLM
Sound: S4 (A-stiff----heart)... THIS WILL BE INTERMITTENT ON THING!!!!!!!!

Location: Apex using bell
Pericarditis SLM
Sound: You miss this, you are retarded
Fixed splitting of S2 in Pulmonic (possible SEM)
Early systolic ejection sound close to S1 (uneven triplet) in Aortic
Bicuspid Aortic valve, Late peaking obstructive systolic ejection murmur if severe
Late peaking systolic ejection murmur (increased with w/squatting, decreased with valsalva)
Aortic Stenosis
Mid systolic click (even triplet)
Late Peaking SEM (decreased w/squat, increased w/valsalva)
Late Systolic Murmur (obscures S2)
1) MVP - mid systolic click too
2) Papillary dysfunction
3) Cordae rupture
Holosystolic murmur (constant from S1-S2).
1) Mitral Regurgitation; At apex decreases with inspiration

2) Tricuspid regurgitation; at tricuspid region, increases with inspiration

3) VSD: no change with inspiration
Early, short diastolic murmur along LSB or 2nd right interspace. Incrases with hand grip
Acute AI
Holodiastolic Murmur in 2nd right intercostal. Increases with hand grip
Chronic AI
Opening snap with "what to do...?" at Apex, using diaphragm
Mitral stenosis
Extra sound closer to S2 at apex with bell
S3, systolic dysfunction/volume overload
Extra sound closer to S1, intermittent; at apex using bell
S4, Diastolic dysfunction