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29 Cards in this Set

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A characteristic of operator overloading is

giving new meanings to c++ operators

An overloaded operator always requires ______ its number of operands

One less argument than

Assume a class C exists with objects obj1, obj2, and obj3. For the statement obj3 = obj1 - obj2 to work correctly, the overloaded - operator must

return a value

How many arguments are required in the definition of a unary operator


Of the following C++ operators, which can be overloaded


Operator overloading also allows the programmers to

make c++ operators work with objects

the compiler won't object if you overload the _____ operator to perform division, but it will be difficult for humans to understand

- * +

To convert from a basic type to a user-defined class, you would most likely use

a one-argument constructor

When you overload an arithmetic operator, the result

goes in the object to the left of the operator

A copy constructor is invoked when

an argument is passed by value

A friend function can be used to

allow access to an unrelated class

A pure virtual function is a function that

is used in a base class

A static function

can be called using the class name and function name

An abstract class is useful when

no objects should be instantiated from it

An assignment operator might be overloaded for all of the reasons exept

ensure that all member data is copied exactly

the keyword friend appears in all of the following except

the class desiring access to another class

the lifetime of a variable that is

local to a member function coincides with the lifetime of the function

the operation of the assignment operator and that of the copy constructor are

similar, except that the copy constructor creates a new object

Virtual functions allow you to

use the same function call to execute member functions of objects from different classes

A C++ stream is

a flow of data from one place to another

the base class for most stream classes is the _____ class


All of the following are stream classes commonly used for disk I/O except


Some streams work with input, some with output


We can output text to an object of class ofstream using the insertion operator << because

the insertion operator is overloaded in ofstream

To write data that contains variables of type float to an object of type ofstream, you should use


Mode bits such as app and ate accomplish all of the following except

work with the put() and get() functions

A file pointer always contains the address of the file


The statement f1.write((char)&obj1, sizeof(obj1));

writes the data in obj1 to f1

Command-line arguments are

accessed through arguments to main()