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14 Cards in this Set

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Define social casework.

According to Mary Richmond (1915), it is "the art of doing different things for and with different people by cooperating with them to achieve at one and the same time their own and society's betterment."

Meaning of social casework. (ADICE)

1. Assess and identify individual and family strengths and needs.

2. Develop a case plan.

3. Implement the case plan.

4. Coordinate and monitor.

5. Evaluate client progress.

Purpose of casework.

1. To provide professional help to person with problem.

2. To enable the client to enjoy with some degree of permanency, more satisfying and acceptable experiences in his environment.

3. To enable the client to face present problems.

4. To prepare the client to face future challenges.

5. To promote the welfare of the individual in the interest of society.

Objectives of social casework.

1. Understand and solve internal problems of individual.

2. To strengthen ego mechanism of individual.

3. Remediation of problems in social functioning.

4. Prevention of problems in social functioning.

5. Development of resources to enhance social functioning.

6. To create a good rapport with the common people.

Relate the history of social casework.

1. Earliest charity work was based on determination of worthiness.

2. 1348 - Black Death in Europe killed affected 1/3 of Europe's population.

3. 1531 - Statute of Henry VIII

4. 1536 - Monasteries closed and increased beggary.

5. 1558 - Queen Elizabeth I comes into power.

6. 1601 - Elizabeth poor law - impotent poor, able-bodied poor, and dependent children.

7. 1843 - AICP started.

8. 1869, 1877 - COS Movement in UK and USA.

9. 1913 - Community Chest.

10. End of 19th century - "casework" coined in national conference.

11. 1917 - Social Diagnosis published.

12. 1936 - Sir Dorabji Tata Graduate School of Social Work started in India.

13. 1944 - renamed as TISS.

Basic assumption of social casework.

1. Individual and society are interdependent.

2. Multiplicity of operative factors.

3. Psychosocial problems.

4. SCW enables individual to overcome problems.

5. SCW provides equal rights to all.

Philosophical assumption of social casework.

1. Dignity

2. Self-determination

3. Problem-solving process

4. Based on needs

5. Problems of varied nature

Approaches to social casework.

1. Remedial casework

2. Preventive casework

3. Promotive casework

4. Developmental casework.

Values of social casework.

1. Inherent worth and dignity.

2. Right to self-determination.

3. Every individual is the prime concern of society and has potential for and right to growth.

4. Individual has to contribute to society's development.

5. Individual and society are interdependent.

6. Basic human needs have to be met by services.

Principles of social casework.

1. Individualization

2. Acceptance

3. Purposeful expression of feelings.

4. Controlled emotional involvement.

5. Non-judgmental attitude.

6. Self-determination

7. Confidentiality

Components of social casework.

1. Person

2. Problem

3. Place

4. Place

Characteristics of client-worker relationship.

1. Interaction of people with common interest through feelings.

2. Elements of acceptance, expectation, support, and stimulation.

3. Conscious purposiveness.

4. Professional competence.

5. Therapeutic values.

6. Relationship needs and difficulties.

7. Management of relationship reactions.

Components of client-worker relationship.

1. Accurate empathy.

2. Non-possessive warmth.

3. Unconditional positive regard.

4. Congruence

5. Authenticity and genuineness

Skills in building relationship and empathy.

1. Respect the client

2. Accept the client

3. Non-judgmental attitude.