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75 Cards in this Set

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What are the five roles of mothers identified by President Benson?
Conceive, bear, nourish, love, and train
What two things did President Benson warn parents not to do?
Do not postpone having children and do not curtail the number of your children for personal or
selfish reasons.
What promise has God given to women, who through no fault of their own are not able to bear children?
They will be blessed with children in the eternities and that posterity will not be denied them
Women have claim upon their husbands for their maintenance, until their husbands are taken, the Lord said (D&C 83:2). That, said President Benson, is the divine right of a wife and mother. With that claim on their husbands for their financial support, the counsel of the Church has always been what?
For mothers to spend their full time in the home in rearing and caring for their children
Besides life itself, what did President Benson say is the greatest gift a mother can give her children?
Spending time with them
Speaking specifically to the single women of the Church, what medicine did President Hinckley say is best for loneliness?
Work and service in behalf of others
President Hinckley said he sustained the position President Benson took that mothers should leave their employment and give their individual time to their children. He said he recognized, as did President Benson, that many mothers have to work to provide for the needs of their families. He counseled them to “do the very best you can” and then expressed what hope?
That if they are employed full time, they are doing it to ensure that basic needs are met and not
simply to indulge in luxuries
What did President Benson say are the two basic responsibilities of every father?
To provide for the material needs of the family and to provide the spiritual leadership in the family
President Benson suggested that family preparedness is more urgent today than in previous generations. Not only does that include working toward having a year’s supply of food, clothing, and where possible, fuel but also includes two other things. What are they?
Living within your income and saving a little, and Honest tithes
What did President Benson say is the only thing that should ever take precedence in a man’s life over his wife?
Surely when you love your wife with all your heart, said President Benson, you cannot do what?
Demean her, criticize her, find fault with her, or abuse her by words, sullen behavior, or actions.
The Lord commands men to “cleave” unto their wives. President Benson said that means to stay close to her, to be loyal and faithful to her, to communicate with her, and to express your love for her. He then suggested (in the next 5 paragraphs) at least 5 ways husbands can show love to their wives. Name them.
Being sensitive to her feelings and needs, Be grateful to her as the mother of your children, Recognize her intelligence and her ability to counsel with you, Give her the opportunity to grow, Nurture will little tokens of service
President Hunter said the Lord forbids and his church condemns any and every intimate relationship outside of marriage. Infidelity on the part of a man breaks the heart of his wife and loses her confidence and the confidence of his children. More specifically, he taught that for a man to be faithful to his wife, he must avoid what three things?
Pornography, flirtations, and unwholesome fantasies
What did President Hunter say is one of the greatest things a father can do for his children?
To love their mother
Leadership of the family, President Hunter said, is a man’s most important and sacred responsibility. What two things does effective family leadership require?
Quantity and quality of time
Presiding in righteousness necessitates a shared responsibility between husband and wife. If a man operates independent of or without regard to the feelings and counsel of his wife in governing the family, of what did President Hunter say he is guilty?
Exercising unrighteous dominion
What did President Benson say is the central feature of pride
Enmity – enmity towards God and enmity towards our fellowmen
Pride, said President Benson, is essentially competitive in nature. We pit our will against God’s. When we do that, what do we allow to happen?
We allow desires, appetites, and passions to go unbridled
Pride is a sin that can readily be seen in others but is rarely admitted in ourselves. There are many manifestations of pride, however, we might recognize in ourselves. President Benson mentioned ten. Name them.
Faultfinding, gossiping, backbiting, murmuring, living beyond our means, envying, coveting, withholding gratitude and praise that might lift another, being unforgiving, jealous
Selfishness, President Benson said, is one of the more common faces of pride. “How everything effects me” is the center of all that matters. Selfishness manifests itself in five common ways. Name them
Self-conceit, self-pity, worldly self-fulfillment, self-gratification, self-seeking
Another face of pride, President Benson said, is contention. Two paragraphs later he noted 2 things the proud do that lead to contention. Then in the first 4 lines of the following paragraph, he identified 2 more. Name them.
Easily offended, hold grudges/withhold forgiveness, do not receive counsel or correction easily, use defensiveness to justify and rationalize their frailties and failures
President Benson spoke of three keys to self-esteem? Name them.
Love God, do His will, and fear His judgment more than men’s
What is the antidote for pride?
Elder Oaks said our weaknesses are not the only area where we are vulnerable. Where else did he say Satan can attack us?
Where we think we are strong
9. Elder Oaks said it is a great strength to be highly focused on our goals. Yet, he said, an intense focus on goals can cause a person to forget what?
The importance of righteous means
What is the danger of carrying to excess a love and commitment for our work?
It can become an excuse to neglect family and church responsibilities
What caution do we find often in the Book of Mormon to those who boast in their own strength and wisdom?
The Book of Mormon's frequent cautions not to boast in our own strength or wisdom lest we be left to our own strength or wisdom. They start not harkening to the counsels of God because they suppose they now it themselves
What did Elder Oaks say about “moderation?”
Moderation in all things is not a virtue because it would seem to justify moderation in commitment
So many times, Elder Maxwell said, prophets warn about the dangers of selfishness, which he defined as _______.
The inordinate and excessive concern with self
Selfishness is much more than an ordinary problem Elder Maxwell said. What did he say it causes (or leads to) on the one hand and prevents on the other?
to the breaking of the Ten Commandments (cardinal sins). Prevents the development of all the divine attributes
Elder Maxwell suggested much of the fatigue we feel in life is actually the result of what?
Carrying the load of the natural man
Elder Oaks said ________ is a covenant obligation of all members of the Church of Jesus Christ.
In order to purify our service in the Church and to our fellowmen, what must we consider or be mindful of?
Not only how we serve, but why we serve
Elder Oaks spoke of 6 reasons why people serve? Name two of them.
(1) Hope of an earthly reward, (2) motivated by a personal desire to obtain good companionship, (3) out of fear of punishment, (4) sense of duty or loyalty to family or friends or traditions, (5) the hope of an eternal reward, (6) motivated by the pure love of Christ (charity)-accomplished for the love of God and His children
What did Elder Oaks say is the highest or best reason to serve?
For the love of God and the love of fellowmen
Elder Oaks said it is not enough to serve God with all our might and strength. In order to stand blameless before God we must also serve him with all our _______ and _______.
mind and heart
. Elder Ashton said differences should not be ignored in family discussions but should be weighed and evaluated calmly. As we do so, we should always remember that _________ is not as important as ____________.
One’s point or opinion; a healthy, continuing relationship
Elder Ashton quoted Jones Stephens who wrote “the head does not hear anything until _______.”
The heart has listened
. Because effective communication often occurs when timing and conditions are inconvenient for us, but right for the other person, it will usually require ________on our part.
Personal sacrifice to give them our time
Effective communication requires a willingness to set the stage, listen, vocalize feelings, and to avoid judgment. We need to seek to develop common ground and avoid imposing our values on others. There are two ways we can know if we are on our way to effective family communication, Elder Ashton said? Name them.
Deal with issues without allowing personalities to take over and no bais, maintain confidences and practice patience
. Elder Nelson’s counsel for parents and teachers, children, and husbands and wives was: “__________” then “_________.”
Learn to listen, then listen to learn from children (parents and teachers)/listen to learn from
parents(children)/ listen to learn from one another (husbands and wives)
Elder Holland quoted James from the New Testament regarding a way in which a person could be considered a “perfect man” or a perfect woman. What is it?
If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body
What caution did Elder Holland give especially to the men of the Church?
Avoid emotional abuse to their wives
Expanding that caution to the women of the Church, Elder Holland said “there is no place in that magnificent spirit of yours for acerbic or abrasive expression of any kind.” He then particularly noted three weaknesses women should avoid. Name them.
Gossip, backbiting and catty remarks
. From what did Elder Holland say negative speaking often flows?
From negative thinking
Elder Holland quoted Elder Orson F. Whitney who contrasted what we are like when we are filled with the spirit of the gospel and what we are like when we lack the spirit of the gospel. Describe the difference.
The spirit of the gospel is optimistic; it trusts in God and looks on the bright side of things. The opposite or pessimistic spirit drags men down and away from God, looks on the dark side, murmurs, complains, and is slow to yield obedience."
Elder Christensen said when problems arise and marriages are threatened, _______ may be the most important remedy.
Praying together as a couple
What is the “grapefruit syndrome” described by Elder Joe Christensen?
Being critical of little faults or annoyances that are better left unsaid or alone
Upon what did Elder Christensen suggest true love is developed?
By those who are willing
When differences of opinion do arise, being able to discuss and resolve them is important, but there are instances when it is best to do what?
To take a time-out
The last two suggestions given by Elder Christensen deal with areas where conflict often arises in marriage. To avoid having conflict in those areas, what did Elder Christensen counsel us to do?
Live within your means, be a true partner in the home (equal partners)
Drawing from the pattern practiced by full-time missionaries, what did Elder Wells suggest couples do on a regular basis?
Hold an inventory session
Whenever couples meet to solve problems, on what should their focus be, according to Elder Wells?
On listening and understanding each other
Elder Wells counseled us to avoid bringing a written list of faults to problem- solving discussions and suggested a rule we would be wise to follow. What was that rule?
Rely on memory and limit the number of suggestions
What should our objective should be in problem-solving discussions?
To understand each other's feelings
President Hinckley said the time has come for all of us to “get our houses in order.” To do that, he counseled us to do three things. What were they?
Live within your means, become self-reliant, free yourselves from bondage of debt
Elder Maxwell emphasized that the gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of work—a gospel that is built by and believes in the value of work. He emphasized that point by saying that even though work may not be an economic necessity for some, it is always what?
A spiritual necessity
What did Elder Maxwell mean when he said the balance of work should be orchestrated?
We need to make sure some forms of work don’t tend to dominate over other forms. Avoid selfishness
What did Elder Ashton suggest is the main reason for quarrels and divorces that occur over money?
The mismanagement of personal finances
What counsel did Elder Ashton give regarding money management between husband and wife
Should be on a partnership basis, with both parties having a voice in decision and policy making
Elder Ashton taught that successful financial management in every LDS home begins with what?
The payment of an honest tithe
What did Elder Ashton suggest is an important measure of one’s financial maturity after marriage?
When they think of their partner’s and their family’s needs ahead of their own spending impulses
Every family, Elder Ashton said, should have a budget to help them avoid debt. He suggested there are perhaps only three legitimate reasons for going into debt. Name one.
Paying for education, buying a home
. Families should work together toward home ownership, have sufficient medical, automobile, homeowner’s and life insurance, and be involved in food storage and emergency preparedness. In addition, how much liquid savings did Elder Ashton say families should have in case of emergency?
Should be sufficient to cover at least three months of all essential family obligations
President Benson taught that what makes up the personality of a woman?
faithfulness, benevolence, kindness and charity
Principles of Ministering: four keys to help a spouse progress towards perfection
1. First, seek to change yourself, not your spouse
2. Understand the nature of change
3. Develop charity
4. have a voice of gladness
Five important elements to understand about change
1. Belief precedes change
2. Change is gradual
3. Change is painful
4. Because change is painful, the nature of the fallen man is to resist or avoid it
5. Permanent change comes through Christ
Four things we should strive to communicate daily to our spouses
G Gratitude
L Love
A Affirmation
D Devotion
Communication skills
1. Be clear
2. Be brief
3. Learn to listen and listen to learn
4. Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Conflict resolution skills
1. Seek private reconciliation
2. Identify the real issue
3. Take responsibility for your own feelings
4. Validate the feelings of your partner
5. Seek for a win-win situation
6. Bury your weapons of war
President Tanner's five constants of successful resource management
1. Pay an honest tithe
2. Live on less than you earn
3. Distinguish between wants and needs
4. Develop and live within a budget
5. Be honest in all financial affairs
Intimacy is developed in five areas
1. emotional
2. mental
3. spiritual
4. social
5. sexual
Three keys to building intimacy from Paul
1. benevolence
2. trust
3. commitment
A gospel-centered home has at least four characteristics, according to the Family Proclamation.
· Family members receive ordinances of salvation, including temple sealings.
· Family members make and keep sacred covenants.
· Family members seek and receive gospel teachings.
· Relationships are a priority. Relationships are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.
First, the Lord promises great blessings to those who do.
Second, regular family home evening provides protection against the adversary as he seeks to destroy our families and our testimonies.
Third, we hold regular family home evening because we are under covenant to do so.