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97 Cards in this Set

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ahorrar (dinero/tiempo)
to same (money/time)
alquilar (videos)
to rent (videos)
to chat
cuidar (a) niños
to babysit
to draw
escuchar a música
to listen to music
faltar (a clase/al trabajo)
to be absent (from class/work)
to flirt
gastar (dinero)
to spend (money)
mirar (la) televisión
to watch television
pasar la noche en vela
to pull an all nighter
pasear al perro
to walk the dog
probar (o-ue)
to taste; to try
sacar buena/mala nota
to get a good/bad grade
to stay up all night
devolver (o-ue)
to return (something)
to choose
hacer investigación/dieta
to do research/to be on a diet
poder (o-ue)
to be able to, can
soler (o-ue)+ infinitive
to usually do + verb
volver (o-ue)
to return
asistir (a clase/a una reunión)
to attend (class/a meeting)
to share
to contribute
to argue; to discuss
mentir (i-ie, i)
to lie
salie bien/mal (en un examen)
to do well/poorly (on an exam)
seguir (instrucciones/a + alguien) (e-i, i)
to follow (instructions/someone)
acostarse (o-ue)
to lie down, go to bed
afeitarse (la barba/las piernas/etc)
to shave (one's beard/legs/etc)
to make oneself presentable
to take a bath
cepillarse (el pelo/los dientes)
to brush (one's hair/teeth)
despertarse (e-ie)
to wake up
desvestirse (e-i, i)
to get undressed
dormirse (o-ue, u)
to fall asleep
to take a shower
lavarse (el pelo/las manos/la cara/etc)
to wash (one's hair/hands/face/etc)
to put on makeup
to comb (one's hair)
ponerse + item of clothing
to put on + item of clothing
prepararse (para)
to get ready (for)
probarse ropa (o-ue)
to try on clothes
quitarse + item of clothing
to take off + item of clothing
secarse (el pelo/la cara/etc)
to dry (one's hair/face/etc)
sentarse (e-ie)
to sit down
vestirse (e-i, i)
to get dressed
aburrirse (de)
to become bored (with)
acordarse (de) (o-ue)
to remember
to fall down
to shut up
darse cuenta (de)
to realize
despedirse (de) (e-i, i)
to say good-by (to)
divertirse (e-ie, i)
to have fun, to have a good time
to get mad
to err, to make a mistake
interesarse (por)
to take an interest (in)
irse (de)
to go away (from), to leave
ocuparse (de)
to take care (of)
olvidarse (de)
to forget (about)
preocuparse (de/por)
to worry (about); to take care (of)
quejarse (de)
to complain (about)
reírse (de) (e-i, i)
to laugh (at)
sentirse (e-ie, i)
to feel
ir a una disco (discoteca)/ ir a bailar
to go to a disco/to go dancing
sacar a bailar a alguien
to ask someone to dance
pasar tiempo a alguien
to hang out with someone
pedir algo de tomar
to order something to drink
ir a un bar
to go to a bar, cafe
ir al cine
to go to the movies
ir a un concierto
to go to a concert
sacar/comprar entradas
to get/to buy tickets
sentarse en la primera/segunda/ultima fila
to sit in the first/second/last row
ir detrás del escenario
to go backstage
el revendedor
ir a los videojuegos
to go to the video arcade
dejar plantado/a a alguien
to stand someone up
to pick someone up (at a club, bar, etc)
pasar a buscar a alguien (por/en un lugar)
to pick someone up (at home, etc)
pasear con el auto
to go cruising
quedar a una hora con alguien
to meet at an agreed upon time
reunirse/juntarse con amigos
to get together with friends
salira dar una vuelta
to go crusing/for a ride/ for a walk
tener un contratiempo
to have a mishap (that causes one to be late)
llamarle la atención
to attract someone's attention
ser un/a pesado/a
to be a bore
hace + (time expression) + que + present
have been + ing for (time expression)
no sirve para nadda quejarse/no vale la pena quejarse
it's not worth it to complain...
vale la pena callarse porque...
it's worth it to keep quiet because...
tienes razón
you're right
no me digas!/ de veras?
really?/ you're kidding
yo tambien
i do too/ me too
yo tampoco
neither do i/ me neither
en cambio yo...
instead i.../not me, i...
qué chévere (caribe)
that's cool!
qué lástima!
what a pity!
de qué se trata
what it's about