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31 Cards in this Set

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What causes Tuberculosis?
Mycobactrium tuberculosis
With how long does a member need a TB shot before deploying?
6 months
What is administered by the mantoux method for a tuberculin skin test?
Purified Protein Derivative
Adult immunization record
Child immunization record
What is the name of the method for recording PPD's?
Routine Mantoux Method
Within how long are TB's read?
48 to 72 hrs
How do you record negative PPD findings?
No induration, " 0" mm or " zero mm"
What is the second way to test for TB?
QFT-G ( Quantiferon TB Gold) Blood test
How should a prevous Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) immunization be recorded if positive?
Should be regarded as indicative of TB infection.
NAVMED 6224/7
Initial tuberculosis exposure risk assessment
NAVMED 6224/8
Interim Tuberculosis exposure risk assessment
NAVMED 6224/9
Monthly evaluation for Pt's recieving treatment
High Risk
Reaction greater than 5mm of Induration
Medium Risk
Reaction greater than 10mm of Induration
Low Risk
Reaction greater than 15mm of Induration
What is the most effective measure to prevent the development of tuberculosis disease in a newly infected person?
Preventive Therapy with isoniazid (INH)
Describe intermediate strength dosage?
Intermediate strength dose is 5 tuberculin units (TU) of purified protein derivative(PPD).
Define induration?
An area around the site of tuberculin injection that is raised and firm to touch.
Define Tuberculin Reactor?
A person with an area of induration to a 5 TU tuberculin skin test (or to a 1 TU tuberculin skin test).
Define a tuberculin nonreactor?
A person with an area of induration of less than 5 mm (usually no reaction or zero mm induration) to a 5 TU tuberculin skin test.
What vaccines are made from live attenuated mycobacteria strains are commonly used in some countries in an attempt to prevent vaccines from becoming infected with tuberculosis?
BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) vaccines
Where is the test result entered in the medical treatment record?
How is the induration measured?
In millimeters at its widest transverse diameter (across the arm).
What must be done if a person returns more than 72 hours after PPD application and the induration is zero to 14 mm?
Make an entry of "not read" on the SF 601. Immediately aply a PPD test on the opposite arm.
What must be done if a person returns more than 72 hours, (but before or on the 10th day), after PPD application and the induration is 15 mm or greater?
The reaction is significant. Enter the induration and the time interval since test application on the SF 601. Manage the person as a tuberculin reactor per Evaluation and Preventive Therapy (Chemoprophylaxis) of Tuberculin Reactors.
What must be done if a person returns more than 10 days after PPD application?
Make an entry of "not read" on the SF 601 regardless of the size of any induration. Immediately apply a PPD test on the opposite arm.
What is the antibiotic regimen of choice for tuberculosis preventive therapy?
INH in an oral daily dose of 300 mg for adults and 10 mg/kg (not to exceed 300 mg) for children.
How long should tuberculin reactors with no risk factors for the development of tuberculosis disease receive INH therapy?
6 months of continuous therapy with INH
How long should tuberculin reactors with HIV infection and persons with stable abnormal chest radiographs consistent with past tuberculosis receive INH therapy?
12 months of continuous therapy with INH