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53 Cards in this Set

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You're applying compressions to an elderly subject and you hear cracking noises. Should you still keep going?

What adverse effect may happen if you apply breaths too long / deep?
The victim may puke.
What signs do you look for when deciding whether or not to use the adult AED versus the child AED?
Signs of puberty
When applying an AED to a young subject, at what point should you use the adult pads?
When signs of puberty are present
When a victim needs CPR, should you first call 911 or apply compressions?
Apply compressions FIRST.
How many sets of compressions should be applied to a child?
Two-handed compressions are needed for adult CPR. Is it different for child CPR?
Yes - just one-handed compressions
Are the breaths you apply for child CPR different than the ones used for adult CPR?
Yes - smaller / shorter breaths
What part of the hand should be used for infant compressions?

Use just the middle two fingers of one hand.

Should the fingers always stay in contact with the chest during infant CPR?


During infant CPR, is it possible to tilt the subject's head too far back?

Should you be concerned with covering both the infant's nose & mouth with your mouth during CPR?

Yes, this is what you want: cover both the mouth AND nose with your mouth.

If an infant's chest doesn't rise during CPR, what's the next step?

Let the head go back to normal position, then tilt the head and try again.
If a person stops breathing during a choking episode, should you continue the Heimlich maneuver or start CPR?
Do normal CPR, but check inside the mouth for food after each set of compressions.
Name a few possible obstructions that must be removed before applying AEDs.
Even clothing
Wire bras
What's the poison help line?
What should you tell the subject before applying first aid?
I'm a first aid provider. May I give you help?
If there are other people around, what should you have someone else do?
Tell someone to call 911. Tell someone else to get the first aid kit and AED if one's available.
When you arrive at the scene of an emergency, what's the very first thing you should do?
Check the scene to be sure it is safe.
What's the first thing to do upon approaching an injured person?
Tap them while shouting "Are you OK?"
If the person doesn't respond when you ask them if they're OK, should you assume they're not and begin CPR treatment?
What are a couple of other things to do after successfully administering CPR?
-Look for obvious signs of injury (like bleeding, broken bones, burns, bites).
-Look for medical information jewelry.
When applying the Heimlich, where on the victim should you apply the thumb side of your fist?
Slightly above the belly button
When applying the Heimlich, how long should you apply thrusts?
Until the object is forced out and he can breathe, cough or talk
Where on a choking victim should you apply Heimlich thrusts if the person is in the late stages of pregnancy or is very large and you can't wrap your arms fully around her waist?
Give thrusts on the chest instead of the abdomen
When applying CPR, where on the subject should you place the heel of the lower hand?
On the lower half of the breastbone
Before applying CPR, should you take away valuable time to clear clothing from the subject's chest?
Which song was recommended that you remember when applying CPR compressions to its beat?
"Stayin' Alive"
Do you know what CPR compressions do to a subject?
Compressions pump blood to the brain & heart.
How far down should one press during adult CPR compressions?
Push straight down at least two inches.
What's the right way to open the airway before applying breaths?
Put one hand on the forehead and one hand under the chin. Tilt the head back and lift the chin.
When giving breaths, should you pinch the subject's nose?
When giving breaths, how long should each breath be?
1 second each
What should you be watching when giving breaths?
For the subject's chest to begin to rise as you give each breath
What if the victim's chest doesn't rise when you're giving breaths?
Allow the head to go back to its normal position, then tilt the head and lift the chin again. Try again.
What's the maximum amount of time you should interrupt compressions to apply breaths?
10 seconds
When using a mask to apply breaths to a victim, what's something important to do with the mask before giving breaths?
Make sure there's an airtight seal while you lift the subject's chin.
Is it okay if someone's touching the victim when you use the AED machine?
There's something you should do to a subject if they're breathing, but not responding. What is it?
Roll the person to their side.
How many compressions should you apply before interrupting to give breaths?
30 compressions
How long should you apply CPR?
Until an AED arrives, the person responds, or trained help arrives
How far down should one press during child CPR compressions?
About 2 inches down, just like an adult
How far down should one press during infant CPR compressions?
Slightly less than an adult & child: about 1-and-a-half inches down
Should you still use the heel of the hand when applying compressions to an infant?
No. Use just 2 fingers of one hand.
Where on an infant should you apply compressions?
Just below the nipple line
When applying compressions to anyone, should you let the chest come back up to its normal position between compressions?
There is a time during infant CPR you should call 911. But, first, how many sets of compressions & breaths should you first attempt before calling 911?
Five sets
What position should you place an infant's body when applying the Heimlich?
Hold the infant facedown on your forearm. Support the infant's head & jaw with your hand.
You can't use thrusts when applying the Heimlich to an infant. So what do you do instead?
Turn over the infant and administer back slaps
How many back slaps are necessary when applying the Heimlich to an infant?
When applying the Heimlich to an infant, where on an infant's back should you slap?
Between the infant's shoulder blades
Heimlich on an infant is different. After five back slaps, what should you do?
Turn the infant on its back, supporting the head. Then, give up to five chest thrusts using two fingers (like you would with infant CPR).
How long should you administer alternating back slaps and chest thrusts during an infant Heimlich?
Until the infant can breathe, cough or cry. Or, until the infant stops responding.