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36 Cards in this Set

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Holistic medicine
Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements are interconnected. Seeks to maintain wellness by treating the above.
Humor therapy
To relieve physical and emotional difficulty by promoting health and coping.
Mental exercises to enable the mind to influence health and wellbeing by reduceing stress, anxiety, depression, increasing pain management, lowering blood pressure, easing side effects, and feeling in control.
Mind-body process uses concentration and reflection to relax the body and calm the mind. Can create a sense of well being and to improve quality of life
Chinese system of self care to enhance the flow of vital energy (qi, chi) in the body by working toward a regulated smooth flow of "gong". Can temporarily releive anxiety and reduce chronic pain.
Spirituality & prayer
Awareness of something greater than the individual to reduce stress and anxiety, promote a more positive outlook, and strengthen the will to live.
Support groups
Presents information, provides comfort, teaches coping skills, and provides a place to share common concerns and emotional support. May enhance quality of life.
Thin needles of varying lengths are inserted into the skin to treat nausea associated with chemotherapy drugs.
Includes hands on manipulation of joints or soft tissue to realign the body, correct posture through gentle. Uses deliberate movement and breating exercises to enhance quality of life, relieve pain, and reduce stress.
Heat therapy
Exposes part of the body to high temperatures in order to enhance radiation and chemotherapy.
Manipulating, rubbing, and kneading muscle and soft tissue to decrease stress, anxiety, depression, pain, and increase alertness.
Theraputic touch
Hands are used without contact. Directs human energy for the healing process into the patient to reduce anxiety and increase a sense of well being.
Beta carotene
A pigment in fruits and vegetables that the body converts to vitamin A. It is believed to be effective in preventing cancer.
An active ingredient in cayanne pepper, jalepenos, and paprika that is FDA approved to reduce mouth sores due to chemotherapy and radiation.
Aromatic spice grown on evergreens in tropical areas of Asia and South America. The oil may be effective to relieve gum and tooth pain.
Trace element found naturally in foods. Has been shown to have antioxidant properties.
Essiac tea
Contains the herbs burdock root, slippery elm inner bark, sheep sorrel, turkish rhubarb, watercress, blessed thistle, red clover, and kelp. Some of the herbs in the tea have shown anti-cancer properties.
Plant root native to South-East Asia used to treat nausea and vomiting, but may interfere with blood clotting.
Green tea
Dried leaves of Camellia sinesis plant native to asia has antioxidant properties useful in preventing cancer.
Canabis sativa annual plant leaves and buds used to increase appetite and relieve nausea and vomiting.
Shrub native to the North-Eastern US that has antitumor effects on lab mice. All plant parts are mildly poisonous.
Essential nutrient that may prevent the development and progression of cancer. Large supplement doses can be toxic.
Spice grown in Asia and India Has shown some anti-cancer effects in lab studies on animals.
Vitamin C
Many studies have shown a connection between eating foods rich vitamin C and reduced cancer risk.
A trace mineral found naturally in food. Low levels in the diet increase cancer risk.
Coriolus Versicolor
A mushroom used in traditional Asian herbal remedies. A compound it contains called PSK has been shown to suggest increased survival rates and longer disease free periods without significant side effects.
Ellagic acid
Compound found in raspberries, cranberries, strawberries, walnuts, pecans, and pomegranates. Found to inhibit the growth of tumors by binding to carcinigens in the body.
Member of the lilly family that may reduce cancer risk with its allium compounds.
Inositol hexaphosphate
Called IP6. A chemical found in high fiber foods. Shown to be effective in decreasing tumor incidence and growth in lab animals.
Omega 3 fatty acid
Fish fat has been found to supress cancer formation in animals. However, it may increase cholesterol and reduce blood clotting.
Shitake mushrooms
Edible fungus native to Asia forests. Found in animal studies to have antitumor, cholesterol lowering, and virus inhibiting effects.
Contains isoflavones found to have protective effects against breast cancer.
Dimethyl sulfoxide is an industrial solvent byproduct of paper manufacturing that is being studdied as a potentiator of chemotherapy agents.
Compound found in apples, grapefruit, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and bean sprouts that may have preventative anti-cancer effects.
Shark cartilage
Extracted from the heads and fins of sharks. Has components that may have a modest ability to inhibit growth of new blood vessels.
Shark liver oil
Component squalamine has been studied on lab animals to have antitumor effects.