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126 Cards in this Set

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Name two countries immigrants in NYC originated in the 1890's whose culture helped contribute to the creation of the musical.
Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Russia
What is a revue?
Multi and popular show that combines music, dance, sketches-unrelated
What year did Black Crook premiere?
How did Black Crook become a musical?
French Dance Troupe
What class bracket did Flo Ziegfled come from?
High brow German immigrants
ziegfeld follies were based on what european traditions?
Follies Bergere
Name two components of Ziegfeld follies?
tableu, chorus lines, beautiful american girls
Ziegfeld died in?
Who were the two most unusual people Ziegfeld hired for the follies? Why were they so unusual?
Fanny Bryce- not typical show girl
Burt Williams- An african American
Bert William was a part of what black vaudevill circuit comedy duo?
Walker + Williams
What is a minstrel show?
Black face revue usually done by white peple and "coon songs"
What year did In Dahomey premiere on broadway
What was special about in DAhomey
all black production on broadway cast, writers ,producers
What year did bert williams join Dahomey?
Who were Harrigan and HArt? What yera did they start in? how long did they perform for?
Irish slapstick comedians 1878, 12 years
What is a burlesque comedy?
satirical physical comedy
Why was piano important in the home life?
popular form of entertainment
What was irving berlin's real name?
Israel Baline
What was significant about Alexander's ragtime band?
made ragtime safe
Name two types of song Irving berlin wrote
Ragtime, Vaudeville, yiddish,broadway, black songs
Name two shows with music done by Irving Berlin
Call me madame, White Christmas
What was tin pan alley?
Street in NYC w music publishing houses- constant noise
Who started the 1919 strike
what two groups joind the strike
musicians, stage hands
how long did it last for?
1 month
What modern day union came out of the strike? Who do the represent?
Actors Equity Union, Actors, Stage managers
Name two things gained by the strike, aside from the union
better wages, limited hours
What was buck and wing dancing
Flat footed
WHo broke the tradition of buck and wing dancing?
Bil bojangles robinson
How old was Bil Bojangles Robinson when he first danced for a white audience?
Name two shows with music done by Irving Berlin
Call me madame, White Christmas
What was tin pan alley?
Street in NYC w music publishing houses- constant noise
Who started the 1919 strike
what two groups joind the strike
musicians, stage hands
how long did it last for?
1 month
What modern day union came out of the strike? Who do the represent?
Actors Equity Union, Actors, Stage managers
Name two things gained by the strike, aside from the union
better wages, limited hours
What was buck and wing dancing
Flat footed
WHo broke the tradition of buck and wing dancing?
Bil bojangles robinson
How old was Bil Bojangles Robinson when he first danced for a white audience?
what part of nyc did the immigrant communities gravitate towards?
lower east side
What art school did Ziegfeld father help found?
Chicago musical college academy?
When Ziegfeld ran away from home what did he do?
Where was the classical yiddish theater in the late 19th and 20th century
2nd avenue
Who starred in watch your step?
Vernan and Irene Castlre
Who coined the word copacetic
Bill Bojangles Robinson
What was the name of the black revue for white audiences produced by lew leslie in 1928
Black birds of 1928
green grow the lilacs
West side story
Romeo and Juliet
Kiss me kate
Tales of south pacific
the king and I
Anna and the king of Siam
South Pacific
Tales of the south pacific
Porgy and Bess
What is the name of the ship
The cotton blossom
What river does it travel up and down
WHat kind of a boat is it?
Name two serious themes in show boat
Racism, Alcoholism
What was special about showboats cast?
integrated black and white
what was the time span covered by show boat
What to know about exotoxins released by Shigella
Shiga toxin (also produced by E.coli 0157:H7).

Cleaves host cell rRNA (60S). Also enhances cytokine release causing hemolytic uremic syndrome.
What names did they go by professionally
George and Ira Gershwin
Who wrote lyrics
Who wrote music
A sing plugger did what?
play music for prospectice for buyers to publish
What song by George was interpolated into a revue by al joson
Who produced the revues titled Scandals, that george had songs in?
George white
What was the name of George and Ira's first musical on Broadway?
Lady be good
WHen did the stock markets crash
Oct 29, 1929
Who were the writers for OF THEE I SING
george s kaufmann and Morrie Ryskind
What was OF THEE I SING the first of
first satirical, 2 act music on broadway
What song caused George to become an overnight sensation when it was performed in the 1924 concert an experiment in modern music?
Rhapsody in blue
What lost Flo Ziegfeld all his money
great depression
the person or persons that choose which musical to support and put onstage
musical director
In charge of orchestr. Can see both the performers and the orchestra, conducor
Stage manager
A theater needs custodians, bar keepers, box office staff, souvenir sales staff, stage door attendants and on and on.
In charge of rehearsals, scheduling, script changes, actors calls, staging changes, getting info to designers, shops
company manager
person who is delefated to one production
investors in charge of publicity
Casting director
goes to everything? has an encycolpedic memory of every actor/performer
House manger
person in charge of running the new company's business
individuals who put up the money to produce the show
general manger
the person or persons that choose which musical to support and put onstage
voted most entertaining as an undergrad at yale. two musical numbers composed by porter are
let's do it, too darn hot
He had a dry spell until 1948 when he worked on
kiss me kate
porter continued to work despite being permanently disabled
horse riding accident
Oscar hammerstein wro lyrics for 1924 opperetta
rose marie
hammerstein fought to keep the musical number
you've got to be carefully taught-preachy, dealing w/ material sensitive to time
what part is written for paul robeson in show boat
Which government agency had file on him
WHat made hime quit his job
racist secretary-didn't take order
Jerome Kern and what affiliation with what theater
princess theater
collaborated on what musical whit oscar hammerstein? what songs did he write
showboat(can't help loving that man)
stephen soundheim wrote lyrics for what musical
west side story
Name two musicals written by soundheim
sweeny todd, assasins
he was president of?
dramatis guild
based on the book porgy, by author
dubose Hayward
Why did Gershwin turn down Porgy and Bess
wanted in to be on broadway
what was unusual abou his casting choices
all black cast
who was rodgers first partner
How long were rogers and hart a team
19 years
Where did rogers and hart both go to school
Name two of rodgers and harts shows
dumbo, i'd rather be right
What was rogers and hammerstein's first show together
Name two other musical besides Oklahoma Rogers and hart wrote tohether
South pacific, king and I
What was the last musical Rodgers and Hart wrote together
By jupiter
What was Oklahoma originally going be titled
Away we go
How was Hammerstein's death honored on broadway
turned off lights @ 9pm
what musical won the 2003 tony award for best musical
Avenue Q
What musical did everyone think was going to win the Tony for Best musical
What was the name of the musical based on Boy George
who wrote caroline or change
tony kushner
what pulitzer wnning play did this person write
Angels in america
Who wrote Taboo
Rosy O'donnel
WHo starred in Caroline or Change
Tanya Pinkins
WHat did the creators of Avenue Q originally want it to be
Tv show
WHo had original idea of West Side story
Jermoe Robins
Who wrote the lyrics
Soundheim and Bernstein
who wrote the music
What other musical did leonard bernstein write music for while working on wss
who was stephen soundheim's mentor at the time of WESt Side Stroy
WHy was stephen soundheim intitally hesistant about working with Bernstein
Wanted to write music and lyrics
How long was the rehearsal period
8 weeks
A childrens tragedy wriiten by
Frank Wedekind
name 3 contrversial tropic
rape, abortion, teen sex
What major award did this musical win in 2006
best musical
what is unusual about the musical numbers in the show
characters don't sing to eachother, rock music