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21 Cards in this Set

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Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

- Measureof your ability to workwith andadapt to members of other cultures.


- Sharedvalues, norms, rules, andbehaviors ofan identifiable group of people who share a common history and communicationsystem.

- Can be within country, organization, team

Characteristics of high CQ

- Respect, recognize, appreciate cultural differences

- Possess curiosity and interest in other cultures

- Avoid Inappropriate stereotypes

- Adjust conceptions of time and show patience

- Manage language differences to achieve shared meanings

- Understand cultural dimensions

- Establish trust and show empathy across cultures

- Approach with learner mindset

- Build co-culture of cooperation and innovation

Respect, Recognize, Appreciate Cultural Differences

- Built on viewing other cultures as holding legitimate and valid views of and approaches managing business and workplace relationships

Be curious about other cultures

1) Studyabroad

2) Learna language

3) Developfriendships withinternational students on your campus

4) Takean interest in culture androutinely learn about it

Take an Interest in a Culture andRoutinely Learn About It

1) Watchfilms, television, documentaries, news, and other video of the culture

2) Followthe business culture of a country

3) Takecourses and attend events related to particular cultures

4) Makefriends with people who live in other cultures and communicate online

Avoid inappropriate stereotypes

Projected cognitive similarity: tendencyto assume others have the same norms and values as your own cultural group

Outgroup Homogeneity Effect: Tendencyto think members of other groups are all the same

Adjust Conceptions of Time

- People with high CQ show patience

- They understand if takes long time to work across different cultures

Manage Language Differences

•Avoidquickly judging that others have limited communication proficiency

•Articulateclearly and slow down

•Avoidslang and jargon

•Giveothers time to express themselves

•Useinterpreters as necessary

Cultural Dimensions

- fairlypermanentand enduring sets of related norms and values


- Individualism vs Collectivism

- Egalitarianism vs Hierarchy

- Assertiveness

- Performance Orientation

- Future Orientation

- Humane Orientation

- Uncertainty Avoidance

Gender Egalitarianism


- A mind-setthat prioritizes independence more highly than interdependence,emphasizing individual goals over group goals, and valuing choicemore thanobligation


- mind-setthat prioritizes interdependence more highly than independence, emphasizinggroup goals over individual goals, and valuing obligation more than choice


- Peopletend todistribute and share power evenly, minimize status differences, and minimizespecial privilegesand opportunities for people just because they have higher authority


- peopleexpect power differences, follow leaders without questioning them, and feelcomfortable with leaders receiving special privileges and opportunities

Performance Orientation (High vs. Low)

- extentto which a community encourages and rewards innovation,high standards, and performance improvement

Future Orientation

- involvesthedegree to which cultures are willing to sacrifice current wantsto achieve future needs.

Assertiveness (High vs. Low)

- dealswiththe level of confrontation and directness that is considered appropriate andproductive

Humane Orientation (High vs. Low)

- the degreeto which an organization or society encourages and rewardsindividuals for being fair, altruistic, friendly, generous, caring, andkind

Uncertainty Avoidance (High vs. Low)

- referstohow cultures socialize members to feel in uncertain,novel, surprising, or extraordinary situations.

Gender Egalitarianism

- dealswiththe division of roles between men and women in society

Building and Maintaining Cross-Culture Work Relationships

- EstablishTrust and Show Empathy

- Adopta Learner Mind-set

- Builda Co-Culture of Cooperation and Innovation