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21 Cards in this Set

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Gilded Age
During the late 1800s when there was a big difference between the rich and the rest of the nation
Robber Barons
individuals who created monopolies in big business by exploiting their workers and eliminating competition by bribery, kickbacks, influential campaign contributions, etc.
A political movement that sought to reform government corruption led by James Weaver and Mary E. Lease by removing the "profit motive" from government service
People's Party
1892 3rd Political Party nominated James B. Weaver for President with little success Later nominated William Jennings Bryan for candidacy in hopes of creating a farmer-wage earner coalition
A process allowing voters to accept/reject proposed legislation
A process allowing individuals to place an issue before the voters
A process that citizens can use to remove an official from office
Seventeenth Amendment
Amendment ratified in 1913 that allowed the direct election of United States Senators to make them more accountable to the people. Prior to this Senators were elected by state legislators
Hull House
The most famous settlement house in the USA which helped immigrants and the poor "settle into" U.S. culture through recreation, education & social activities
Journalists & novelists who attempted to expose abuses in business and corruption in politics under the Progressive Movement
Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906
A law mandating safe and sanitary conditions for food preparation and packaging & placing regulations on medicines
prejudice against certain people because of their race
Nineteenth Amendment
amendment granting right to women's suffrage by 1920 ratification; promoted by Susan B. Anthony
In 1909 an organization led by W.E.B. Dubois and Ida Wells-Barnett to end racism in America
"The Jungle"
A book written in 1906 by Upton Sinclair telling of the unsafe and unsanitary conditions in meatpacking plants in the U.S.A.
President Woodrow Wilson
In 1912, Wilson succeeded in pushing for laws to strengthen Labor Unions by signing the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1915 forbidding the sale of products made by children across state lines.
"Plessy vs. Ferguson"
A case reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court (1895) which established the principle of "Separate but Equal" which meant as long as public facilities were equal , races could be separated.
Susan B. Anthony
worked her entire life to secure voting rights for women; her face is on a silver dollar
Labor Unions
Organizations of workers which formed in different industries to fight for the welfare of all workers during the Progressive Era
Commerce Act of 1887 & Pendleton Act of 1883
Legislation that sought to end the "Spoils System" through creating a Civil Service System
Robert M. La Follette
A progressivist who worked to reform the political process through greater citizen participation in government by use of initiatives, referendums and recalls