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29 Cards in this Set

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How does blood flow thru the Right side of the heart?
Inferior and Superior vena cava empty de-O2 blood thru Tricuspid valve into Right Atrium. Then flows thru Pulmonic valve into Pulmonary Artery.

"Flows thru Right side, provides de-O2 blood to lungs"
How does blood flow thru the Left side of the heart?
Pulmonary Veins (carry O2 rich blood) to the L atrium, thru the Mitral valve, to the Aortic valve to Aorta to systemic circulation

"Flows thru Left side, provides systemic O2 rich blood"
Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome Etiology
blood leaks back into left atrium from the ventricle b/c mitral valve failed to close.
Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome Clinical Manifestations
May hear a "click", palpitations, chest pain, activity intolerance
Mgmt of MVPS
Antidysrhythmic Agents, Tx of heart failure: diuretics, cardiotonics, beta blockers, **Prophlaytic antibiotics to prevent SBE
Mitral stenois
Mitral valve doesn't close, allows "dripping" of blood into Left ventricle. Impedes forward flow of blood.
S/S Mitral stenosis
Blood comes from Lungs, so problems will be on Lungs. Dyspnea, cough, AFib, Weak and Irreg Heart, Murmurs, Risk of Emboli (Stagnant blood)
Mgmt of Mitral Stenosis
Antibiotic therapy, diuretics, Prosthetic valve,
Aortic Valve Stenosis (Narrowed)
Decreased cardiac output, high risk for CHF (heart works harder to pump blood out), dyspnea, CHEST PAIN, DIZZINESS, systolic murmur
Aortic Insufficiency
Backflow of blood from Aorta into Left Ventricle
*Hypotension, Dyspnea, Weakness (S/S L ventricular failure)
Must surgically replace the Aortic Valve
Tricuspid Disease-who usually has this
Usually seen in Long term IV drug users or those with Mitral Stenosis
Tricuspid Disease Etiology
Increase in volume in R atrium and R ventricle
Tricuspid Disease S/S
This happens on the Right side of the heart, so S/S will be those systemic in nature. Peripheral edema, Hepatomegaly, Ascites, Mumurs
Disease of the heart muscle. Leads to impaired pumping of LEFT ventricle. Need heart transplant.
Rheumatic Fever Etiology
Untreated strep throat can lead to endocarditis. Effects all bony joints (arthritis), heart failure depending on which side is affected.
S/S Rheumatic Fever
Carditis, polyarthritis, chorea "chorea dance", SubQ nodules
Management Rheumatic Fever
Antibiotics, Treat CHF, Anti-inflammatory drugs (saliciates)
Bedrest and decrease O2 use
Bacterial Endocarditis Etiology
Infection of the valves and endothelial surface of the heart , blood is stagnant and bacteria can grow
S/S Bacterial Endocarditis
Chills, Fever, Thrombus, Embolism, headache, muscle and back pain
Mgmt Bacterial Endocarditis
Eradicate invading organism, prophlactic antibiotics, surgical valve replacement
Hypertensive Crisis Causes
Sudden increase BP >180/120 can be due to noncompliance, crack cocaine use, tumor of adrenal medulla
Hypertensive Crisis Significance
Increased BP: CVA!!!, MI, renal failure
Systems that Regulate Blood Pressure
Cardiovascular (releases subst that vasodilate or constrict)
Renal (controls sodium excretion and extracellular volume)
Endocrine-epinepherine and norepinepherine
Neuro-Baroreceptors- in carotid arteries dilate or constrict
Inability of the heart to pump sufficient blood to meet the needs of the tissues for oxygen and nutrients. Leads to LOW cardiac output (BPxSV)
How does the body try to compensate in CHF?
Sympathetic nervous system, ventricular dilation and hypertrophy, neuro-hormonal response (ADH, aldosterone)
S/S Left sided heart failure
Dyspnea, Orthopnea, Dry hacking cough, restless and anxiety, chest pain (think lungs)
S/S Right sided heart failure
Pitting edema, hepatomeagaly, ascites, anorexia and nausea, weakness (think systemic)
Management of Heart failure
O2 therapy, High Fowlers position, feet HORIZ, strict I's and O's put on fluid restriction, Na restricted diet
Heart failure medications
Diuretics, Vasodilators, Inotropic drugs