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22 Cards in this Set

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GET READY - Create a defensible home (Define)
1. Homes are in compliance with LA County Fire brush clearance requirements or:
2. Have been through the Fuel Modification Program and has been constructed in accordance to the latest building standards
What is "Fuel Modification" (3)
1. Affects new structures/developments built in high fire hazard areas
2. Approved by the FD (Using approved vegetation from an approved list)
3. ID areas that require brush clearance/thinning
Describe "A Zone" for Fuel Modification (3)
1. 20' wide irrigated area. Low growing vegetation w/ high moisture content
2. Prevents direct flame impingement on structure
3. Free of fine receptive fuels
Define "B Zone" for Fuel Modification (3)
1. Extends up to 100' from home
2. Uses approved plants (irrigated, spaced to minimize fire transmission)
3. Slows fires progress, reduces intensity by eliminating continuous fuels, maintains higher fuel moisture
Define "C Zone" for Fuel Modification (4)
1. Extends from the outer edge of "B Zone" up to 200'
2. Thinned to remove dead vegetation
3. Designed to slow the fires progress and reduce intensity by decreasing availability of continuous fuels.
4. Native vegetation thinned 30% - 50% in "C Zone"
What is "Defensible Space"? (3)
1. Area around a structure free of flammable plants. Creates a zone which firefighters can operate safely to protect home
2. Wide enough to prevent direct flame impingement and reduce radiant heat.
3. Varies depending on topography and vegetation
Define "Zone 1" for Defensible Space. (2)
1.Extends 30' from the structure (50' for high fire hazard areas)
2. Remove ALL flammable vegetation. Single trees, ornamentals, shrubs, ground covers may be used if they do not transmit fire.
Define "Zone 2" for Defensible Space. (1)
1. Thin out and remove vegetation an additional 70' from structure (total 100') AND an additional 100' (total 200' for high fire hazard areas
List the elements of a "Hardened Home" (6)
1. Roof - Most vulnerable for embers. Use fire resistive material and clean the rain gutters and roof of leaves and pine needles
2. Eaves - Box in eaves
3. Vents - 1/8" wire mesh
4. Wall - Non combustible material
5. Windows/Doors - Use dual pane windows and Solid core doors
6. Decks and Balconies - Use heavy timber or non combustibles. Enclose the underside to prevent embers
List the elements of a "Hardened Home" (6)
1. Roof - Most vulnerable for embers. Use fire resistive material and clean the rain gutters and roof of leaves and pine needles
2. Eaves - Box in eaves
3. Vents - 1/8" wire mesh
4. Wall - Non combustible material
5. Windows/Doors - Use dual pane windows and Solid core doors
6. Decks and Balconies - Use heavy timber or non combustibles. Enclose the underside to prevent embers
List the elements of a "Hardened Home" (6)
1. Roof - Most vulnerable for embers. Use fire resistive material and clean the rain gutters and roof of leaves and pine needles
2. Eaves - Box in eaves
3. Vents - 1/8" wire mesh
4. Wall - Non combustible material
5. Windows/Doors - Use dual pane windows and Solid core doors
6. Decks and Balconies - Use heavy timber or non combustibles. Enclose the underside to prevent embers
List the elements of a Wildfire Action Plan (4)
1. Prepared with the family well in advance of a fire
2. Families plans will be different
3. Rehearse your plan regularly and keep it in a safe location
4. Create checklist to prepare you Wildfire Action Plan
List the elements of the GET SET Check List. (10)
1. Create a family disaster plan (meeting location, comm plan, evac of large animals) and rehearse regularly
2. Fire extinguishers - know how to use
3. How to shut off the gas, water and electrical
4. Have escape routes
5. Emergency meeting location outside the hazard area
6. Emergency supply kit
7. Have an out of area point of contact to comm with
8. Emergency contact # near the phone and in the emergency supply kit
9. Have an emergency supply kit in your car
10. Radio/Scanner to keep updated on fire activity
List the elements of GET SET check list for "As the Fire Approaches" (5)
1. Alert family and neighbors
2. Dress appropriately (Goggles, boots, mask)
3. Have your fire survival Kit (batts, radio, water, cell phone)
4. Stay tuned to local news or LA Co web site
5. If you stay, stay close to the house, hydrate and keep an eye on family and pets
List the elements of GET SET check list for "Outdoors". (9)
1. Bring flammable items inside or place in the pool
2. Turn off propane tanks
3. Connect garden hose
4. Turn off sprinklers or running water
5. Exterior lights ON
6. Back your car into the garage
7. Have a ladder avail
8.Patrol the property and extinguish small fires
9. Seal atti vents
List the elements of GET SET check list for "Indoors". (7)
1. Shut all windows and doors
2. Remove flammable window coverings
3. Remove light weight curtains
4. Move flammable material away from windows
5. Shut off the gas meter
6. Leave the lights on
7. Shut of the air conditioning
List the elements of GET SET check list for "Survival Tips" (9)
1. Shelter away from outer walls
2. Extinguish spot fires inside
3. Wear long pants and shirt made of cotton
4. Hydrate
5. Ensure you can exit the home (4-5 X hotter outside)
6. After the fire passes, check your roof and extinguish any hot spots
7. Check inside the attic for embers
8. Patrol your property and extinguish small fires
9. If there are fires that cannot be extinguished call 911
List the GO EARLY 6 "P"s.
1. People and pets
2. Papers, phone#, docs
3. Prescription, Vitamins, glasses
4. Picture and irreplaceable memorabilia
5. Personal Comp/Hard Drive
6. Plastic, credit cards, money
According to GO EARLY, when should residents leave?
Before the smoke and fire. Don't wait to be told by authorities
According to GO EARLY, where should residents go?
To a low risk predetermined area.
According to GO EARLY, how should residents determine their escape route?
Away from the fire and have multiple routes in case the road is blocked by the fire of emergency traffic
According to GO EARLY, what should residents take?
Emergency supply kit, cash,water, clothing, food, first aid kit, medications, and toys. Also computers, photos and docs