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24 Cards in this Set

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Class I A drugs
Quinidine, Procainamide, Disopyramide, Amiodarone
Quinidine: MOA, Uses, Adverse
MOA: binds open/inactivated Na channels preventing Na entry. Prevents rapid upstroke in phase 0 and decreases slope in phase 4.

Use: Atrial, junction, ventricular arrhythmias, prevents reentry, maintains normal sinus rhythm after cardioversion

Adverse: Exacerbate arrhythmia, cause SA/AV block, asystole. Hypokalemia worsens cardiotoxicity. Can increase Digoxin levels. CINCHONISM (blurred vision, tinnitus, headache)
MOA: binds open/inactivated Na channels preventing Na entry. Prevents rapid upstroke in phase 0 and decreases slope in phase 4.

Uses: A. Fib, A. Flutter, Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia, V.Tach.

Kinetics: acetylated in liver, byproduct can prolong AP

Simiiary use to Quinidine and additionally negative inotropic effects/peripheral vasoconstriction. Has anticholingergic effects
What arrhythmias can Class 1A drugs precipitate?
Torsade de Pointes (long QT interval V Tach)
Class IB drugs mentioned:
Lidocaine, Mexiletine, Tocainide
MOA: lidocain affects purkinje and ventricular tissue but not atrial tissue. No affects on normal cells. Shortens phase III repolarization and decreases duration of AP.

USES: For acute/life threatening ventricular arrhythmias. NOT effective in prophylaxis of arrhythmias in post MI.
Mexiletine and Tocainaide
Uses: Life threatening ventricular arrhythmias. Mexiletine: pain associated w/ diabetic

Adverse: rare topical/local anesthetic activity such as CNS stimulation including convulsions. May cause CV depression and allergies.
Tocainamide can cause FATAL hematological effects (agranulocytosis)
Class IC drugs:
Flecainide, Propafenone, Moricizine
Have effects on normal heart tissue.
MOA:diminishes phase 0 upstroke in purkinje and myocardial fibers.


Adverse: aggravate CHR.
Class II (beta blockers) listed in class and general actions
Propranolol, Emolol, Acebutolol, Meoprolol, Pindolol

Diminish phase IV depolarization. Decrease rate/force.
Uses: short acting, beta1 selective, used for arrhythmias occuring in surgery and ER. Used for acute control of hypertension or certain SVT's
Used as prophylactiv in pt's who had MI to prevent arrhythmias and sudden death.
Toxicity associated w/ B Blockers
Induced depression of cardiac output w/ more vulnerability to cardiac depression.
Class III (K channel blockers):
Amiodarone, Ibutilide, Dofetilide, Sotalol.

Class II drugs are not interchangable.
Class III general effects
Reduce outward potassium current during repolarization of cardiac cells. Prolong duration of AP w/out changing phase 0 depolarization or resting membrane potential. Prolong refractory period and the AP.
Promotes influx of sodium thru slow inward sodium channels.

*****Ibutilide is indicated for rapid conversion of a fib and a flutter.
B-BLOCKER w/ class II and II properties. NO intrinsic sympathomimetic activity or membrane stabilizing activity.

Uses: atrial arrhythmias or life threatening ventricular arrhythmias. Preventing reccurrent arrhythmias

Adverse: Increased risk for torsades de pointes.

Do NOT substitute Betapace for Betaepace AF
Has class I, II, III, and IV effects. Antianginal and Antiarrhythmic.

Uses: refractory SVT and Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia. Amiodarone prolongs AP duration and refractory period.

Adverse: pulmonary fibrosis, hyper or hypothyroidism, blue skin discoloration
Class IV drugs mentioned (Calcium channel blockers)
Verapamil, DIltiazem
Verapamil and Diltiazem
Treats angina, HTN, SVT. Effective in arrhythmias traverse AV node and when the heart isbeating rapidly

Verapamil is contraindicated in pt's w/ existing cardiac depression.
Purine Nucleoside
MOA: stimulates adenosine K channels in atrial and SA node. Outward flow of K causes a bradycardia. Good diagnostic aid.

Does NOT affect upstroke phase of AP. Short duration of action

Adverse: flushing, chest pain, hypotension.
Shortens refractory period in atrial/ventricular cells, prolongs refractory and diminishes conduction in purkinje.

Used for ventricular effects in A Fib and Flutter

Adverse: can cause ectopic beats (treated w/ lidocaine) when used in high doses.
Hypokalemia causes arrhythmias in pt's getting digitalis.