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29 Cards in this Set

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Dwight D. Eisenhower
The first president to discuss the "domino theory"
Joseph McCarthy
This person led the senate hearings investigating suspected Communists
Douglas MacArthur
The leader of the United Nations peacekeeping troops in the Korean War; fired by Truman
Betty Friedan
Author of Feminine Mystique; The leader of the ERA movement in the 1970s
Gloria Stienham
Feminist journalist of the 1970s; The founder of the National Women's Political Caucus and Ms. Magazine
William Levitt
The person responsible for the mass production of homes in the 1950s; This person made housing affordable
Jonas Salk
A doctor who developed a vaccine for the disease poliomyelitis
Rosa Parks
This person refused to move from a "Whites Only" bus seat; Led to the Civil Rights Movement
John F. Kennedy
This president was elected because of the televised debates; This person started the Peace Corps and NASA
Lyndon B. Johnson
This person started the Great Society and the War on Poverty
Martin Luther King Jr.
Associated greatly with the Birmingham Bus Boycott and the March on Washington; This person won a Nobel Prize and was assassinated
Jackie Robinson
The first African American professional baseball player
United Nations
An organization that meets in New York; designed to keep world peace
Baby Boom
The population explosion after WWII in the 1940s and the 1950s
Warsaw Pact
An alliance of the Communist countries of Europe and Asia
Red Scare
A period of fear and paranoia of Communist takeover in the United States
Cold War
A global conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States from 1950 to 1990
A Post-WWII movement out of inner cities caused by the use of cars and highways
Black Power
A militant Civil Rights movement with leaders like Malcolm X
Affirmative Action
The practice of requiring employers to hire a minimum number of minorities
Brown vs. The Board of Education
A Supreme Court case that overturned Plessy; separate facilities are NOT equal; rules on 14th amendment;
A Soviet satellite; first to circle the Earth; increased math/science in US schools
March on Washington
This was when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous "I have a Dream" speech calling for Civil Rights legislation
The Great Society
Lyndon Johnson's domestic plan to end poverty and promote Civil Rights
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
A law that outlawed segregation during the 1960s
The Voting Rights Act of 1965
A law that outlawed literacy tests used to discriminate against black voters
A plan to provide medical treatment and hospitalization for people over 65
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
A resolution made after an United States ship was sunk by the Northern Vietnamese; escalated the war in Vietnam
My Lai Massacre
A massacre of innocent women and children in Vietnamese villages; This outraged the United States public