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16 Cards in this Set

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A ruler with complete power in a country; people turned to these strong leaders to make their nations strong again
Hitler, Mussolini & Stalin were all dictators over their countries
A member of a political party who supports extreme nationalism and a dictator
Mussolini established a totalitarian government in Italy with party members called F_______.
A member of a political party in Germany led by Adolf Hitler.
Nationalist Socialist Party members were called N______
The policy of giving in to someone's demands in order to keep peace.
European countries threatened by Hitler's military followed a policy of A____________ to keep peace.
The policy of strong military actions taken by the leaders of a country.
Japan needed natural resources like coal, oil, rubber, and minerals acquired by M____________.
A government that is under the control of another, stronger power.
puppet state
Japan established a P______ S______ in Manchukuo in Manchuria, China.
A plan that let nations at war buy goods that they could pay cash for and then carry home.
"Cash-n-Carry Policy"
Congressional law letting nations at war buy goods from the U.S.A. while it remained neutral.
To lend or lease supplies to a country whose defense is needed to protect the United States.
"Lend-Lease Plan"
To help Great Britain, FDR asked Congress to pass the ________ giving him the power to lend or lease supplies to a country whose defense was needed to protect the U.S.A.
Became Dictator of Russia in 1924, seven years after the Communist Revolution. A cruel leader responsible for the death of some 10 million Soviet citizens to keep power.
Joseph Stalin of USSR
Dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics who held power with "death squads" and a series of 5 year economic plans.
In 1933, Adolf Hitler became chancellor, or leader, of Germany. He gave the German people hope, a better economy and promoted anti-semetic Nazism.
Adolf Hitler of Nazi Party
A Dictator of Germany in WWII who used Militarism and Genocide to try and make Germans the master Arian race.
A Fascist Dictator who promoted a Totalitarian Government in Italy to gain control of the everyday lives of Italians by Spies and punishments.
Benito Mussolini of Italy
He became Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and spoke to people on the glories of war
A dictator who used militarism and puppet states to create an empire in the pacific for Japan
Prime Minister Hideki Tojo & Emperor Hirohito of Japan
After the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Emperor H________ exclaimed "I cannot bear to see my innocent children suffer any longer" and ordered a surrender.
Jewish people over age six were forced to wear a yellow star that said "Jude" or Jew
Star of David/Jude & CC#s
A symbol of Judaism allowing the Nazis to immediatly identify Jews.
Germany, Italy and Japan vs. Great Britain, France, and the United States
Allies vs. Axis Powers
The A____ Powers aggressed on European and Asian countries which caused the A______ Nations to come to their defense.
President Roosevelt stopped trade with Japan because of its miltary aggression in Manchuria and the Pacific. This caused their attack on the U.S. Naval Base at P______ _H_________
Pearl Harbor
On Dec. 7th 1941, Japanese pilots bombed _____ ________ on Oahu, Hawaii killing >2,400 Americans and destroying 19 American ships.
1. Mussolini gains power in Italy 2. Japan invades Manchuria 3. Hitler becomes leader of Germany 4. Japanese move farther into China 5. Germany annexes Austria 6. Munich Conference is held 7. Nazi-Soviet Pact is signed 8. Germany Invades Poland
8 Events Leading to WWII
By 1939, Germany had annexed Austria, made a pact with Soviet Union and invaded Poland. All of Europe feared the Nazis & Hitler's military