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21 Cards in this Set

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What does John focus on in his Gospel
the divine side of Jesus
Who was the Gospel of John written for?
Jewish christians thrown out of the Jewish religion after the Roman Revolt
Where did the thrown out Christians move on to
What is John's main focus in his Gospel
What are the two reasons John focuses on Theology
to combat false ideas about Jesus' humanity and divinity and to combat persons who suggested that John the Baptist was greater than Jesus
When was John's gospel composed
90-100 AD
What is the symbol of John's gospel
the eagle
What are the two major sources for John
a collection of miracle stories with a discourse attached to each one and a new version of the passion and resurrection
Who is the true author of John
the true author is unknown
Who was originally thought to have written the Gospel of John
John the beloved disciple
Name and explain 3 of the 6 background points discussed in class by John's gospel
Three background points for the Gospel of John are that it was written for Jewish Christians thrown out of the Jewish faith after the Roman revolt, John's main focus is theology. Also that the author of John's gospel is unknown
Describe what a sign is in the Gospel of John. How many of them are there and why that number is significant? Pick two of these signs and explain them fully
To John, a sign is always a miracle. There are seven of these signs because seven is the number of spiritual perfection. One of the seven signs are The cure of the Official's son. The power of Jesus' words were enough to heal the boy. This is stressing Jesus' divinity. Another sign is the cure of the Paralytic at the pool. By doing this, Jesus claims to have equality with God which ,akes the religious authorities of the jewish religion upset.
What are 3 things that all 4 evangelests agree on about the resurrection
Three things that all four evangelests agree on about Jesus' resurrection are that it takes place early in the morning, the women were the first to arrive at the tomb, and that the stone guarding the tomb was rolled away and the tomb was empty
What is the paschal mystery? what is its significant about the last supper discourse and resurrection as told in the Gospel of John.
The Pascal Mystery is the death and resurrection of Jesus. The Last Supper discourse occurs a day earlier because that is when the lamb is slain for Passover. Jesus in this case is symbollically the lamb. Here, Jesus stressses staying attached to him and teachings are essential for salvation. We learn that Jesus’ claims to be God’s Son is true. Jesus’ death and Ressurection accomplished salvation. Jesus’ Resurrection gives us the possiblity of new life. If we are open to Jesus’ message, we too shall rise on the last day. Lastly, without the Resurrection, our faith is vain.
Define ascending and descending Cristology, which one is better and why?
Descending cristology is high cristology taking about the divinity of Jesus. Ascending Cristology is focusing on Jesus' humanity. Neither is better because they are both necessary for Jesus to be who he is
Does John have an infancy narrative
How many books are in John
What is the book of Signs
seven miracle stories with their discourses
What is the book of Glory
Jesus' last supper, death, and resurrectrion
What are the major conflicts in chapter 1 of John
Light vs Darkness
Faith vs Unbelief
Truth vs Untruth
What is the first miracle Jesus preforms
the turning of the water into wine