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93 Cards in this Set

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# of Buddhists in the world today
350million - 4th biggest in world
Where does 98% live?
How many monks and nuns?
around 700,000
Asian states where Buddhism is majority.
Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Japan
Is Buddhism unique?
Buddhism has both similarities and differences to other religions we have studied.
Nirvana is similar to ______?
Moksha - Both are releases from ignorance
Ultimate goal of Buddhism is?
similar to Christianity & Hinduism...
How do Buddhists feel about Vedes?
Reject Vedes and most scriptures
Anatman - What's the definition?
no permanent soul or self or ego
Why do they believe there is no soul or self?
Focusing on ego (self) is selfish and produces me-first thoughts.
State of flux means...
Things are always changing
Buddhism deemphasizes _______ of self. Buddha said nothing when asked if there was self.
How did Buddha feel about social caste system?
he rejected it
Do Buddhisms acknowledge the suffering in the world?
Samsara in Buddhism.
ignorance keeps one in cycle of rebirth,
desire, aversion, delusion = keep cycle going;
What are 4 noble truths?
1. suffering (dukkha) exists
2. thirst or craving for suffering
3. cessation of suffering
4. path to cessation of Dukkha
1st Noble Truth (dukkha)
suffering exists - all elements in nature involve suffering but doesn't mean one should be miserable, be joyous!
3 kinds of dukkha
1. natural pain
2. produced by change
3. conditional reality of existance
2nd Noble Truth
this is ignorance of real nature of things, we see things as permanent, but they are not. ignorance binds us to the external world.
Thirst or craving for suffering produces...
neurosis, anger, frustration, - because in reality things are always changing
3rd Noble Truth (_______of suffering)
cessation; existance in ignorance = suffering,

this can only stop when thirst is met by wisdom - get off ego trip
Nirvana means ...
extinction = freedom from, is beyond reasoning,
Nirvana is a ________, not a state
Nirvana is freedom from: (3 things)
1. passionate attachment to reality, persons, and things
2. anger
3. ignorance

also freedom to act and be real
The blissful/happiest life is one that has....
attained nirvana in lifetime.
4th Noble Truth: Path to Cessation of _____
Dukkha; buddhists path to 'enlightenment' - called the middle path because it avoids extremes, no asceticism or indulgence
Noble Eightfold Path is a list of...
8 things that need to be done each day - actions of body, speech, and mind
List of Noble Eightfold Path...
1. right understanding (knowledge/learning)
2. right thought (intentions)
3. right speech (not saying bad)
4. right conduct (preserve life, no stealing, lying, etc)
5. right livelihood (good job)
6. right effort (work hard, try your best)
7. right contemplation or mindfulness (calm/rational/aware)
8. right concentration (meditation)
3 essentials of Buddhist training and discipline
1. ethical conduct
2. mental discipline
3. wisdom
#1 - ethical conduct
(universal love and compassion) noble eightfold path #s 3,4,5
#2 - mental discipline
(effort, mindfulness, concentration) noble eightfold path #s 6,7,8
#3 - wisdom
(understanding & thought) noble eightfold path #s 1,2
Buddha's lived from
563-483BC - human being, no divinity: but has similar birth story to Jesus
Siddartha Gotma was born a prince in modern day Nepal
aka Buddha
Buddha was very sheltered until when... what did he see?
29 - chariot ride - saw sick man, old sufferening, dead man, serene calm monk
Buddha after seeing suffering becomes...
a monk (ascetic) for 6 yrs.
Then buddha realizes that asceticism is not the answer.
he ditches asceticim and begins to eat and drink again.
While sitting under a fig tree, he faces 3 tempations under mara (Lord of death)
1. seductive women
2. attacking demons
3. promises concerning his family and wealth
Buddha refuses all three and after deep meditition he attains illumination.
Becomes Buddha or Enlightened One
Buddha spends life teaching/preaching..
tolerance and understanding, his message is neither religion nor philosophy, and he is careful to honor other religion
Buddha died b/c he ate a ...
poisonous mushroom
"State of nirvana with remainder"
state of living - nirvana
After death buddha entered nirvana ______
without remainder
Buddhas teachings were trasmitted orally for ____
400 years
Texts were written around 100BC - but Buddha wrote nothing
his followers memorized his teaching
Golden Age of Buddhism - who was king?
King Ashokas reign; converted to Buddhism and conquered much of modern India - which spread Buddhism
Who was the king who took Buddhism from monestary to mainstream.
King Kanishka (79-149ad); he also accepted other faiths
After Buddha's death...Buddhism became
ascetic until established in N. India.
3 branches of Buddhism
1. Mahayana Buddhism
2. Theraveda Buddhism
3. Zen Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism arose where?
Southern India - spread through central Asia then east into China.
In what countries does Mahayana Buddhism dominate today??
Japan, korea, and vietnam
Mahayana means =
great vehicle (appealed to masses)
New texts and ways of thinking were used in...
Mahayana Buddhism
Buddha's original teachings were popularized in this type of buddhism? ____
Mahayana Buddhism
What type of Buddhism added new elements of faith (asceicism) and more emphasis on mysticism and devotion...
Mahayana Buddhism
Did Mahayana buddhists believe in socail caste system?
No, they believed that salvation (aka Nirvana) is for all.
who is the Bodhisattva -
super being who has rid himself of all personal desires but is waiting for all to be saved
The worship and exaltation of ______ was emphasized by the Mahayana Buddhists.
In order to become a Bodhisattva one must...
*Must understand Buddha's teachings on Karma and rebirth
*"buddha in the making"
*No selfish intentions
*Take on the suffering of other via wisdom
*compassion for the whole world
Focus on Universal _______, not personal _______
enlightenment, goals
Buddha has 3 existances...
1) heavenly body
2) earthly body
3) absolute essence of the universe
Mahayan Buddhism opened the door for masses b/c...
texts were easier to read...it wasn't just for the educated.
2 Key Results of Mah. Buddhism:
1) non-reality of objects - people began to see that external, material things are bogus
2) great personal compassion - social caste system gone; love one another is central message of Buddha, wants you to attain nirvana
Theraveda Buddhism means
"teaching of the elders"
Theraveda is an older and more monastic version based upon monks
monks are important in this type of buddhism
Theraveda Buddhism focuses on solidarity and is more ____
personal, meditation, no deification of the buddha. he is still important by revered as a human. some texts are unaccepted
How many monks are in SE asia?
over 500,000
What are some things monks do?
beg for alms, offer spiritual guidance, chant blessings, meditation
Major type of buddhism in what counties?
Sri Lanka, Thailand
Merit - making ritual
good actions produce good karma
Tantric Buddhism
represent the final phase of Indian Buddhism - still prominant today in Tibet, India, China, and Japan.
Tantric Buddhism philosophy is based on....
Upanishads and on other texts called tantras ("looms") as fabric of teaching
Looms are....
tantras/ texts used as a fabric of teaching - in tantric buddhism
3Ms are...
1) mandalas
Mandalas are...
represent the entire universe.
a person focuses into the mandala and focuses themselves into a new level of consciousness;
Goal of Mandala is ...
visualize into a divine image
Mudra is
symbolic hand gestures, can be used to invoke spirits
Mantras are
chanting formulas used to focus and bring prosperity
Tantric buddhism emphasizes meditiation through....
Key syllable
ZEN Buddhism blends
Mahayana and Taoism forms
what could be considered the newest form of buddhism?
Where did Zen Buddhism arise?
China - Chan Buddhsim
spread to Japan and became Zen (1200s ad)
What does Zen stand for?
Which type of Buddhism acquires enlightenment through hard work?
Zen (self-power)
Which type of Buddhism was the first to gain large followings in N. America?
Does Zen Buddhism emphasize scriptures or meditation more?
Meditation of Zen Buddhism focuses on seeing into...
one's own nature
What type of meditation is popular in Zen?
solo meditiation
Group meditation is also practiced at
schools of thought
Japanese Zen means that you are buddha by
just by sitting
What type of meditiation leads to an immediate experience?
JApanese Zen
Goals of Zen Buddhism are to be
aware of what you're doing
focus on improving your inner self
goal to make life better by dwelling/meditating