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70 Cards in this Set

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Perdon, Sabe Usted...?
Excuse me, Do you know..?
Sabes de?
Do you know of
Sabes si
Do you know if
Tienes alguna idea de
Do you have any idea of
Que sabes de
What do you know about?
Puede explicar lo de?
Can you explain it
Me interesaria saber?
I am interested to know
Podria decirme?
Would you be able to tell me?
Quisiera saber
I wanted to know
Perdone la molestia, pero
Forgive me I don't mean to be a bother, but
No se
I don't know
No lo se
I don't know it
No estoy informado
I am not interested!
Preguntame manana
Ask me tomorrow
No se nada
I don't know anything
Y yo que se!
I don't know what!
Ni idea
no idea
ojala que supiera!
I hope he/she knew that!
Ni puta idea
I haven't got a fucking idea
Ni me lo preguntas
Don't ask me questions
Perdon, Sabe Usted...?
Excuse me, Do you know..?
Sabes de?
Do you know of
Sabes si
Do you know if
Tienes alguna idea de
Do you have any idea of
Que sabes de
What do you know about?
Puede explicar lo de?
Can you explain it
Me interesaria saber?
I am interested to know
Podria decirme?
Would you be able to tell me?
Quisiera saber
I wanted to know
Perdone la molestia, pero
Forgive me I don't mean to be a bother, but
De verdad
Cuenta mas
Counts more
Habla, habla
talk, talk
Sigue, sigue
continue, continue
Que me cuentas?
what does it cost?
explicame mas
explain to me more
me encantaria saber mas
i would love to know more
me interesa mucho
It interest me a lot
Me pica la curiosidad
pick my curiosity
Que interesante
How interesting
Una cosa
one thing
un lugar
a place
un evento
an event
un proceso
a procession
una persona
a person
una idea
an idea
un dicho
i said
un pedazo
one piece
un especie
a species/kind
una parte
a part
parecido a
que sirve para
that serves for
que ayuda a
that helps to
que muestra
that shows
en donde
con que
with what
que significa
that signifies
que tiene que ver con
that has to do with
que es parecido a
its similar to
que se puede ver con
has to do with
que es comun
its common
que es especial
its special
que viene de
that comes from
que es tipico de
type of
es como cuando
is like when
se usa
you use
es como
its like