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65 Cards in this Set

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Possible Pharaoh of the Death Decree?
Thutmose I
1. Wrote the Dream Stele
2. Succeeded Amenhotep II to the throne of Egypt
3. Claims he was awarded the throne for removing sand from around the Sphinx
Thutmose IV
1. Also called Avaris
2. Identified with the Hyksos capital of Avaris
Tell el Dabva
1. Capital of Middle Kingdom 12th Dynasty?
2. Near land of Goshen
It-towy/ Lisht
1. 37 Of these people visited Khumhotep III
2. A group of foreign peoples (perhaps the future Hyksos) depicted entering Egypt c.1900 BC from the tomb of a 12th dynasty official Khnumhotep under pharaoh Senusret II. The glyphs above are above the head of the first animal
Beni-Hasan Asiatics
1. Synonymous with land of Goshen
2. Exod 1:11
3. Named after II not the I
Land/city of Ramses
1. The Hebrew word means wall
2. Refers area by the walls of ruler on the north east side of Egypt
Wilderness of Shur
1. Thutmose III had a siege of ____
Wood argues that Kenyon’s domestic forms match LB I pottery from other towns that were occupied during the 15th century BC This indicates that ______ was occupied during the time the Bible suggests
Form of Early Israelite home
Four-room house
Means Bitter Lakes... (Exod 15:23; Num 33:8-9)- located in southern region and was a branch of the Red Sea... too far south for Israel to cross here
1. Place found had two columns, reminiscent of the end of Samson's life, supported the roof. The temple contained an altar to the right of the furthest column, low benches against the long walls and storeroom behind the altar.
2. Belonged to the Philistines
Tell Qasile
1. Starts in Old Kingdom (Dynasties 3-6) 2686-2181 BC
2. The King was god, needed a special burial
Pyramid Age
Yigael Yadin suggested MB fortifications at Jericho could have survived into LB II... Byant Wood has redated those MB fortifications to LB I. Even if his dating is off, Yadin and Mazar’s argument basically fits Wood’s scenario.
MB fortifications
A form of insanity in which the affcted person believe he is a bull.
1. Pharaoh who started an agricultural project in Faiyum
2. Reclaimed Time of Joseph according to the high chronology Several conservative biblical scholars place Joseph's rise to power and the initiation of his agricultural program
Sesotris II
1. Sucessor of Tutmose III
2. Seventh Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt
Amenhotep II
Died in 1450 BC; Shea (1982) has suggested that he was the Pharaoh of the Exodus, and he died in the Sea (Exod 14:27-28
Thutmose III
1. Hyksos seat of power was here
2. Site of Tell adabva
A better candidate for Pithom of Exod 1:11
Tell er-Retabeh
1. The site of Tell el-Dab‘a has been identified with the Hyksos capital of Avaris as well as _______ of Exod 1:11
1. Refers to both the Red Sea and its various extensions
2. Lake Ballah (Exod 15:22), Red Sea (Exod 15:27; Num 33:10-11), Gulf of Aqaba (Num 21:4; Deut 1:40; 1 Kgs 9:26)
3. Yam suph
Sea of Reeds/Red
1. Means “booths” or “tabernacles” (i.e., tents) and also refers to a later festival, which was to remind the Israelites of their many years of wanderings
2. Could mean the area of Mashuktah
1. Best candidate for the Sea of Reeds (yam suph) given the northern locations of Baal-Zephon
2. Now partially drained since the Suez Canal was cut through it and consists of smaller remnant lakes
Lake Ballah
1. Structure constructed by the Egyptians to prohibit or control passage of “Asiatics” into Egypt
Walls of the Ruler
It is in the north... One of the three cities burned under Joshua's conquest (Josh 11:11)... Also the place of Ibni Tablet
Known as the sea people for Ramses III and they tried 3 times to subdue Egypt both by land and by sea but were denied
An Egyptian monument known as the _____________ describes a battle of Pharaoh __________ (1213-03 BC) against a people in Canaan called “Israel”This is the first extra-biblical reference to Israelites
Merneptah Stele
1. King Saul’s capital city
2. Judges 19
1. Moabite Stone commemorates King _____ successful revolt against Israel
2. Show's Omri's conquest from Moabite point of view
Mesha Stele
1. (“Prime Minister”) Responsibility for crop administration fell under this title
2. (the number 2 man in Egypt) during the Middle Kingdom. This would probably have been the title of Joseph
1. Henri Edouard Naville excavated at this place In 1883
2. Naville found brick store chambers he assumed they were the bricks the Israelites made for the store city of Pithom
3. However it was found that Tell er-Retebah was found to be a better candidate for Pithom
Tell el-Maskhutah
Ammonites who built Iraq el-Emir... they fit in with OT history about the time of Ezra and Nehemiah... they were also Hellenistic
1. Evidence indicates that the true version of this item was developed in the Near East during the first half of the second millennium BC, but only became widely used for military purposes around 1500 BC,
2. The bible says Pharaoh gave this to Joseph which has caused people to question the Bible are
3. This item is mentioned three times in the Patriarchal narratives (Gen 41:43; 46:29; 50:9)
4. These items were prestige items for royalty as early as the 19th century BC(the time of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt)—surely the pharaohs would have been keen to acquire such prestige items as well
Chariots and horses
1. Holds the first reference to the Philistines as a proper name
2. Found on the mortuary temple of Ramses III
3. Place found in Thebes
4. This place tells of a group of foreigners called sea peoples invaded Egypt
Medinet Habu
The Exodus date that places Moses in the middle of Egypt's 18th Dynasty (New Kingdom)
1450 B.C.
This woman wife of Thutmose III was said to be Moses step-mother
1. Means ruler of a foreign land
2. These were Asiatic people who slowly infiltrated Egypt over a long period of time and took over Egyptian government for a while
3. May allude to Joseph and His Brothers
1. Place found of Egyptian God Apis which may resemble Golden Calf
2. Place where Stele was made calling Hebrew Apiru
3. Capital of Egypt Old Kingdom 3-6 and 7-8
1. One of the two storage cities mentioned in Exod 1:11
2. Disputed which site Tell Maskhuta or Tell er-Retebah is this city the Israelites built
1. Located between the paws of the sphinx
2. Tells how Tutmose the IV did not expect to become king but did since he was not firstborn son
Dream Stele
1. Canaanite kings complained to Pharaoh of uncontrollable people called ___________
2. This is a renegade-like class of people from various ethnic groups
3. Etymology related to Hebrew, hence all Hebrews maybe ________ but not all _________ are Hebrews
4. On the Memphis Stele the name _______ is mentioned from time of Tutmose III
5. Letters to or from Lab'ayu king of shechem this king is accused of being in league with ____________
Habiru/ Apiru
Marah (Ex 15:23; Num 33:8-9)
Bitter Lakes
1. Conquered by Egyptian Pharaoh probably Siamun
2. This Pharoah gave city to Solomon as dowry for his daughter
3. Egyptians destroyed it by fire in 1 Kings 9:16
4. At Hazor, Meggido, and _______ similar Solomonic gates found
1. Associated with the Khirbet Et-Tell
2. Callaway says there was no occupation in the 15th or 13th Century of these cities
3. Millard said the ruins may have been reused which off sets dates
4. One of the three cites burned in Josh 11 Hazor, Jericho, and ____
1. His picture is on the Black Obelisk bowing down to king of Assyria Shalmanasser III.
2. Earliest picture found of an Israelite
1. Site associated with Saul's Gibeah
Tell el-Ful
1. Scripture used as foundation for the Exodus/Conquest chronology
2. 480 years from the 4th year of Solomon takes us to 1450 BC and 1410 for the beginning of the conquest
1 Kings 6:1
1. Father and law of Solomon/ Egyptian wife
2. Probably pharaoh who gave Solomon Gezer
Name on the Medinet Habu of Ramses III and Papyrus Harris I relating to the philistines
Sea Peoples
1. Land area at apex of Delta
2. There is a canal in this place called Bar Yusef (canal of Joseph) which may be a possible reference to Joseph
3. Place where Sesotris II started his agricultural project
1. Egyptian Pharaoh who came against Palastine
2. On the wall of Karnak Temple says he conqured Palastine and 156 places
3. This was following the death of Solomon
1. Continued his father's work in the Fayium region
2. Then he breaks power of nobles and owns the land again Gen 47:20
Sesotris III
1. Was in charge of Mortuary Temple at Medinet Habu where philistines were first called sea peoples
Ramses III
1. Moses was 80 yrs/ Aaron 83 (Ex 7:7) prevalent to date of this event which threatened Moses' life
2. Aaron born during reign of Amonhotep I Moses was born under this ruler ship who may have decreed the event
Pharaoh of Death Decree/ Thutmose I
1. This Pharaoh was probably the one who lost his son in the 10th plague
Amenhotep II
1. Either one of these Pharaohs chronologically would have been the Pharaoh of the Exodus
2. Both apart of 18th Dynasty
Thutmose III/ Amenhotep II
Capital city of the Middle Kingdom Dynasty 12
It-towy/ Lisht
1. These famous structures were six-chambered/ four entry ways
2. Talked about in 1 Kings 9 these structures were in Hazor, Meggido, and Gezer
3. Yigael Yadin was the first to notice similarites between these structures
Solomonic gates
1. Large limestone Assyrian in origin
2. Commemorates deeds of this Assyrian King
3. Pictures Jehu bowing down on it
Black Obelisk of Shalmanesser III
1. Associated with Tel Qasile
2. This archaeological find gives credence to this Biblical event found in Judges 16:30
3. At the Tel there was found a roof held up by two columns and a large arena area
Death of Samson
1. This gives a reason to why Goshen (Gen 45:10) is equated land of Rames (Exod 1:11)
2. The place may have been the same but the named changed because of _______________
Biblical site updates
1. Sesostris II as a part of the 7 years of plenty started this initiative
2. Sesostris III continued his father's work in the Fayium region
3. This event correlates with Gen 47:20 where Joseph buys land for Pharaoh to prepare for famine
Land reclamation project in Egypt
1. Place where Hycanus a Tobiad in the 2nd Century built structure
2. The structure in this place shows how Palaestinian people were attracted to a Hellenistic architecture
Iraq el-Emir
1. This relates to the first alphabetic Semitic script
2. Dates to the 15th century BC found in Sinai at Serabit el-Khadim
3. Genesis and rest of Pentateuch was written in this alphabetic Semitic script
4. The pictographic cuneiform or Egyptian hieroglyphic system was not used at this time but was used at Hathor Temple nearby
Proto-Sianiatic Inscriptions