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128 Cards in this Set

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This organ is the essential organ of the female reproductive system


The Uterus is located posterior to the


Which layer of the uterus is shed during mestruation


The most inferior portion of the uterus is called


the structure is anterior to the rectum


The primary lymphatic drainage of the vulve are the

inguinal lymphnodes

Hormone that promotes initial duct development in the breasts


Hormone that completes the duct development


Hormones released after birth to stimulate milk production

prolactin and oxytocin

The upper portion of the uterus


the middle portion of the uterus


Where does the primary blood supply of the uterus come from

uterine artery, a branch of the internal ilias arteries

the area at which the vagina meets the cervix

vaginal fornix

the vulva alongside other external genitalia drain to

inguinal lymph nodes

where do the other organs of the female reproductive system drain to?

internal and external iliac chain, then the common iliac nodes and up to the para-aortic nodes

What are the primary lymphatics of the breast

axillary levels 1-3

Where are level 1 axillary nodes located

under and laterla to the pectoralis minor muscle

where are level 2 axillary nodes located

under the pectoralis muscle

where are level 3 axillary nodes located

superior to the pectoralis muscle near the coracoid process of scapula

where are the internal mammary nodes located

superficial and lateral to the sternum

What is the second most common gynecological cancers?


what GYN cancer causes the most GYN cancer deaths per year


what are the risk factors for cervical cancer


high number of sexual partners

low socioeconomic status

What are the risk factors for ovarian cancer

few or late pregnancies

late menopause


a diet high in fat

What increases the risk factor for clear cell vaginal cancer

diethylstibestrol DES used by mother in uteri (during pregnancy)

What risk factor is linked to endometrial cancer

early menarche

What is the most common GYN cancer


Which GYN cancer presents with ascites


Pap Smears are used to detect what

cervical cancer

Which GYN cancers are the most uncommon

Vulvar and Vaginal cancer

Patients with Ovarian cancer often present with

abdominal pain


abdominal distension

What tests are used to diagnose cervical cancer

pelvic exams

colposcopy and biopsy

CT and MRI of the pelvis

What is the most common histology of endometrial carcinoma


what is the most common histology of cancers of the cervix, vagina, and vulva

squamous cell carcinoma

What is the most common histology of cancer of ovarian cancer

90% are epithelial (from ovary surfaces)

7% are stromal

3% ovarian germ (include dysgerminomas)

Treatments of Ovarian cancer include

1. surgery and postop chemotherapy (single agent or combination) Cisplatin and cyclophosphamide

2. phosphorous-32 wash (P-32) and whole abdominal radiotherapy.

What is a P-32 wash

a colloidal solution placed into the peritoneal cavity.

Whole abdominal treatment for ovarian cancer is given a dose of how much

25-28Gy with AP/PA fields

What are the borders of a whole abdominal treatment for Ovarian cancer

Sup: 2cm sup to diaphragm, higher on Rt due to liver

Inf: Bottom obturator foramen

Lat: include peritoneum without flashing skin

No liver blocking is necessary

Kidney blocks needed at 18-20 Gy

Is there a pelvic boost for Whole Abdominal tx for Ovarian cancer

yes, up to 50 Gy (1.8 Gy/Fx)

What are the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer

postcoital bleeding

increased menstrual bleeding

discomfort with intercourse

vaginal discharge

what is indicative of advanse stage of cervical cancer

pelvic pain

urinary and rectal symptoms

malodorous discharge

Pruritis is a common sign in which cancer


can cervical cancers be asymptomatic


primary lymphatic drainage of cervical cancer is through

obturator and iliac nodes

Treatments for cervical cancer include

Tandem and ovoid brachytherapy


External radiation therapy to the pelvis

What is not a treatment option for cervical cancer

whole-abdominal radiation therapy

What is conization

cone shaped excision of the cervix to remove cells, could be done for biopsy or therapeutically

when would conizatin be used

limited to cerviz stage Ia1 for women who desire to have children

Medically inoperable women with cervical cancer receive what type of treatmen

tandem and ovoids with 45-55 Gy

Whole pelvis dose for Cervical cancer

45-50 Gy, four field

What are the borders of whole pelvis treatments for cervical cancer

Sup: top or bottom of L5

Inf: inferior aspect of obturator foramen

lat: 1.5-2 cm lateral to pelvic side wall in AP/PA plane

What is referred to as point A in the treatment of cervical cancer

Intrauterine Tandem - small, hollow, curved cylinder that fits through the cervical os and into the uterus

What is referred to as point B in the treatment of cervical cancer

Vaginal Colpostats - two golf club shaped hollow tubes placed laterally to the tandem into the vaginal fornices

Where is point A defined at

2 cm sup of Cervical Os and 2 cm laterla to the endocervical canal

Where is point B defined at

3 cm lateral to point A

or, 2 cm superior to the cervical Os and 5 cm lateral to the endocervical canal

Acute cystitis of the bladder occurs at what dose

as low as 30 Gy

Chronic cystitis of the bladder occurs at what dose


What is the whole organ tolerance of the rectum

50 Gy

What is the most common presentation of endometrial cancer

abnormal bleeding

When treating a patient with a four field pelvis what are the organs at risk



small bowel

femoral heads



what technique could be used to decrease the dose to the small bowel

place the patient in a prone position

Acute toxities when treating the pelvis for GYN cancers include


skin changes


urinary symptoms


Late toxities when treating the pelvis for GYN cancers include





direct spread of endometrial cancer includes

extension through the parametrium





lymphatic spread of endometrial cancer

internal and external iliac nodes

distant spread to lung and liver

Primary lymph drainage of the vulva

superficial inguinal nodes

What is the most common cancer in women

breast cancer

What is the most common histology of breast cancer

infiltrating ductal carcinoma

What is helpful to distinguish between a cyst and a mass in breast cancer


What are two common hormonal therapies for breast cancer

tamoxifen adn herceptin

When are supraclavicular fields added

when the patient has four or more lymph nodes involved

when is a PAB field used

when level 3 Axillary nodes are not getting adequate dose, or when patients have extensive nodal spread.

Tangent field borders of breast

Sup: first intercostal space

inf: 1.5 cm below breast tissue

medial: midline

Lat: midaxillary line

With supraclavicular fields the gantry is angled

10-15 degrees away from th affected side to avoid esophagus and spinal cord

What are the borders of SCV

Sup: don't flash skin

inf: match sup border of tangents, half beam block to match divergence

med: 1 cm past midline

lat: bisect humeral head

treatment dose for breast and nodal involvement


boost to total dose of 60-66 Gy

When treating breast cancers organs at risk include



humeral head


spinal cord

brachial plexus

contralateral breast

Acute toxicities of treating breast cancer

skin reactions



late toxicities of treating breast cancer



heart disease


What is the overall prognosis of breast cancer


Risk factors for breast cancer include

increased age

increased estrogen exposure (nulliparity, early menarche, late menopause)

family history (BRCA1 and BRCA2)

DES is associated with what histology of cancer

clear cell adenocarcinoma

diabetes and hyepertension increases the risk for

endometrial cancer

What is the fifth leading cause of women with cancer

ovarian cancer

GYN cancer staging systems


what does FIGO stand for

Internal Federation of Gynecologists and Obstetrics

What does AJCC stand for

American Joint Committee of Cancer

Detection and Diagnosis of Vulva done by


history and physical

CBC and chemistries


Chest x-ray, IVP, CT (pelvic)


Liver and Bone scans sigmoidoscopy

what is IVP

intravenous pyelogram-used to visualize abnormalities of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, and bladder

what is cystourethroscopy

procedure that allows the visual examination of the inside of your bladder and urethra

What is the major histology of vulvar cancer?


Surgical treatment of vulvar cancer

wide local excision

Where is the most common presentation for vaginal cancer

posterior upper third of vagina

lower 1/3 of vagina may involve which LN


occurance rate of vaginal cancer

rare- 2% of GYN cancer

Presenting symptoms of vaginal cancer

vaginal bleeding

painful intercourse

Detection and diagnosis for vaginal cancer


cytologic examination

H & P

CBC and chemistries


chest x-ray, IVP, abdominal pelvic CT




is an internal examination of the lower large bowel (colon), using an instrument called a sigmoidoscope

What is the treatment of choice for vaginal cancer

radiation therapy

how are small superficial vaginal lesions treated


how are invasive vaginal lesions treated

entire pelvis treated 45-50 Gy

What is the dosing for brachytherapy tx of vaginal cancers

60 Gy with a vaginal cylinder

what isotope is used with vaginal cylinders

Cs - 137

HDR afterloaders may use what isotope

Ir 192

Detection and Diagnosis for Cervical cancer

Pelvic examination and Pap smear

biopsy of suspicious lesion

history: physical examination under anesthesia

D &C to assess uterine involvement

CBC and chemistries, urinalysis

Chest x-ray, BE, IVP (CT)

Abdominopelvic CT and MRI

Cystoscopy and proctoscopy


Laparoscopic or CT directed biopsy (now PET)

Tamoxifen increases the risk for which cancer


What are the doses for radiotherapy of endometrial cancer

60-70 Gy with brachytherapy

45-50 Gy for nodes and implants can bring the total dose to 80 Gy

when the uterus is still present what techniques can be used for treatment?

Heyman capsule and intrauterine tandem

How much dose can the uterus tolerate

75-90 Gy

What is the most common side effect from the radiation when treating cervix cancer


Fine superficial blood vessels caused from radiation in the areas of the vagina and cervix


The opening of the pevlis where the baby's head enters

pelvic inlet

What is the most radiosensitive GYN structure


The posterior border of a lateral pelvic field


Patient position for the tx of vulva cancer


Painful or difficulty urination


What's the most prevalent GYN cancer


What is the shielding block used to eliminate dose to the bladder and rectum


What is the point tolerance for Bladder and rectal cancer

75 Gy

The connective tissue immediately lateral to the uterine cervix


A patient having abdominal pain adn distention, and/or nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms could be symptomatic to

ovarian cancer

Cervical cancer is more prevalent that other GYN cancers with younger women this is mainly because of

intraepithelial neoplasia

What is the normal hemoglobin range

12-16 g/dL

what would be prescribed to alleviate diarhhea

Diphenoxylate (lomotil)

If a pt. with cancer of cervix has periaortic nodal involvement, there is a 35% increase risk for spread to

supraclavicular area

Dietary guidlines for patients recieving pelvic irradiation may include

baked, broiled, or roasted meats

cooked vegetables

peeled apples and bananas

The most radiotolerant structure of the GYN organs is

uterine canal