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24 Cards in this Set

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How many Buddhists are in the world?
300 million
Buddhism is the ____ largest religion.
Where are most Buddhists located?
Asia and Far East
Europe and US
What are the 3 primary purposes of Buddhism?
-Lead a moral life
-Be mindful and aware of thoughts
-Develop wisdom and understanding
Siddhartha Guatama: early life
-Born in Nepal
-Brought up in luxury in Kshatryia class
-Mother died 7 days after birth
-Married at 16 and had son
-At 29, became aware of human suffering. He left home and searched for a solution.
What are the 4 visions Siddhartha Guatama had in his search for truth?
-Old man leaning on a staff
-Sick man urinating on himself
-Human corpse being carried to a funeral
-Calm monk with clean-shaven head and yellow robes
Great Renunciation
-Siddhartha Guatama sat cross-legged at the foot of a Bodhi tree ("tree of knowledge")
-He encountered Mara, the personification of evil
-He resisted temptation from Mara and reached enlightenment at age 35
What were the 3 temptations of Mara?
-Siddhartha's cousin had revolted at home, stolen his wife, and imprisoned his father
-Parade of sensuous dancers
-Demons to scare him
-Community of believers
-No Hindu caste system-Siddhartha found 5 friends to be his disciples
-Lasted 45 years until Guatama's death
-Most basic and oldest sacred Buddhist text
-"Three baskets"
-Collection of 3 different disciplines
What are 2 main beliefs of Buddhism?
-Denial of the existance of a creator god; polytheistic
-Denial of individual soul; ego
How did Buddha pass his teachings down?
4 Noble Truths
-All of life is suffering (Dukkha)
-Suffering comes from desire (Tahna)
-The elimination of desire brings the elimination of suffering.
-Middle Way is the way to eliminate desire
Middle Way
Avoid extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification
Noble 8 Fold Path
-Right understanding
-Right intention
-Right speech
-Right conduct
-Right occupation
-Right endeavor
-Right contemplation
-Right concentration
-End of desire
5 Precepts
-Do not harm any living thing
-Do not steal; take only what is given
-Avoid over-stimulation
-Do not say unkind words
-Do not use alcohol or drugs
What are the 2 branches of Buddhism?
-"Doctrine of elders"
-Individual is responsible for their own salvation
-No gods bring enlightenment
-Most popular branch of Buddhism
-Helped by bodhisattva, a spiritually wise being
-2 types
What are the 2 branches of Mahayana Buddhism?
Tibetan Buddhism
-Led by Dalai Lama
-Lama's spirit moves from one body to another
-New Lama must pick out 4 itmes from previous Lama
-There have been 14 Dalai Lamas
Zen Buddhism
-Experience alone leads to truth
-No scripture, leader, etc.
-Popular in Chian
-Martial arts, gardening, etc.
-During Buddha’s life, he and his friends would meet every rainy season for a retreat
-This place eventually became a permanent monastery
-From this monastery, Buddhists would sent out missionaries to spread the word of Buddhism and begin new monasteries