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38 Cards in this Set

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Stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid; one of two nucleic acids found in a cell; the blueprint of life; used as a cod for making proteins which determine traits
DNA is packaged into these by being wrapped around proteins and coliled tightly for protection; This is found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells but is free-floating in prokaryotic cells
The passing of traits from parents to offspring
The First Discovery About Heredity was...
Chromosomes controlled heredity and are made of DNA and proteins
The Second Discovery About Heredity was...
DNS was the chemical that controlled characteristics of an organism
Rosalind Franklin
The first person to take a clear "picture" of DNS using a technique called X-Ray Crystallography. The "picture" offered a clueof the shape of DNA
Watson and Clark
These people recieved credit for finalizing the model of DNS by using the picture taken by Franklin (giving to them by Franklin's research assistant - Maurice Wilkins), and by synthesizing work completed by other scientists
DNAs shape is a...
Double Helix
Double Helix
A twisted ladder type shape
The building blocks of DNA
The three parts of nucleotides are...
A sugar (named deoxyribose), A phosphate group, and one of four nitrogen bases
The Four Nitrogen Bases
Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G), and Cytosine (C)
The two strands of nucleotides in every DNA molecules are held together by...
Weak hydrogen bonds between the nitrogen bases
Complementary Base Pairing
Adenine bonds with thymind (A-T) and Guanine bonds with Cytosine (G-C)
Why is DNA needed in each cell?
To make necessary proteins
Because DNA is so important, when a cell divides, it must pass on an ______________________ to function correctly
Exact copy of the DNA
Therefore, DNA is replicated during ___________ immediately ________ the cell begins ________
Interphase / before / mitosis
An ______ breaks the ________ _____ between the paired nitrogen bases. This allows DNA to "unzip" as the two strans move apart.
Enzyme / Hydrogen bonds
After an enzyme breaks the hydrogen bonds, the newly unpaired nucleotides are...
Paired with exact nucleotides present in the nucleus. This process is catalyzed by another enzyme
After the unpaired nucleotides are re-paired with different nucleotides....
Enzymes then link the nucleotides along the newly constructed site of the DNA ladder by bonding sugar to phosphate
After enzymes relink the nucleotides....
The DNA is proofread by enzymes for any errors
Each copy of DNA after DNA replication is packaged as this on a doubled chromosome
After mitosis, as a result of DNA replication...
Each daughter cell wil receive one of the two copies of DNA, This happens when the doubled chromosome is split
Two identical DNA molecules are produced as a result of DNA replication, these are called...
"Daughter" DNA Molecules - compose of one "old" and one "new" strand
Why are so many different enzymes required for DNA replication?
Because each enzyme can only preform ONE function
A section of DNA which is used as the blueprint for the production of a protein
Each gene is composed of this
A specific sequence of nucleotides
Every 3 bases in a sequence of nucleotides
Amino Acids
These are what make up proteins
The fuction of mRNA is...
Copy a DNA strand when DNA unzips, DNA can't leave the nucleus but this can
mRNA is constructed...
One nucleotide at a time using one side of the DNA as a template
Replaces the ribose Thymine in RNA (Since RNA has a different sugar (ribose) which cannot bond to Thymine)
Where mRNA leaves the nucleus (a small opening in the nuclear membrane)
A process in DNA replication; DNA -> RNA
A process in DNA replication; RNA -> Protein
The Central Dogma of Biology
The central axis around which all other biological concepts rotate
Cells must produce different proteins...
Based on the function of the cell
Why are you a human and not an animal if you have the same 4 bases?
Because your DNA is in a different order than an animals