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65 Cards in this Set

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bugs were here before humans
many many kinds of bug species and many many of EACH species.

10,000,000 bug species on earth!

only what have been discovered?
only 1/10 of all the bugs are known

we have had to conforn to a bugs world since being here.

and they to to our existance
everything we have organic is a target for bugs. Also bugs are vectors (carriers) of disease. like what?
yellow fever
bugs can cause enormous damage but also provide a benefit which far outweigh the bad they do.

What examples?
bees that polinate
bugs are food for wildlife
help decompose rooting stuff
bugs eat bugs

what is a segmented animal?
insects and relatives like mites spiders symphylans are segmented animals

no internal skeleton
they have exoskeleton
exoskeletons vary but chemical makeup of all is similar.

for a bug to grow, they shed the exoskeleton called MOLTING. All bugs do this molting.

The # of times a bug molts varies. Each growth stage of an immature bug is called a INSTAR. After hatching from an egg, thats the first INSTAR. second molt is second INSTAR, etc.
bugs have very distinct growth stages accomplished by a process called

to change form
bugs w/ a simple metamorphosis pass through
adult stage

young are called NYMPHS
So an egg hatches into first INSTAR or nymph. when or what is it when the quit molting?
the are adults at that point, no more molts and don't grow larger
simple metamorphais bugs are:

What do these hatches all look like?
just like tiny adults!
a new hatch grasshopper looks like an adult grasshopper just undevelopled wings as nymphs. So adults and nymphs both eat same foods! see both of them chowing on same peach


what are the young called?
LARVA are the young stage
plural = larvae


in Complex metamorphesis, the larvae does the eating and the finished product does the fucking.

SO the larvae do the most damage, not the finished adult
complex metamorphesis bugs come from eggs, MOST of them.

what about all the changes these lavae do before becoming an adult?
the larva will usually make a COCOON where the PUPA forms!

Will take days to months.
MOST bugs are complex metamorphesis bugs. what about this in regards to this discussion?
the larva will appear in DIFFERENT situations and places than their adults, so?

Moth butterfly fly rarely do all the damage, its their larvae. BUT BUT BUT

Many beetles both adults & Larvae feed on same stuff
Again the larvae do the damage not Pupa, not adult or egg. Larvae. its the most destructive stage.

so what?
So we need to know these larvae.

the adult moth is a larvae catepiller! inchworm or looper or borer cutworm or webworm or leafroller!

An adult beetle is a larvae grub wireworm borer billbug

An adult fly is a larvae maggot grub leafminer

bugs have
reproduction parts
blood flow
breathing gear

so what?
we need to know these parts to kill the bug

and what or how chemicals kill can do it to us too!

bugs breathe through spiracles. where are they?
spiracles line both sides of their bodies. the openings connect to tunnels connected to inside bug body. gets oxygen to the bug. SPRAY OIL plugs these spiracle holes. Also fumigants (gas form) enter these spiracles OR HUMAN respiratory systems and kill either species
Todays modern insecticides esp organophosphates and carbamates kill how?
by attacking the bugs chemicals involved in the nervous system. Bug's nervous system works like a mammals nervous sytem! So if it can screw w/ a bugs nervous system it can screw with mine too! (if dose is high enough)

So...careless handling can cause nerve poisoning
Complex metamorphesis adult bugs have:
6 legs attached to thorax
1-2 prs wings
pair of antennae (feelers)

what about spiders, mites, ticks?
they are ARACHNIDS

body in 2 regions

cephalothorax (fused head/thorax)
4 pr legs attached to cephalothorax (head/thorax)
no wings
no antennae
bugs have varying ability seeing. those that prey capture see great (dragonflies) while other bugs just see
shape and movement
bug sensory structures like antennae? what do they do?
smell! bugs smell w/ antennae!

some bugs release PHEROMONES to attract da bitches.
the most important part of a bug head are the mouth parts.

2 types of mouth parts in plant eating bugs.

what are the 2 types for plant eaters?
a set of jaws that rip and chew. think grasshopper beetles weevils sawflies catepillars

PIERCING & SUCKING mouthparts stink bugs aphids leafhoppers.
what kind of bug transmits disease from plant to plant?
bugs w/ piercing mouthparts spread disease. Leafhoppers & aphids largest group of plant disease vectors. Mites have piercing mouthparts
Therefore the type of mouthpart is important to bug control. How?
a systemic pesticide that can be sucked up by the bug from a plant works great with piercing mouthpart bugs.

the same insecticide will NOT have any affect on insects with chewing mouthparts

You got to know your enemy.

So we need to know more than what kind of mouthparts they have.

what do we need to know?
scientific name = genus & species EX homo sapiens

Scientific names are allways ITALICIZED

Most problem bugs have common names!
bugs can be divided into about 30 major groups.

we will discuss a few plant feeding bugs & those that are beneficial in controlling plant pests.

why do we need this info?
it explains about their habitats ans biologies.

simple metamorphesis
chewing mouthparts
adults are winged

what about them?
grasshoppers overwinter in egg pods in the soil

nympths are small in spring but grow fast and explode early to mid summer. both nymphs and adult feed by cutting pieces of leaves & stems
grasshoppers have numerous host food plants, ag and horticultural commodities.

Mormon crickets are wingless relatives also have severe outbreaks under ...
good weather conditions.

simple metamorphosis
chewing mouthparts
winged adults

whats unusual about Earwigs?
Cerci (pincers) at tip of abdomen. Active at night
hide during the day
eat decaying matter but also
vegetable gardens
ornamental plantings
tree fruits
they are sometimes predacious (capture their food)

very small bugs 1/8" or less
they rasp surface of flowers stems buds leave & suck juice
where are Thrips a problem?
ag crops

simple metamorphesis
piercing / sucking mouthparts
winged adults w/ leathery looking area on front half of outer wings

what does true bug mean?

(stink bug squash bug Tarnished Plant bug)
True bugs pests b/c they feed on plant juices from leaves stems fruits seeds.
Characteristic plant injury:
mottled gray or yellow spots on foliage, deformed buds or fruit (cat-facing) loss of vitality wilting or death.
true bugs can tranmit disease

some true bugs are beneficial.
they feed on pest insects
damsel bugs minuite bugs big eyed bug assaain bugs
Aphids & Pshllids

aphids & psyllids are small, soft-bodied insects < 1/8". can even reproduce w/o mating.
populations may grow huge fast. Nymphs & adults feed?
puncturing tender plant parts and sucking plant sap

typical plant injury =
loss of plant vigor
stunted deformed buds & flowers
curled * puckered foliage
Aphids & psyllids make honeydew (undigested plant sugars) w/h attacts ants w/h then makes for mold & fungus.
they also transmit viral bacterial or other plant disease
Leafhoppers & Spittlebugs

simple metamorphesis
piercing moutparts
adults are winged
small to medium bug 1/8-1/2"
what do they eat?
don't know but can explode in population fast.

plant injury look for:
curled leaves
stunted or wilted stems
can transmit disease agents w/ cause yellows stunts curlytop.
some inject toxins into plants causing a browing of leaves called hopper burn
Spittlebugs form small masses of spittle (spit) common on plant stems in spring and early summer. can cause real real damage but may be an aethetic problem ...
in horticultural or landscape plantings

simple metanorphosis
piercing & sucking mouthparts
usually wingless & sedentary

Scales are small oval bugs look like ?
bits or wax wool or plant buds

aphidlike bugs covered w/ wax

soft bodied scales covered w/ white powder or cottonlike fibers.

what does a scale look like?
barnicles or round things

newly hatched scales are crawlers

The crawler is the most destructive stage of a Scales. When they quit wandering and find a place to settle and feed, it produces a wax armorlike covering that protects it. Both Mealybugs and Scales suck plant juice.

simple metamorphosis
piercing sucking mouthparts
delicate powdery wings

small bugs found where
undersides of leaves

problem in greenhouses and indoor house plants

you disturb a plant & whiteflies flutter around like snowflakes. they cause plant wilting
Moths & Butterflies

complex metamorphesis
chewing mouthparts as larvae
sucking mouthparts adults
2 pair large colorful wings

Larvae or catepillers feed on plants by ...
cutting or tearing leaves stems plant parts. Injury is bad. Adults don't harm plants but drink nectar. Gypsy moth tent catepillers cutworms

complex metamorphesis
chewing mouths adults & larvae
hardened wings cover delicate ...

Beetles are the biggest group of insects. Change from grubs or wormlike larvae to adults. Both larvae and adults eat plants but larvae do the most damage. Some beetles are beneficial feed on aphids etc

complex metamorphesis
lots of various mouthparts including SPONGING
one pr wings in adults

what also is in this group of bugs?
house flies
horse & deer flies
apple maggots

its the larvae that do the most damage called maggots

some are good b/c they eat aphids

social animals
complex metamorphesis
chewing mouthparts
only winged ones reproduce

most destructive bug AND ...
beneficial bug too.

EXtremly difficult to control, $$$ damage but also feed on descructive insects.

complex metamorphesis
chewing mouths tongue like structure
4 membrane wings

what do bees do?
pollinate for seed crops
considered a domesticated bug

These are beneficial bugs

comples metamorphesis
chewing mouthparts
4 membrane wings

wasplike apearence
what do larvae look like?

complex metamorphesis
chewing mouths
adults 4 wings

whats big about this bug?
one of the most beneficial bugs b/c they kill pests

they lay eggs inside pest larvae w/h kills them


all spiders are toxic (used t subdue prey)

what bugs are in this group?
mites spiders ticks

some of these bugs are beneficial

this group has 2 body parts what are they
4 pairs of legs
NO antennae
mostly beneficial (eat bugs)

tiny sucking mouthparts
what do they eat?
they attack plants or animals
spider mites make webs over buds & b/t leaves
Mites attack all types of ag & horticultural plants

Some mites beneficial eat plant eating mites. predatory mites beneficial in orchards

live in damp organic soils

where are they a problem?
greenhouses eat plant roots

whats the most important thing concerning insect damage?
accurate & timely dectection of insect problem

we need to recognize 'abnormal' plants & pest damage for effective management. what 2 things are we looking for during a check?
1) presence of pests
2) symptoms & signs of their damage
bugs w/ chewing mouths actually eat the whole plant or portions.
what does their damage look like?
notched / ragged leaves
holes in fruits or seeds
damage to stems

Harder to catch are:
weakened root systems
wilted or dead plants are very difficult to interpret.

symtoms of their feeding gets confused w/ other pest problems like plant disease agents.
we confuse symptoms like:
yellow leaves
wilted leaves
dead plants
weakened root systems why?
they could be from cultural practices and not bugs. any number of problems. Call coop office for help.

usually damage is obvious from chewing mouthparts. parts of the plant are chewed away or whole leaf is gone. what is a DEFOLIATOR?
Defoliators occur on the host plant. cutworms and earwigs feed at night and hide beneath soil or duff in day.
what are examples of Defoliators?
beetle adults and larvae
moth / butterfly larvae

bugs can feed inside a plant!
leaves stems seeds fruits!

what kind of bug does this?

they mine b/t layers of a leaf
bore thru bark
live just under bark

others bore thru large branches or small stems
if untreated this can cause BIG damage

aphids leafhoppers plant bugs whiteflies scales suck juices.

Large numbers of these bugs hurt a plant how?
making the plant invest allot of energy replacing its sap.

curled leaves
stunted leaves and stems
wilt from blocked water conducting tissue
dead areas from toxins

along w/ bugs just eating a plant what else can they do?
move infection from one plant to another, plant pathogens

aphids & leafhoppers are big time disease vectors.

aphids shit honeydew which is an excellent enviro for black sooty mold fungi & its ugly looking
SUBterranean FEEDERS

lots of bugs eat underground
and hard to detect. eat roots. usually don't know until its too late. how can you detect this?
dead spots in lawn
goosenecking in corn
plants w/ poor color or vigor

Think beetle grubs
weevil larvae
fly larvae

plants react to insect attack many ways.

pine trees bleed sap meant to cover the bugs make it stop boring! some plants produce whats called GALL. what is gall?
rounded shaped plant growths from insect attack. Galls don't hurt plant but look bad, think mites and fly larvae

you messing around can uncover yet another problem. what is this about?
this development may follow use of pesticides or cultural practices.

2nd ary pest species, kept at low levels by natural bugs etc explode when a general purpose control method destroyed the beneficial insects

lots of things keep pests in check.

weather conditions
natural enemies

So what?
we can't do anything about weather but predict pest problems and time to do something about it.
Temps have greatest weather effect on bug activity, rate they grow, reproduce.

cold blooded animals need heat source. they respond fast to changes in soil or air temps.

what is temp thresholds?
when bugs are active b/t certain temps. 40 - 90 F.

temp controls bug development from egg to maturity

more temp goes up, more the bug development.

each time temp hits a threshold, the bug will do something developmently!

OR a bug development will occur when the temp reaches a low warm tem. eventually the temp accumilates, insect development completes.

Accumulated heat is called
'degree days'

monitoring degree days offers critical data for pest mang strategy when critically timed pesticide apps are involved.

DEGREE DAYS = accumulated heat
severe weather can reduce pest pops.

harsh winters can devastate overwintering bugs.
what else can do this?
a warm spring followed by a freeze can mess up bugs. Moisture is also a big deal with bug populations.

too little moisture in the soil or air kills

too much moisture brings mold fungus kills bugs too
Next to weather, preditors & parasites are next influencing pests.

What are these bugs called?
biological control organisms or agents
Biological control organisms are callded


Usually larger than prey
they eat 100s of soft bodied prey (aphids) during their lives

Parasites usually smaller than prey.

what are parasites called that eventually kill their hosts?


think tiny wasps that lay eggs in aphids etc. the aphids are then called MUMMIES
parasitic wasps are HOST SPECIFIC

only attack specific hosts

the ---------what the biological control organisms feeding range, the greater the benefit.
Parasitoids & Predators can be reared & made to supplement naturally occuring populations.

if you rely on natural control organisms as part of a management strategy, what?
protect and maintain these good organisms carefully.

Don't use broad sprectrum pesticides which kills everything

Instead try cultural practices like:
fence rows
eye brow preservation
support good pops of bio conrtrol organisms