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179 Cards in this Set

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KeynotesQ: Great indifference and apathy
KeynotesA: Carbo Vegetabilis
KeynotesQ: Harsh & cutting remarks, negative, depressed
KeynotesA: Carbo Vegetabilis
KeynotesQ: Great irritability, esp directed at family
KeynotesA: Carbo Vegetabilis
KeynotesQ: Cold with desire to be fanned
KeynotesA: Carbo Vegetabilis
KeynotesQ: Cold but averse to being covered
KeynotesA: Carbo Vegetabilis
KeynotesQ: Worse lying flat, must sit up
KeynotesA: Carbo Vegetabilis
KeynotesQ: Collapse states with fainting
KeynotesA: Carbo Vegetabilis
KeynotesQ: Tremendous bloating and indigestion
KeynotesA: Carbo Vegetabilis
KeynotesQ: Frequent eructations, general amelioration & amelioration of stomach
KeynotesA: Carbo Vegetabilis
KeynotesQ: Dyspnea and must sit up in bed
KeynotesA: Carbo Vegetabilis
KeynotesQ: Dyspnea from flatus & overeating, >eructation
KeynotesA: Carbo Vegetabilis
KeynotesQ: Congestive heart failure (CHF) with anxiety, dyspnea, cyanosis, bloated
KeynotesA: Carbo Vegetabilis
<HC1CCL%>KeynotesQ: Most gaseous remedies
KeynotesA: Carbo Veg, China, Lycopodium clavatum (CCL)
KeyWordQ: Dead
KeywordA: Carbo Vegetabilis
<HC1CvCc%>DelusionsQ: Horrible visions in evening
DelusionsA: Carbo Vegetabilis, Calcarea Carbonica (CvCc)
DelusionsQ: Hand passes over body
DelusionsA: Carbo Vegetabilis
DelusionsQ: Sensation of being smaller before seizure
DelusionsA: Carbo Vegetabilis
KeynotesQ: Cold and worse cold
KeynotesA: Carbo Animalis
KeynotesQ: Swollen and indurated lymph glands
KeynotesA: Carbo Animalis
KeynotesQ: Cold and worse cold
KeynotesA: Carbo Animalis
KeynotesQ: Coldness at night in bed
KeynotesA: Carbo Animalis
KeynotesQ: Weakness worse during menses
KeynotesA: Carbo Animalis
KeynotesQ: Copper colored eruptions
KeynotesA: Carbo Animalis
KeynotesQ: Simple, basic, earthy and unrefined
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Weeping from music
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Headache (HA) with numb or empty sensation
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Cracks or eruptions behind ears
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Cobweb sensation on face
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Chronic discharge (DC) from the ears
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Otitis Externa
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Hearing loss better background noise e.g. riding in a car(riage), train
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Callosities of elbows, knees and hands
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Thick skin often with cracks
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Eruptions ooze thick yellow, honey like fluid
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Aversion to meat, salt and sweets
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Slow thinking, irresolution, poor concentration
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Obesity
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Worse in morning on waking (Alumina, Magnesia Muriatica)
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Worse from suppressed DC
KeynotesA: Graphites, Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Fissures
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Eruptions on the scalp, esp occiput
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Psoriasis of the scalp
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Photophobia (Natrum Carbonicum)
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Acute or chronic conjunctivitis
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Cracks of the lips and corners of the mouth
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Desires chicken
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Averse sweets (Mercurius)
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Gastritis or ulcers w pains better eating or milk
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Excessive sexual drive (Tuberculinum)
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Decreased sexual desire or performance
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Loses the erection during intercourse
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Eruptions of genitalia & upper inner thigh
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Herpes
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Thickened hard, deformed nails
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Skin unhealthy-easy infections, abscesses, slow healing
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Eczema, psoriasis, scales, tinea, urticaria, herpes
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Eruption, itch, < heat of bed, scratch till it bleeds (Psorinum, Sulphur)
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Keloids, poison oak
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Aversion to meat, salt and sweets
KeynotesA: Graphites
KeynotesQ: Worse from sun, sunstroke
KeynotesA: Glonoinum
KeynotesQ: Pulsating, bursting HA (Belladonna, Lachesis, Melilotus, Pulsatilla)
KeynotesA: Glonoinum
KeynotesQ: HA worse sun
KeynotesA: Glonoinum
KeynotesQ: HA with injection of sclera, flushed face, bounding carotids
KeynotesA: Glonoinum
KeynotesQ: Hot flashes, menopausal flashes
KeynotesA: Glonoinum
KeynotesQ: Egotism, bragging
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Laziness
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Intellectual, philosophical, theorizing
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Extroverted, boisterous, friendly
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Extroverted, mechanically inclined children
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Anxiety about health (Nitricum Acidum, Phosphorus)
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Anxiety about family, accidents, diseases
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Ambitious, critical
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Dirty, messy, indifferent to appearance
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Disgust
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Fear of heights
KeynotesA: Sulphur, Carbo animalis
KeynotesQ: Worse winter
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Worse standing
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Aversion to and worse bathing
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Offensive DC and sweats excessively
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Worse suppressed eruptions or DC
KeynotesA: Sulphur, Graphites
KeynotesQ: Burning pains
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: HA on weekend
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Red lips
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Thick, bushy eyebrows
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Conjunctivitis with the sensation of sand in eyes
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Blepharitis, burning, redness at margin of lids
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Great sensitivity to odors
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Aversion to BO of others but loves his own
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Feet sweat and offensive odor
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Stool highly offensive
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Desire sweets, chocolate, ice cream, fats, spicy
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Averse eggs (#1)
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Big appetite
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Great thirst for ice cold drinks
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Gastritis, Peptic Ulcers, Heartburn
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Diarhea driving out of bed in A.M. (5 a.m.)
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Itching, burning of the rectum, worse heat
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Hemorrhoids
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Oozing around the rectum
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Weak back-slumps in chair
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Left shoulder pains
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Burning feet, must put out from covers
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Insomnia, sleeps well for 3-4 hours then dozes
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Nightmares when sleeps on back
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Prefer to sleep left side
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Moist very itchy eruptions
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Itching worse night, heat, bathing, wool (Psor)
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Eczema
KeynotesA: Sulphur
KeynotesQ: Scratches until it bleeds
KeynotesA: Sulphur and Psorinum
KeyWordQ: Malignant
KeywordA: Carbo Animalis
KeyWordQ: Exploding circulation
KeywordA: Glonoinum
FearsQ: Carbo Animalis
FearsA: Heights
FearsQ: Sulphur
FearsA: Claustrophobia, HEIGHTS, Infection, Cancer, Rejection, Diseases (CHIC RD)
DelusionsQ: Even rags seem beautiful
DelusionsA: Sulphur
DelusionsQ: Bed too small to hold him
DelusionsA: Sulphur
DelusionsQ: Delusions she is black
DelusionsA: Sulphur
DelusionsQ: As if body were black
DelusionsA: Sulphur
<HC1STh%>DelusionsQ: Body is brittle
DelusionsA: Sulphur, Thuja (STh)
<HC1SAeth%>DelusionsQ: Thinks clothes beautiful
DelusionsA: Sulphur, Aetherum (SAeth)
<HC1SN%>DelusionsQ: He is a failure
DelusionsA: Sulphur, Naja (SN)
DelusionsQ: Getting thin
DelusionsA: Sulphur
<HC1STC%>DelusionsQ: Time passes too quickly
DelusionsA: Sulphur, Theridion, Cocculus (2) (STC)
DelusionsQ: Trembling, everything on him was trembling (at night) (Kent's Rep)
DelusionsA: Sulphur
<HC1SCh%>DelusionsQ: Voices at night
DelusionsA: Sulphur (2), Chamomilla (2) (SCh)
DelusionsQ: Voices calling him
DelusionsA: Sulphur
<HC1Scf%>DelusionsQ: Want
DelusionsA: Sulphur, Calcarea fluorica (SCf)
DelusionsQ: He is in a deserted town
DelusionsA: Carbo Animalis
DelusionsQ: Is not in right place after headache
DelusionsA: Glonoinum
DelusionsQ: Lower lip is swollen
DelusionsA: Glonoinum
DelusionsQ: Loses his way in familiar streets
DelusionsA: Glonoinum
<HC1GlO%>DelusionsQ: Objects appear in disorder
DelusionsA: Glonoinum, Opium (GlO)
ImportantRubricsQ: Cancer of the genitals
ImportantRubricsA: Carbo animalis, Platina, Arsenicum, Conium (CaPAC)
ImportantRubricsQ: Averse tight clothing
ImportantRubricsA: Graphites, Lach, Calc Carb
ImportantRubricsQ: Weep from music
ImportantRubricsA: Graphites, Nat Carb, Nat Mur
ImportantRubricsQ: Least sensitive (Primitive)
ImportantRubricsA: Baryta Carb, Alumina, Graphites, Hyoscyamus, Bufo, Fluoricum Acidum, Tarentula, Helleborus. (BAG HBFTH)
ImportantRubricsQ: Averse sweets
ImportantRubricsA: Graph, Merc, Caust, Phos. (GMC P)
ImportantRubricsQ: Cheerful with Stools
ImportantRubricsA: Graph, Nat Sulph, Calc carb. (GNC)
ImportantRubricsQ: Alcoholism
ImportantRubricsA: Sulphur, Nux vomica, Asarum, Phosphorus, Syphilinum. (SNAPS)
ImportantRubricsQ: Sexual excess that leads to sexual drop
ImportantRubricsA: Graph, Sulphur, Lycopodium, Agnus castus, Calc carb, Conium. (G SLACC)
ImportantRubricsQ: Uncover feet in bed
ImportantRubricsA: Sulph, Puls, Chamomilla, Fluoric Acid, Medorrhinum, Sanguinaria, Sanicula aqua. (SPC FM SS)
ImportantRubricsQ: Acute diarrhea
ImportantRubricsA: Sulph, Nux v, Ars, Podophyllum, Chamomilla, Phos, Merc (SNAP CPM)
ImportantRubricsQ: Disgust
ImportantRubricsA: Sulph, Merc, Puls, Phos. (SMPP)
ImportantRubricsQ: Thirst for ice cold drinks
ImportantRubricsA: Sulph, Phos, Nat Mur
ImportantRubricsQ: Crave chocolate
ImportantRubricsA: Sulph, Phos, Lyssinum (#1)
ImportantRubricsQ: Crave Fat
ImportantRubricsA: Sulph, Hepar, Tuberculinum, Medorrhinum, Nitricum Acidum, Nux v. (SHT MNN)
ImportantRubricsQ: Great burning in GI tract
ImportantRubricsA: Sulph, ROBINIA, Phos. (SRP)
ImportantRubricsQ: HA worse sun
ImportantRubricsA: Belladonna, Apis, Nat Mur, Glonoinum (BANG)
ImportantRubricsQ: Sunstroke
ImportantRubricsA: Glonoinum (3), Carb veg (1) Nat Carb (3), Amyl Nitrosenum (3 - Aml Ns) (Synthesis)
ImportantRubricsQ: Hypoglycemia
ImportantRubricsA: Sulph, Puls, Lyc, Kali Carb, Phos, Sepia (SPL KP'S)
TimeAggQ: Hydrogen
TimeAggA: < 5-9 A.M. and 9 P.M., full moon (Scholten, Homeopathy & the Elements, pg 78)
TimeAggQ: Graphites
TimeAggA: < 7 P.M. (Scholten, Hom&theE, pg 166)
TimeAggQ: Sulphur
TimeAggA: 11 A.M.
TimeAggQ: Sulphur
TimeAggA: Diarrhea 5 A.M. Forces him out of bed
InimicalsQ: Sulphur
EssencesQ: Hydrogen
EssencesA: Being one and desire to be one (Scholten: Hom&theE, pg 76)
EssencesQ: Graphites
EssencesA: Thickness, dullness, unrefined on all levels
EssencesQ: Sulphur
EssencesA: Theorizing/egotism
FoodCravingsQ: Hydrogen
FoodCravingsA:Spicy foods (also aversion) (Sherr's Proving: quoted in New England Journal of Homeopathy)
FoodCravingsQ: Carbo Vegetabilis
FoodCravingsA: Sweets, Salt
FoodCravingsQ: Carbo Animalis
FoodCravingsA: Eggs
FoodCravingsQ: Graphites
FoodCravingsA: CHICKEN, Beer, Sweets, Bland food
FoodCravingsQ: Glonoinum
FoodCravingsA: Tobacco
FoodCravingsQ: Sulphur
FoodAversionsQ: Hydrogen
FoodAversionsA: Spicy foods (also craving) (Sherr's Proving: quoted in New England Journal of Homeopathy)
FoodAversionsQ: Carbo Vegetabilis
FoodAversionsA: Rich foods, Fat
FoodAversionsQ: Graphites
FoodAversionsA: SWEETS, Salt, Soup, Fish, Meat (SSS FM)
FoodAversionsQ: Sulphur
FoodAversionsA: EGGS (#1), Fish, Olives, Sour foods, Squash, Liver (E FOSSL)
SidednessQ: Graphites
SimilaritiesQ: Carbo Vegetabilis
SimilaritiesA: Sepia
SimilaritiesQ: Carbo Animalis
SimilaritiesA: Sulphur
SimilaritiesQ: Sulphur
SimilaritiesA: Medorrhinum
ComplementsQ: Carbo Vegetabilis
ComplementsA: Ars, Kali carb, Phos, Drosera, China (Concordant) (AKc PDC)
ComlementsQ: Carbo animalis
ComplementsA: Calcarea phosphorica (Concordant)
ComplementsQ: Graphites
ComplementsA: Causticum, Hepar, Lycopodium (Concordant)
ComplementsQ: Glonoinum
ComplementsA: Belladonna (Concordant) (GB - Glonoinum - Belladonna)
ComplementsQ: Sulphur
ComplementsA: Nux vomica, Arsenicum, Psorinum, Cyclamen, Aconite, Pulsatilla (NAPCAP)
SleepPosnQ: Sulphur
SleepPosnA: Left side, impossible on back (nightmares)
TemperatureQ: Sulphur
TemperatureA: Very Warm (20% chilly)
TemperatureQ: Carbo vegetabilis
TemperatureA: Chilly