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21 Cards in this Set

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An era of European history (A.D.500-1200) that followed fall of Roman Empire.
What were the Middle Ages?
Medieval social roots from 1.Rome's classical heritage 2. belief in Roman Catholic Church 2. customs of Germanic tribes
Germanic people who settled in the Roman Province of Gaul (p.d. France) & established a great empire during Middle Ages.
Who are the Franks?
p. 354.
The leader Clovis brought Christianity to the region & united the kingdom by 511 A.D.
A religious community of men (Monks) who have given up their possessions to devote themselves to a life of prayer & worship.
What is a Monastery> p.127
A religious community in rural setting; a Convent for women who devoted life to prayer & good works.
Concerned with worldly rather than spiritual matters.
What is Secular? p.355
Under Pope Gregory the Papacy became more worldly or ______ with church revenues used for raising armies, repair roads and help the poor.
A dynasty of Frankish rulers, lasting from A.D. 751 to 987 beginning with Charles Martel's son Pepin the Short.
What was the Carolingian Dynasty? p.356
Pepin the Short agreed to fight the Lombards on behalf of the Pope. He was anointed "king by the grace of God" beginning this dynasty.
A Frankish ruler of the Carolingian Dynasty who conquered the Muslims of Spain and Germanic tribes; spread Christianity and reunited western Europe.
Who was Charlemagne/Charles the Great?
p. 356.
When coronated Emperor, he signaled the joining of Germanic power, the Church, and heritage of Roman Empire.
In Feudal Europe, a person who controlled the land & could therefore grant estates to Vassals.
What is a Lord?
p. 360
This landowner could grant fiefs to vassals for military protection & other services.
An estate granted to a vassal by a lord under the Feudal System
What is a Fief?
A small land grant in Medieval Europe to a vassal
In Medieval Europe, a person who received a land grant from a lord in exchange for a pledge of loyalty & services.
What is a Vassal?
p. 360.
Rollo, a Viking leader was granted a huge piece of French territory by Charles the Simple in exchange for loyalty to the King which became Normandy.
In Medieval Europe, an armored warrior who fought on horseback.
What is a Knight?
p. 360.
Dukedoms had many knights to protect the Duke's lands from invaders
A medieval peasant legally bound to live on a lord's estate but could not be bought or sold.
What is a Serf?
p. 360.
A peasant who worked for the lord, could not marry w/o his permission, couldn't leave the land and gave the produce of his labor to the lord.
A Lords' large estate in Feudal Europe.
What is a Manor? p. 360.
A large quantity of land or estate.
A family's payment of 10% of income to the Church as a Church Tax.
What is a Tithe? p. 363.
Church taxation of 10% of a family's income.
A code of behavior for knights in medieval Europe.
What is Chivalry? p. 365.
Characterized by devotion to his earthly feudal lord, his heavenly lord, and his chosen lady.
A mock battle between groups of knights (p. 367)
What is a Tournament? p. 367.
Mock battles for training of knights which involve fierce, bloody competition and winners could demand ransom from defeated knights.
A medieval poet and musician who traveled from place to place, entertaining people with songs of courtly love.
What is a Troubadour?
p. 367
A strolling minstrel of the 12th & 13th C. of Courts of Provence & N. Italy
A body of officials who perform religious services such as priests, ministers, or rabbis
What are Clergy?
p. 370.
The body of people ordained for religious service.
One of the Christian ceremonies in which God's grace is transmitted to people.
What are Sacrements?
p. 371
A formal Christian rite such as Baptism, Matrimony, Communion, or Circumcision
The body of laws governing the religious practices of a Christian Church.
What is Canon Law?
p. 371
A code of laws established by a church council
An empire established in Europe in the 10th C. A.D. originally consisting of lands in what is now Germany and Italy.
What is the Holy Roman Empire? p. 371
An empire split between Rome in the West and Constantinople in the East headed by the Roman Catholic Church.
The appointment of religious officials by Kings/Nobles.
What is Lay Investiture?
p. 372
A policy that brought corruption to the relationship between church and state.