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34 Cards in this Set

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What are the two types of buffer over flow types

•Stack (buffer) overflows

•Heap overflows

What is another related over flow type?

-Array Indexing errors

What is the Stack?


-AKA Call Stack

-and area of memoery allocated to a program

-holds data for active functions

What is a Stack Frame?

separate data stored for each program that relates to a function(Method)

Where does the stack memory start being allocated?

largest memory address of a program

Which direction does the stack grow?


what is the 4 parts of the stack frame

-Paramaeter Values

-Return Address

-Saved Frame Pointer

-Local Variable Values

What are the two types of Pointers of the Stack?

-Stack Pointer

-Frame Pointer

What is the Stack Pointer?

Pointer that always points to the top of the stack(lowest Address)

What is the Frame Pointer?

Pointer that points to the function(method) that is being executed inside the stack

What is one way of manipulating the Stack Frame to achieve harmful results

-Change the return address section of the stack frame to an evil program!

What are two real world examples of Stack overflow Exploits?

-SQL Slammer Worm

-SQL Server Vunerability

When is the Heap used?


Why should heap overruns be taken seriously(3)

-developers dont pay attention to them while coding

-no current tool to make heap overruns difficult

-no OS to have non-executable heaps

What are two Heap Overflow Examples(2)

-Graphics Device Interface(JPEG vunerability)

-IOS Jailbreaking

How does IOS Jailbreaking work?

Overflows the Heap to replace the O/S the Phone is running on

What two types of Bufferoverflow security is there



What is Buferoverflow Prevention(3)

-useing languages with bounds checking(JAVA)

-Use safe libraries

-Use safe functions

What is Buffer overflow Protection(3)


-Non executable Memory

-Address Space Layout Randomization(ASLR)

What Are 3 ways to prevennt Buffer Overflow

-Validate Input ALWAYS

-Safe String handling

-Use StrnCpy over STRCPY

What are 5 ways buffer overflow happens

-stack smashing

-pointer subterfuge

-Register attack

-Index out of range

-Heap overrun

What is stack smashing?

standard method of overflowing buffer to change functions return address

What is Pointer Subterfuge

overwriting local pointer so you can put data in a diff location

What is a register attack

Overwriting a stored value to later gain control ofa register

What is index out of range

manipulating an array index that is not range checked

What is Heap Overrun?

Getting the heap manager to do your evil bidding

Why is C so vulnerable to Heap overflow(3)

-Strings are represented as null terminated insted of bound pairs?

-We use Von Nueman Architectures that store code and data in the same memory

-Strings grow up and stacks grow down

What are some protection Mechanisms(4)

-Canary values on function Frames

-Point Gaurd(Encryption on pointers)

-Non executable memory(NEM)

-Address Space Layout Randomization(ASLR)

What is a canary Value

add special bytes between variables and if these special bytes arent returns, error!

What are the 3 types of canary types



-Random XOR

What is a Point Gaurd

Encrypting all pointers inside of memory

What is non executable memory

-Technique to exclusively allocate Memory to code or data

What is a type of hardware and software implementation(1 each)

H/W----IA-64 Processor

S/W------Data Execution prevention(DEP)

What is Address Space Layout Randomization(ASLR)

Technique to randomly assign locations of memory to code/data

-has a small performace penalty