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61 Cards in this Set

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-C++ language for the remainder
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int start;
int time;
start = 37;
time = 22;
cout << start + time << endl;
return 0;
identifies i/o stream and uses the namespace of standard library

-declares two variables
-assigns values

(intializes variables in two steps)

displays the total of 37 and 22 by adding their variables and sending them to the console
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int start;
int time;
int total;
start = 37;
time = 22;
total = start + time;
cout << total << endl;
return 0;
prints the variable total which is set to the sum of start and time
total = start + 5;
cout << total << endl;

What can you assume of the variable total...
total is an int

total is the sum of the integer contained in the variable start and the 5
total = total + 5;
This statement really just means we’re going to add 5 to the value stored in
total, and we’ll take the value we get back and store it back in total. In
other words, total will now be 5 greater than it was to begin with.
The following code shows this in action:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int total;
total = 12;
cout << total << endl;
total = total + 5;
cout << total << endl;
Computer Variables vs Math Variables
Computer variables serve as abstract representations for other values HOWEVER unless specified variables are not constant and in actuality serve more as containers that hold value vs naming devices that represent a specific value
total = total + 5; re write in short hand
total +=5
total += time; re write in longhand
total = total + time
total = total + 1
adds the value of one to the variable
Add two variables

cout << start + time
<< endl;
Add a variable and a number

cout << start + 5 << endl;
Add two variables and save the result in a

total = start + finish
Add a variable and a number and save the
result in a variable

total = start + 8
Add a number to what’s already in a variable

total = total + 2


total +=2
Add a number to what’s already in a variable
by using a shortcut

total +=2
Add a variable to what’s already in a variable
total = total + time
Add a variable to what’s already in a
variable by using a shortcut
totale += time
Add 1 to a variable
why C++?
- adding one thing to the C language OBJECT_ORIENTED-PROGRAMMING!!!!
final = final - time

Shorthand and what is happening
final -= time

final is being reassigned the a value of its starting value minus the value contained in the variable time
final = final - 1
total = total * multiplier;

shorthand and explain
total *= multiplier;

the new total is equal to the previous value of total times multiplier
C++ and division
So in terms of strictly whole numbers, the answer to 21 divided by 5 is 4
remainder 1. And that’s how the computer does arithmetic with integers: It
gets two different answers: The quotient and the remainder. In math terms,
the main answer (in our example, 4) is called the quotient. And what’s left
over is the remainder.
the two components to the a division problem in C++
quotient and remainder
to find quotient use what operator
(/) foward slash division operator
to find the remainder use
To find the remainder, use the percent sign (%). This is often called the
modulus operator.

used to find remainder using ints not neccesary for floating point variables
int / float = what will the answer be?
the answer will be a float
int first = 10 ;
first = first / 5;

shorthand and explain
first /= 5;

the the integer value held in the variable first is divided by 5 and reassigned with the quotient value
int first = 33;
first %= 5;
cout << first << endl;
the variable first is reassigned the remainder value of 33 % 5
char variables
- hold just ONE character

- use single quotes to identify character
Null character
- \0

-But the null
character is important because it is often used to signify the end of something

-nonprintable character
. dot (but not period or decimal point)

@ at

& ampersand (but not and)

# pound (but not number sign)

! bang, but most people still say exclamation point

~ tilde

% percent

* star (not asterisk)

( left paren or left parenthesis

) right paren or right parenthesis

[ left square bracket or left bracket

] right square bracket or right bracket

== equal-equal (not double equal)

++ plus-plus (not double plus)

– – minus-minus (not double minus)

/ forward slash

\ backslash

{ left brace or left curly brace or open brace

} right brace or right curly brace or close brace

^ caret, but a few people say hat (for real — no joke here!)

“ double quote
char ch = ' " '
A way o placing quotes without having to use the convention of \"
When the compiler sees a backslash inside a string or a character, it treats
the backslash as special and looks at whatever follows it. If you have something
like ‘\’ with no other character inside the single quotes following it,
the compiler thinks the final quote is to be combined with the backslash.
And then it moves forward, expecting a single quote to follow, representing
the end. Because a single quote doesn’t appear, the compiler gets confused
and issues an error.
string (a simplified definition)
short, a string is simply a set of characters strung
together. The compiler knows the start and end of a string in your code
based on the location of the double quotes
mystring = “Hello there”;

use encapsulation
mystring(“Hello there”);
Using Brackets to Access Individual Characters in a String
mystring[3] is equal to the fourth character in mystring
#include <string>
This line means that your program is making
use of another file somewhere, and that file has
a filename of string. Inside that other file
is a bunch of C++ code that essentially gives
your program the ability to understand strings.
#include <iostream>
gives your program the ability to write to the
console, among other things.

what does the 3 represent and what is it called?
-fourth position in mystring

- (The number inside brackets is
called an index.)
string mystring;
mystring = “abcdef”;
char mychar = mystring[2];
cout << mychar << endl;

what character is contained by mychar?
string x = “abcdef”;
x[1] = ‘q’;
cout << x << endl;
index 1 is equal to 'q' changing string x to "aqcdef"
string mystring;
mystring = “Hi “;
mystring += “there”;
cout << mystring << endl;
console "Hi there"

The first line declares the string mystring. The second line initializes it to
“Hi ”. But what does the third line do? The third line uses the += operator,
which appends something to the string, in this case “there”. Thus, after
this line runs, the string called mystring contains the string “Hi there”,
and that’s what appears on the console when the cout line runs. The fancy
programmer term for adding something to a string is concatenation.
adding something to a string
string first = “hello “;
string second = “there”;
string third = first + second;
cout << third << endl;
This code prints the value of third, which is simply the two strings pushed
together, in other words, “hello there”. (Notice the string called first
has a space at its end, which is inside quotes and, therefore, part of the
string constant
an actual string in your program
surrounded by quotes
add a string constant
mystring += "string constant";

mystring = yourString + "string constant";
how do you index into a string
[position number] by placing the position number you wish to access between square brackets
result = (first == second) ? “equal” : “not equal”;

what does it mean?
what does result equal?
if int first is equal to int second than string result contains "equal" otherwise "not equal"

And once again, consider what it means: If first is equal to second,
result gets “equal”; otherwise, it gets “not equal”.
Using the Conditional Operator to Do Comparisons example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int first = 10;
int second = 20;
string result;
result = first == second ? “equal” : “not equal”;
cout << result << endl;
return 0;
result = (first == second) ?
“equal” : “not equal”;

using Boolean
bool isequal;

isequal = (first == second);
result = isequal ? “equal” :
“not equal”;
bool isequal;

isequal = (first == second);
result = isequal ? “equal” :
“not equal”;

1) isqual declared as a boolean variable

bool isequal;

2) The second line sets this
to the value first == second. In other words, if first is equal to second, then
isequal gets the value true. Otherwise, isequal gets the value false.

isequal = (first == second);

3) In the third
line, result gets the value “equal” if
isequal is true; or result gets the value
“not equal” if isequal is false.

result = isequal ? “equal” :
“not equal”;
Boolean expression
that the code requires a Boolean
value. Therefore, you can throw in a Boolean
variable if you prefer, because a Boolean variable
holds a Boolean value.
bool finished;
This declares a Boolean variable called finished. Then, you can either put
a true or a false in this variable, as in the following:
finished = true;
finished = false;
When you print the value of a Boolean variable by using code like the
cout << finished << endl;
you see either a 1 for true or a 0 for false. The reason is that, deep down
inside, the computer stores a 1 to represent true and a 0 to represent
- reading from the console

- uses extraction operator (>>) extractinginto the stream
cout uses what operator
-- insertion operator (<<)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string name;
cout << “Type your name: “;
cin >> name;
cout << “Your name is “ << name << endl;
return 0;
1) string name is declared
2) user input is stored in string name
3) string name is displayed
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string name;
cout << “Type your name: “;
cin >> name;
cout << “Your name is “ << name << endl;
return 0;
Type your name: Fred
Your name is Fred