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18 Cards in this Set

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What are the five steps in reading an EKG?

-Are P waves present? How many?

-Are P waves regular

- Are R waves regular

- How many R waves in 60 secs?

- What is the length of the PR interval and width of QRS complex

What is the Normal PR interval?

0.12- 0.20

What does it mean if PR interval is longer than .20?

Interval is prolonged and there is a block. Which means slow conduction through AV nodes, this can be caused by drugs

What is V-tach? And how is it presented (how many beats per min)?

Ventricular tachycardia

100- 250 beats per min

Is there a plus present in stable V-tach and how is this treated?

Yes pulse is present and it is treated with Amiodarone

What is PVC

Premature ventricular contractions (Single beats from the ventricles)

What meds would you use to treat a patient who presents with frequent PVCs?

Lidocaine (Xylocaine, Lidoderm)

In a nun urgent situation where a patient presents with irregular pulse what should the nurse do first?

ASSESS!!! Ask patient if this is normal for them

Patient presents with unstable V-tach you assess and pulse is missing what is the next intervention?


What is Defib?

Defib- implanted beneath the skin and automatically send shocks to the heart when it becomes tachy to restore a regular rhythm

What is cardioversion?

Cardioversion is synchronized with EKG and it shocks on R waves (Depolarization) to restore normal rhythm

Will a patient undergoing cardioversion be awake?

NO patient requires sedation

What is angina?

Intermittent blood flow to the heart that leads to chest pain

Patient complains of chest pain what is the treatment of choice?

Nitroglycerin (One every 5 mins)?

A patient being discharged on Nitroglycerin what are some teachings for this patient?

-Carry them with you all times

-Sit down when you take it because you may become hypotensive

-Check expiration date

-Keep it in original container

-Crush btwn teeth for faster absorption

-Take off patch at night

-you may present with Headache, tingling and burning

How is A-Fib presented on an EKG?

-No P waves

-Irregular R waves

-F waves are present

A patient presents with AFib how would you know if this patient rate is controlled or uncontrolled?

-Controlled rate is 100 or less

-Uncontrolled rate is above 100 could be up to 150

How is a patient with uncontrolled AFib treated

With adenosine and this must be given fast via IV push