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50 Cards in this Set

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basic approach list for the CXR
Film quality
Lines & tubes
soft tissues
pleural space
what 3 things are important in fol quality?
penetration, position, includes all structures
what does it look like if it's under-penetrated?
too white
over-penetrated looks how?
too dark - one can see the spine
what bones do we see on CXR?
Vertebra - lower cervical, thorachic and upper lumbar

shoulder = proximal humerus, scapula + clavicle

manubrium sternum xyphoid
what soft tissues are seen on CXR?
neck, chest wall, abdomen: liver/gall bladder, stomach, spleen, colon
for lines on the CXR, what is important?
is the line in the correct anatomic location? GET a lateral - 90 degrees to the first view
where should the endotracheal tube be placed?
3-5 cm above carina for optimal position

flex neck: ET goes down 2.5cm

extend neck: ET goes up 2.5cm!!
Dobhoff tube
Nasoduodenal Feeding Tubes

A small-bore, flexible silicone tube usually inserted into the nose with a weighted tip that should preferentially be past the pylorus
Used for nutrition in patients who
Require mechanical ventilation
Have an altered mental status
Have swallowing disorders
It is a narrow-bore (3mm-8 French) which can be left in place for 6 weeks or more
Causes less local irritation than nasogastric tubes
Unlike a large-bore nasogastric tube, it is not attached to suction
Quinton Catheter
The QUINTON™* PERMCATH™ Dual Lumen Catheter functions as a bridge device during fistula maturation or a long-term vascular access for hemodialysis, apheresis or infusion. It's round lumens provide blood flow rates of 350-400 mL/min as well as maintain low arterial and venous pressures. The catheter is made of a soft, silicone material and is designed with a staggered tip to provide a 2.5cm separation between the arterial lumen and venous tip. The oval shape of the catheter, in combination with its silicone construction, affords it superior kink resistance making it ideal for left-sided or difficult placements.
WHat happens when the ET passes carina into main stem bronchus?
into RMSB 27/28 of cases

Lt LUNG atelectasis - LMSB blocked

Can cause RUL atelectasis by blocking RUL bronchus

occlusion of the main stem bronchus:
-amounf of atelectasis depends on: 1) ammount of air in lung when tube obstructs bronchus
2) high O2 increases progression of atelectasis
where should the Enteric tube pass?
below the left hemi-diaphragm

-NG tube
-Dobhoff - deadly tube - stiff tube - can go down MSB
where could you approach putting a vascular catheter line?
1) Subclavian (lt. vs rt.) line
2) Internal jugular line

Types of LINE
-Quinton Catheter
-Swan-Ganz catheter
-Normal vascular catheter
percutaneous central venous catheter complications
Pneumothorax (5.6%) for subclavian approach

perforation of a vein

catheter coiling, kinking, breaking

what's the major dange of putting chest tubes? how to avoid?
-hemorrhage from lacerated intercostal vessel
-insert tube as close as possible to the superior surface of the rib - go over top of rib
chest tube for pneumothorax vs effusion?
pneumo: go anterior

effusion: go posterior
how can I tell where the chest tube has the enterence?
the break in the white line = first / proximal hole, going from outside to in
viewing the mediastinum - what can we see on the anterior view? lateral view?
the three compartments are superimpsed on themselves in PA view

lateral view: spreads the mediastinum out to three distinct compartments
what's in the anterior mediastinum normally?
-front of trachea, aorta and heart,
-behind the anterior chest wall

-internal mammary vessels
-internal mammary and prevascular Lymph nodes
what are the terrible T's
the 4 most common masses in the anterior mediastinum:

Terrible lymphoma
what's the most common anterior mediastinal mass in an adult?
Terrible lymphoma
90% Hodgkin's Lymphoma --> mediastinal nodal

50% non-hodgkin's L

lobulated mass

rarely Ca2+ (unless rxed)
Thymoma/abnormal thymus
-age range
-assoc with?
-Ca 2+??
age 45-50
assoc w/ myasthinia gravis (30-55%)
25% Calcificed
Grow around (soft) other structures - trachea is not displaced
what are the kinds of teratoma seen in the anterior mediastinum?
Germ cell tumors:
-Endodermal sinus tumors
-Embryonal cell carcinomas
where do the teratomas of the mediastinum come from?
arise from collections of primitive germ cells that arrest in anterior mediastinum on journey to gonads during embryonic development
what kinds of tissues are in teratomas?
what's the age range?
is it often malignant??
has ecto- meso- and endo-dermal tissue

age: 20-40

M:F = 40/60%

malignant - usually males
what are some characterisitics of teratomas:
1) position
2) margins?
3) malignant?
4) Ca?
5) cystic??
1) 90% in anterior, 10% posterior mediastinum
2) round/smooth margins = benign; irregular/lobulated margins = malignant
3) must obtain tissue to determine if benign or malignant
4) Ca 33-50%
5) can be cystic
what does the thyroid nass do?
a firm thyroid mass pushes other structures around - such as trachea
what are the contents of the middle mediastinum?
heart, ascending aorta, pulmonary srteries & veins, main stem bronchi, lymph nodes

-anterior and posterior aspect of trachea, pericardium and heart, rt. and left hila

the hila:
Lymph nodes are lobular
Vascular structures have smooth edges and are tapered
what should you think if there are abnormalities in the HILA?
Lymph nodes:

-pulmonary artery hypertension
what do mediastinal lymphoma look like?
unilateral or bolateral hilar enlargement and subcarinal adenopathy
what are signs of Sarcoid?
1,2,3, sign:
-rt.paratracheal, rt and left hilar hilar enlargement
-rare to have pleural effusion
-may be associated with sarcoid changes of the lungs
describe the vessels in pulmonary hypertension
smooth edges on the vessels with tapered structures
what's in the posterior mediastinum?
mid-distal esophagus, nerve structures

90% post med. masses are neural in origin

anterior boundary: post to trachea, heart and IVC

posterior boundaries: spine and proximal ribs
what's a pneumomediastinum?
air in the lateral aspect of soft tissues of mediastinum

may see air in vascular sheaths in neck

note air tracking in mediastinal soft tissues

pneumomediastinum in infant: air displacing the thymus superiorly and laterally
if you see a pericardium its..
if it's calcified?
abnormal -
calcified = usually 2/2 TB
how can we see a bleed into the pericardium?
enlarged cardiac silhouette - s/p heart surgery
On the PA CXR, the borders on the heart are:
Left: LV
Right: RA
On the Lat CXR, the borders on the heart are:
Post Sup: LA
Post inf: LV

Anterior: RV
heart size criteria
adult <50% CT ratio
child <65% CT ratio (cardio-thoracic)

-adult >50%
-Child >65%
on the lateral CXR, draw a line LUL bronchus

so, bottom black hole to anterior chest and anterior diaphragm

what's above / below??
above line: aortic

below line: mitral
what's the posterior sulcus sign?
on a supine film, there is a black space between diaphragm and lung = pneumothorax
what mimics a pneumothorax?
a skin fold

line does not conform to throax curvature (straighter)

lung markings lateral to line

lung area more dense medial to line 2/2 increase thickness of skin

older pt, supine position from ICU, CCU, portable wards, shock room ER

curved line, no lung markings, nl lung density medial to line, line continuous

skin fold:
-line straight, lung markings beyond line, increased lung intensity medial to line, line non-continuous
pleural effusion upright- PA
fluid layers out:
1) posterior sulcus fills first
2) costophrenic angles (meniscus sign)
3) develop black/white sign and loss of Black/Grey/white sign
don't mistake a pleural effusion for a
straight line across hemi-thorax on PA CXR
pleural calcifications due to...
Asbestosis and TB
in pleural Calcifications 2/2 asbestosis and TB, the most abnormal part of the CXR is ...
is laterally and at diaphragm, not perihilar area
PCP lung
ground glass apprance - interstitial diserase - also infected BULLA LLL
CHF CXR changes
nl lung with pulmonary edema
-vascular congestion
-alveolar filling

emphysematous lungs with pulmonary edema
-vascular congestion
-interstitial filling (linear)

2 stagesL
1) Hilar and perihilar congesion

2) Bat wing distribution 2/2 alveoli filling with fluid
what's atelectasis
alveoli collapse
bronchi remain patent

see air bronchograms but they are close together

2 causes:
1) obstructive
2) compressive