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11 Cards in this Set

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Adenosine (Adenocard)

MOA: slows HR by acting directly on the sinus pacemaker cells by slowing impulse formation

Indications: conversion of PSVT to sinus rhythm

Contraindications: sick sinus syndrome

Side effects: dyspnea, hypotension, cardiac arrest, metallic taste

Dose: Adult
-6mg IV, 1-3min, 12mg after 2 min
-0.1mg/kg IV, rapid push, 0.2mg/kg
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone)

MOA: Blocks sodium channels and myocardial potassium channels, delaying repolarization and increasing the duration of action potential

Indications: V-Fib
-Pulseless V-Tach

Contraindications: cardiogenic shock
-Second or third degree AV block (no pacemaker)
-Severe sinus node dysfunction

Side effects: malaise, ataxia, lack of coordination, CHF, prolonged QT interval

Dose: Adult
-300mg->150mg IV/IO
-5mg/kg IV/IO, max 15mg/kg/24hrs, 300mg max single dose

Digoxin (Lanoxin)
Inotropic agent, cardiac glycoside

MOA: rapid acting cardiac glycoside with direct and indirect effects
-increases force of myocardial contraction
-increases refractory period of AV node, and increases total peripheral resistance

Indications: CHF
-Reentry SVTs
-Ventricular rate control in atrial flutter and a-fib

Contraindications: v-fib
-Digitalis toxicity

Side effects: blurred yellow or green vision, confusion, seizures, bradycardia, dysrhthmia, anorexia

Dose: Adult
Loading-4-6mcg/kg over 5 minutes
2nd&3rd boluses of 2-3mcg/kg at 4-8hr intervals

Diltiazem (Cardizem)

Calcium channel blocker, antidysrhythmic
MOA: slow calcium channel blocker that blocks calcium ion influx during depolarization of cardiac and vascular smooth muscle
-Decreases peripheral vascular resistance and causes relaxation of the vascualar smooth muscle, resulting in a decrease of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure
-Reduces preload and afterload
-Reduces myocardial oxygen demand

Indications: Controls rapid ventricular rates due to a-fib, a-flutter, and reentry SVT

Contraindications: hypotension
-Sick sinus syndrome*
-Second or third degree AV block*
*no functioning pacemaker
-Cardiogenic shock
-Wide complex tachycardia
-Poison or drug induced tachycardia

Side effects: dizziness, weakness, headache, dyspnea, cough, CHF, dystrhythmias, bradycardia, hypotension, syncope, v-fib, v-tach, cardiac arrest

Dose: Adult
Initial- 0.25 mg/kg (15-20mg average) IV over 2 min
May rebolus in 15 min- 0.25mg/kg (20-25mg average) IV over2 minutes
Maintenance infusion- 5015mg/h titrated to appropriate heart rate
Lidocaine hydrochloride (Xylocaine)

MOA: decreases automaticity by slowing the rate of spontaneous phase 4 depolarization

Indications: alternative to amiodarone in cardiac arrest from v-tach, v-fib, stable wide complex tachycardia with normal baseline QT interval, stable monomorphic VT with preserved ventricular function

Contraindications: second or third degree AV block (no functioning pacemaker)
-Stokes Adams syndrome
-Prophylactic use in AMI
-Wide complex ventricular escape beats with bradycardia

Side effects: seizures, slurred speech, respiratory arrest, hypotension, cardiac arrest, AV block

Dose: Adult-
-cardiac arrest/pulseless v-tach/v-fib; 1-1.5mg/kg IV/IO. Repeat dose0.5-0.75mg/kg IV/IO 5-10 minutes
Max dose 3mg/kg

Atropine sulfate
Anticholinergic agent

MOA: Inhibits the action of ATC at postganglionic parasypmathetic neuroeffector sites
-Increases heart rate in life threatening bradydysrhthmias

Indications: Hemodynamically unstable bradycardia
-Organophosphate poisoning
-Nerve agent exposure
-RSI in pediatrics
-Beta blocker or calcium channel blocker overdose

Contraindications: tachycardia
-Unstable cardiovascular status in acute hemorhage with myocardial ischemia
-Narrow angle glaucoma
-Hypothermic bradycardia

Side effects: tachycardia, palpitation, dysrhythmias, pupil dilation, blurred vision, urinary retention, constipation
-Paradoxical bradycardia when pushed too slowly or when given at low doses

Dose: Adult

bradycardia 0.5mg IV/IO max 3mg

bradycardia 0.02mg/kg IV/IO

Aspirin (ASA, Bayer, acetylsalicylic acid)

Anti-Platelet, pyralytic

MOA: prevents platelets from clumping together, or aggregating, and forming emboli

Indications: cardiac chest pain


Contraindications: active ulcer disease and asthma

Side Effects: anaphylaxis, wheezing in allergic pts, reye syndrome

Dose: Adult 81-325mg PO, chewed

-NR for peds

Furosemide (Lasix)

Loop diuretic
MOA: blocks the absorption of sodium and chloride at the distal and proximal tubules and the loop of Henle, causing increased urine output

Indications: CHF
-Pulmonary edema
-Hypertensive crisis

Contraindications: hypovolemia
-Hepatic coma
-Suspected electrolyte imbalances

Side effects: ECG changes, weakness, dry mouth, dysrhythmias, diarrhea, headache

Dose: Adult 0.5-1mg/kg IV over 1-2min, double if no response, slow push
Ped 1mg/kg IV/IO
Vasopressen (Pitressin)

Vasopressor, antidiuretic
MOA: stimulation of smooth muscle receptors
-Potent vasoconstrictor when given in high doses

Indications: alternative vasopressor to the first of second dose of epinephrine in cardiac arrest, alternative to epinephrine in asystole, PEA (pulseless electrical activity)

Contraindications: Use with caution in patients with coronary artery disease, epilepsy, or heart failure

Side effects: bronchial constriction, MI, Chest pain, angina, cardiac dysrhythmia, decreased cardiac output

Dose: Adults
-40U one time dose IV/IO as second or third dose of epi; 0.02-0.04 U/min continuous
-0.4-1unit/kg IV/IO; MAX 40 units as a second or third dose of epinephrine in cardiac arrest
Nitroglycerin (nitrostat, Nitro-bid, Tridil)

MOA: Reduces preload and afterload
-Smooth muscle relaxant acting on vasculature, bronchial, uterine, intestinal smooth muscle

Indications: acute angina pectoris
-Ischemic chest pain
-Pulmonary edema

Contraindications: hypotension
-Intracranial bleeding or head injury
-ED drugs in the last 24 hours
-Severe bradycardia/tachycardia
-Pericardial tamponade

Side effects: Syncope, hypotension, muscle twitching, reflex tachycardia

Dose: Adult
0.3-0.4mg subling max 3 doses
5-200mcg/min IV
Labetalol (Normodyne, Trandate)

Selective alpha and nonselective beta adrenergic blocker, antihypertensive
MOA: blood pressure reduction without reflex tachycardia
-Total peripheral resistance reduced without significant alteration in cardiac output

Indications: moderate to severe hypertension

Contraindications: bronchial asthma
-Cardiogenic shock
-Second and third degree heart block

Side effects: depression, headache, dizziness, bronchospasms, wheezing, dyspnea, bradycardia, CHF

Dose: Adult
10mg IV push, 1-2minutes; may repeat or double every 10 min; MAX 150mg; Infusion 2-8mg/min titrated to supine BP